I have a few questions for you about your UNIVERSITY.
How many undergraduate degree programs does your UNIVERSITY offer?
How many post graduate degree programs does your UNIVERSITY offer?
What are the admission requirements to your UNIVERSITY?
How much does your UNVERSITY have in an ACADEMIC endowment?
How many accredited degree programs does your UNIVERSITY offer?
How many bound volumes does your LIBRARY have, and how many periodicals does it subscribe to?
How many research papers have the faculty at your UNIVERSITY published?
What is the size of the reasearch park at your UNVERSITY?
Is your UNIVERSITY on the LONI network?
How many of your 65 football players would be "Props" at a Division 1 University?
Has your UNIVERSITY been able to make the seating at the baseball park safe for occupancy or is it still condemned?
Please enlighten me on these aspects of your UNIVERSITY and the EDUCATION one might receive there.
You are right about pecking order, it IS the way it typically has been. It just a matter of what you want to peck first. Now, you may go away.