Heard the bad news y'all, read the first post and know this, Silvey would have made UL a winner.
Heard the bad news y'all, read the first post and know this, Silvey would have made UL a winner.
All of this infighting and anger are the fault of Martin Hall. Focus your venom on them. Find a way and focus your venom on them. It is their fault. They are probably enjoying themselves, as usual, just as we speak. Focus your venom on them. They are at fault. No one can do anything whatsoever about Cajun athletics but them.
Can you imagine how much loyalty has been given to this school over the years... you very likely have no clue. But, these pompous know-it-alls flounder around and keep us at the lowest of the lows. We never get to enjoy the pride that others do. They have disconnected our alumni, and left us with empty, hollow hopes.
Martin Hall has failed all of us for decades and nothing appears to be any different. Focus your venom on them, not on each other.
Wait! Let me get this straight.... This man has 28 national championships under his belt, and this university's administration actually had the audacity to disagree with this man about how to get a program on back on track? Hello? Oh yes, Doc A and the rest of his cronies high up have done such a great job in the past...why shouldn't they call all the shots. I swear...sometimes... I think.... I believe... that we actually have administrators trying to sabotage this program from the inside.
I could told Coach Silvey the day he started that he would not be getting much support financially or otherwise from the athletic department. When I was there, we always raised our own funds (budget), except for scholarships. We always had a no lose attitude no matter who we were up against, and past titles and champions will attest to that. There was only two other teams, I admired and that was baseball and softball. Football and Basketball were never in the equation. I think over the years the athletic department have developed a loser attitude.
I am curious to see what kind of spin UL administrators will put on their damage control to justify actions or inactions in this matter. It is tough enough to be a Cajun supporter because we lose so much in everything. Then, when something like this happens just when we though everything was on the upswing, it really brings things back into perspective of what the last 30 years of UL athletics has been like. Is it any wonder why we have quite possibly the worse athletic program in the worse 1A conference in the country?
They won't have to put any spin on it because no one in the locla media will hold their feet to the fire on this or any of their other failures. Look at the Baldwin issue. The local media has never raised the question about the stupidity of his hire in the first place.
My depression is quickly developing into apathy...
It sucks to be a cajun fan these days (and all days before that apparently)
Word I've received from a very credible source is that the administration disagreed with Silvey wanted to pull the scholarship of an athlete who was nothing but a cancer for the team.
However, the "smarter visionaries" in Martin Hall felt it was more important to keep wasting the scholarship on a punk athlete so their APR rating wouldn't take a hit. Silvey had already pulled scholarships from other slackers upon arriving, and I guess the university didn't care much for his discipline style.
It is nice to see the past turned into accolades, visible for all to see.
Geaux Cajuns
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