I don't see anyone not being "classy". We certainly missed our own opportunities. Personally, I don't see any point in talking about pitching depth. For next year... yes. For this postseason... no way. Jordan was outstanding from wire to wire. When you're in the supers, you cannot get those "slapper out of the box" calls. You have exactly "none" all year... and they miraculously appear in a super? First, they were not making contact out of the box. Second, unless it's grossly obvious, the ump cannot see it. It was BS and should not have been called. In close contests, in regionals and beyond, an ump doesn't create his own interpretation. I hope it gets reviewed and he gets dressed down.
I'm not as upset about his strike zone. It sucked... but he was consistent. Jordan doesn't work the ball inside out. and Michigan did. That ump sees anything moving from in to out as a strike.