Ginger Larkins has blown virtual competitors out of the water while playing video games much of her life.

But as a 19-year-old just starting at UL, Larkins is well on her way to having a resume that's overflowing with experience in video game design, animation and mentoring experience.

A three-year veteran of GameCamp! held this week in Lafayette, Larkins is a counselor of sorts who helped 34 eager teens fine-tune their interest in the video game industry.

"You have to have played a lot of games to know what's out there, what can be done better, and so many of the best (gaming) ideas have come from kids," she said.

The camp has evolved from just a fun, game-playing camp in the past two years to a more intense skills camp this year, focused on design and animation skills, and advice from industry veterans on how to break into the competitive job market.

Nonprofit organization 3D-Squared puts on the college prep summer program, bringing Austin industry professionals to train young talent in Louisiana.

Held at CyborLAN gaming center on Arnould Boulevard, GameCamp! may be a major boon to Lafayette's budding reputation as a gaming and animation center of Louisiana.

Both the LITE Center and the new video game design sequence of UL's respected computer science program should make this city a focal point for young talent and video game design companies.

The rest of the story

Bob Moser