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Thread: I have a few questions about the dorms (conference center)

  1. #13

    Default Re: I have a few questions about the dorms (conference center)

    Quote Originally Posted by billabong7329
    Hi everyone, I'm going to be a new student in the fall and I just received a letter today letting me know I will be staying in the Conference Center dormitory. I just had a few questions that I couldn't find answers to on the UL website.

    Do the dorms come with cable access? Like, is it basical cable (10-15 channels) or is it a better package (50-60 channels) ?

    Also, I know a lot of the campus has broadband internet access, but I remember someone telling me that conference center is not one of the buildings with broadband. Is that true? Would I atleast be able to connect to an on campus wireless signal with decent speeds?

    I can't think of any other questions at the moment, but I'm sure I'll come up with some more soon. I would really appreciate any help from anyone who has stayed there, or knows anything about the dorms at all. I just want to be prepared when I come down in a few months.

    Whatever you do , avoid using the elevators in the conference center the morning after the weekend . Trust me on this don't want to be stuck with that smell . ahh...good ol memories

  2. Default Re: I have a few questions about the dorms (conference center)

    Quote Originally Posted by sleepophile
    Whatever you do , avoid using the elevators in the conference center the morning after the weekend . Trust me on this don't want to be stuck with that smell . ahh...good ol memories
    Haha, wow. I wouldn't have thought of that, thanks for the tip.

  3. Default Re: I have a few questions about the dorms (conference center)

    Quote Originally Posted by billabong7329
    _ I KNOW! I'm so excited about staying right in the middle of campus. I have the library, book store, church, student union, ALL of my classes, EVERYTHING is right next door. I'll also be living five minutes away from my girlfriend and one of my really good friends, so thats exciting.

    Man, I'm just really excited about coming back home. I lived in lafayette for 14 years, then moved here to Houston in 8th grade. I can't wait! Only two more months =) I'm moving in Thursday August 16th at 9:00 AM!! _
    I will be in the Conference Center with you, I move in July 31st though..

  4. Default Re: I have a few questions about the dorms (conference center)

    You move in July 31st? Did you have to pay any extra for that extra two and a half weeks you're staying there or anything like that? I thought everyone moved in somewhere between Wednesday and Friday.

  5. #17

    Default Re: I have a few questions about the dorms (conference center)

    Quote Originally Posted by sleepophile
    _ Whatever you do , avoid using the elevators in the conference center the morning after the weekend . Trust me on this don't want to be stuck with that smell . ahh...good ol memories _
    Ahh the good ole days...

  6. Default Re: I have a few questions about the dorms (conference center)

    In the Conference Center, how are the bathrooms set up? One for every two rooms or what?

  7. #19

    Default Re: I have a few questions about the dorms (conference center)

    Quote Originally Posted by shammy
    _ There is also an outdated computer lab in the lobby of this dorm. _
    How can you say such a thing about the lab where I learned to program in PASCAL...?????

    Cutting edge stuff my friend... cutting edge

  8. Default Re: I have a few questions about the dorms (conference center)

    Quote Originally Posted by RaginCajun918
    In the Conference Center, how are the bathrooms set up? One for every two rooms or what?
    Yeah, when I went for early orientation they gave us a tour of the conference center (a very brief tour) and that is how it is setup if I remember correctly. I was also excited about the fact that we apparently have people to come and clean the bathrooms, is that true? How often does that happen and what exactly do they do?

    Also, they told us that they are beginning to remodel, or fix up at least, the building floor by floor. That really excited me. I had heard some bad things about the dorms, but I'm assuming it shouldn't be too bad once they finish fixing it up.

    I'm really excited, I get to move in in a little over 30 days now. I should be finding out who my roommate is pretty soon right?

  9. Default Re: I have a few questions about the dorms (conference center)

    Quote Originally Posted by billabong7329
    _ Yeah, when I went for early orientation they gave us a tour of the conference center (a very brief tour) . . .
    Hey billabong did they give you a our of the athletic complex?

    I'm asking as it relates to the thread in this Link

    Geaux Cajuns

  10. Default Re: I have a few questions about the dorms (conference center)

    I responded to the other topic.

    And to answer your question, no, they did not. We went no where near it, cajun field, or any sports aspect of UL. I think they pointed out where the weight room was, but that was about the extent of that.

  11. Default Re: I have a few questions about the dorms (conference center)

    Quote Originally Posted by billabong7329
    . . . no, they did not. We went no where near it, cajun field, or any sports aspect of UL. I think they pointed out where the weight room was, but that was about the extent of that. _
    I am going to go out on a limb and guess it was the weight room where the UL power lifting team works out. On the edge of the Swamp. As far as I know, no scholarship athete works out there.

    Check out this thread a few posts down from the top (Link) there is a view of the swamp from the insde out. I know you would have seen it from the outside in, but is this what they pointed out?

    I wonder how many in the SOS think this is the UL weight room?

    Geaux Cajuns

  12. Default Re: I have a few questions about the dorms (conference center)

    Welcome to UL, I lived in CC for 3 sesmesters, good times. There is that smell, but you can't beat the convenience of living there. I met some cool people, but at the time the band, athletes and honors kids were all living there together. I lived a couple rooms down from John Van Kleeve, and down the hall from Charles Tillman, Mike Southhall, etc. If you are looking to meet people joining a fraternity is a great way, (might I suggest Theta Xi) but no matter what get involved. And do your self a favor, go to the student aquatic center, you will know why when you get there.

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