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Thread: IBM Manipulates Atoms to Create the 'World's Smallest Movie'

  1. Default IBM Manipulates Atoms to Create the 'World's Smallest Movie'

    Actors have a saying: There are no small roles. IBM is seriously challenging that expression, however, now that it's created a short film where the actors are actually individual atoms. A Boy and His Atom would be just like any number of unremarkable animated shorts were it not for the fact that it ...

  2. This is a GREAT IDEA IBM precisely places atoms to create the world’s smallest movie

    IBM has today announced it holds a new Guinness world record for the world’s smallest movie, and I’m sure it’s one the company will hold for a very long time because the movie…

  3. Default IBM Releases "A Boy and His Atom," Guinness World Record World's Smallest Movie

    Bored nerds create some of the most entertaining and amazing stuff out there, but when those nerds are nanophysicists, they screw around with things at the atomic level. And when those nanophysicists work for IBM, they get paid to make things like the world’s smallest movie. If you don’t catch what’s happening in this one-minute...

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