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Thread: Poo-Poo Broussard

  1. Default Re: James The Jeweler

    Quote Originally Posted by foofoochaisson
    _ Well, I actually attended Ossun Elem and know plenty of people that live East and West of HWY 93 that think this is just good ole', good time cajun humor.

    And since when did anyone ever suggest that James' videos "represent" UL? Because its on our forum it automically reflects our education, atheletic department, students, and staff? Thats ridiculous. I'm a member of many forums and just because I post an image or video, it doesnt mean it reflects my familys views, or my schools views; ITS MY VIEW! If its funny to Z, then its funny to him; not neccessarily the entire forum. It just so happens that about 95% of us also think its funny. _

    LOLOL, I baled hay on the location that is now Ossun Elementary. You missed the Cajuns by at least 20 years. The last one died in 1980.

  2. Default Re: James The Jeweler

    Quote Originally Posted by Membertou
    _ LOLOL, I baled hay on the location that is now Ossun Elementary. You missed the Cajuns by at least 20 years. The last one died in 1980. _

  3. #27
    Just1More's Avatar Just1More is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: James The Jeweler

    Quote Originally Posted by RCAJUN90
    _ You can take a vote if you like but I find it offensive even thought I'm not Cajun. Go to the USC forums and see if you will find any videos of drunk Southern rednecks with shotguns in hand. If you post it on a school website then it becomes an image of the school although none of these boards are official thank god it is a bad image of UL. If you don't see that then you are just as ignorant as the character of Poo Poo Boudreaux. _
    Quit using that red faced angry dot shaking a fist all the time. Dots find it very offensive. They prefer the yellow fill with the cool shades.

    I know it limits their use and it pretty much makes them like other plain symbols, but it is politically correct... and you are politically correct aren't you?

  4. Default Re: James The Jeweler

    Quote Originally Posted by Just1More
    Quit using that red faced angry dot shaking a fist all the time. Dots find it very offensive. They prefer the yellow fill with the cool shades.

    I know it limits their use and it pretty much makes them like other plain symbols, but it is politically correct... and you are politically correct aren't you?
    silly silly
    This seems to be a silly argument, nothing about the video relates it to UL or even lafayette. However what is this conversation doing on this message board? We should be lauding the accomplishments of our baseball and softball teams and looking forward to some great post season action on the diamond.

  5. #29

    Default Re: James The Jeweler

    Quote Originally Posted by ragincajun10
    WHO CARES!!!!!!!!!!! Not everyone takes things as seriously as you do RCAJUN.... if there is a student from "USC" as you like to think looking at our board... I would have to think they are "smart" or "informed" enough to know that this video on YouTube is a JOKE... do you honestly think people believe this is a real portrayal of Cajun living... everyone knows that it is a joke and something to be taken lightly... if a student from California were trying to decide between us and tech and chose tech because of that video... then good let them go to tech and have fun in North Louisiana where there is just so much to do.

    Take a deep breath and relax... if that infantile video can offend you than I feel sorry for you....
    There are people on here that swear that prospective players and parents read these boards like gospel. What a stupid and ignorant thing for them to see on a university message board. As far as the California student analogy, they would think that we are a bunch of inbred dummies so yes I would go to Tech. I feel sorry for you not to be offended. I guess you enjoy fart jokes.

  6. #30

    Default Re: James The Jeweler

    Quote Originally Posted by foofoochaisson
    Well you are entitled to that opinion, but posting something on an unnofficial college forum does NOT mean it promotes what the school or staff promotes. I may be alot of things, but ignorant is not one of them... I'm a Cajun, born and raised my whole life.

    And btw, its Poo Poo Broussard..
    If you don't think that crap is ignorant well I feel sorry for you. Yes if it is posted on this board then many will consider it to be the way we feel about ourselves as Ragin Cajuns. Some slack jawed ignorant person is not what I consider to be a Ragin Cajun. If an LSU fan had posted this here you guys would be mad as hell.

  7. #31

    Default Re: James The Jeweler

    Quote Originally Posted by geo_cajun
    silly silly
    This seems to be a silly argument, nothing about the video relates it to UL or even lafayette. However what is this conversation doing on this message board? We should be lauding the accomplishments of our baseball and softball teams and looking forward to some great post season action on the diamond.
    It was posted on a fan board and Poo Poo Boudreaux is suppose to be a Cajun. If you can't connect the dots then I understand why you find him so funny.

  8. Default Re: James The Jeweler

    Quote Originally Posted by RCAJUN90
    If an LSU fan had posted this here you guys would be mad as hell. _
    Good point.

  9. #33

    Default Re: James The Jeweler

    Quote Originally Posted by RCAJUN90
    _ There are people on here that swear that prospective players and parents read these boards like gospel. What a stupid and ignorant thing for them to see on a university message board. As far as the California student analogy, they would think that we are a bunch of inbred dummies so yes I would go to Tech. I feel sorry for you not to be offended. I guess you enjoy fart jokes. _
    Ok listen, for someone to post that video saying it's hilarious go watch it! Do you think that means "wow thats just like my friends and I!" or do you think they look at it as "wow this is funny because it is not what we are like at all" I highly doubt whoever posted this video posted it because they thought it was exactly what Cajun life was like. It's a harmless joke and I think you should get your panties out of a ruffle.

  10. #34

    Default Re: James The Jeweler

    Quote Originally Posted by RCAJUN90
    _ It was posted on a fan board and Poo Poo Boudreaux is suppose to be a Cajun. If you can't connect the dots then I understand why you find him so funny. _
    man, i really didn't want to reply to any of these, but i feel compelled to now. first thing is i am full-blooded cajun. grandparents on both sides spoke nothing but french and my parents spoke both growing up. i was born and raised in lafayette and am a HUGE ragin cajun fan. anyone who knows me will tell you that. i regularly attend UL football, basketball, and baseball games; always have always will. i love to entertain. i also do stand-up; both as myself and poo-poo broussard. heres the thing bro, its entertainment. i am proud of my cajun heritage. i also have no problem laughing at myself or my culture. these videos have received well over 200,000 views on youtube alone, and thousands more on myspace. this is the ONLY negative responses i have ever received!!!!! EVER!!!!! i'm not mad at you, its your opinion and i respect that, but you sir are in the vast minority here. again, your opinion. fine. i receive countless e-mails saying how some of these things remind them of relatives they have. people who were born and raised here who now live out of state, thank me for the laughs and for helping them when they start missing home. you know, USC has been brought up quite a bit here so i'll use it for an interesting juxtaposition. (imagine that, an ignorant cajun using such a big word!) if someone posted some satirical (hmmmm, another one!) videos of a surfer guy playing the airhead, slacker stereotype. when you watch that, do you think, "man, all those southern california people are airheaded slackers!" dude, i hope not. you keep calling it ignorant. do you know what the definition of ignorant is? its having a lack of knowledge. samantics? no. you see sir, ignorant is watching an obvious satirical video of a group of people (of which i include myself) an thinking that its reality! ignorant would be watching an obvious satirical video of an airheaded, slacker surfer and believing that all people from USC are airheaded slackers. that sir is ignorance. maybe you should call my videos stupid. that would probably fit your description of how you feel my videos are. certainly not ignorant. again, not mad at you. you're entitled. but so am i. if you would like to talk to me about it or anyone else feel free to do so. i can give you my phone number in a private message. would love to sit down with you if you feel inclined. if there is a possible recruit that watches an obvious satirical video on you tube and bases his/her decision on that, than i personally would not want such an ignorant person coming to this school. THAT would be an ignorant person and would best describe what ignorance is. people who watch those videos and conclude we're really like that are the ignorant people. moronic would probably be an even better description. my advise would be to smile every now and then. i heard its therapeutic! (wow, i'm on a roll with these words.) so, in conclusion, we all now know what ignorance really is. problem solved. all by an ignorant cajun! oh, and ignorance also is believing that you're only entitled to an opinion if you graduated from UL. you see, doing that narrows your scope of whose opinion matters. thats ignorance! and judging a book by its cover; another fine shining example of ignorance. man, i could probably go on forever, but i'm better at making people laugh. its amazing i was able to put two sentences together! after all, according to my videos we're all ignorant down here. well, all this typing is making my fingers chap chap! i'm gonna go put some chapstick, some carmex, some blistex or sampin on dat!

  11. #35

    Default Re: James The Jeweler

    Quote Originally Posted by RCAJUN90
    _ It was posted on a fan board and Poo Poo Boudreaux is suppose to be a Cajun. If you can't connect the dots then I understand why you find him so funny. _
    dangit, how could i have left this one out! ignorance is also spouting off about something and not even having the facts. its poo-poo BROUSSARD not boudreaux! thats insulting to all the broussards! i'm a carrier by the way; superior to all the broussards AND boudreauxs. oh wait thats ignorant to think too! oh well, nobody's perfect.......except me!

  12. #36

    Default Re: James The Jeweler

    Quote Originally Posted by jamesthejeweler
    man, i really didn't want to reply to any of these, but i feel compelled to now. first thing is i am full-blooded cajun. grandparents on both sides spoke nothing but french and my parents spoke both growing up. i was born and raised in lafayette and am a HUGE ragin cajun fan. anyone who knows me will tell you that. i regularly attend UL football, basketball, and baseball games; always have always will. i love to entertain. i also do stand-up; both as myself and poo-poo broussard. heres the thing bro, its entertainment. i am proud of my cajun heritage. i also have no problem laughing at myself or my culture. these videos have received well over 200,000 views on youtube alone, and thousands more on myspace. this is the ONLY negative responses i have ever received!!!!! EVER!!!!! i'm not mad at you, its your opinion and i respect that, but you sir are in the vast minority here. again, your opinion. fine. i receive countless e-mails saying how some of these things remind them of relatives they have. people who were born and raised here who now live out of state, thank me for the laughs and for helping them when they start missing home. you know, USC has been brought up quite a bit here so i'll use it for an interesting juxtaposition. (imagine that, an ignorant cajun using such a big word!) if someone posted some satirical (hmmmm, another one!) videos of a surfer guy playing the airhead, slacker stereotype. when you watch that, do you think, "man, all those southern california people are airheaded slackers!" dude, i hope not. you keep calling it ignorant. do you know what the definition of ignorant is? its having a lack of knowledge. samantics? no. you see sir, ignorant is watching an obvious satirical video of a group of people (of which i include myself) an thinking that its reality! ignorant would be watching an obvious satirical video of an airheaded, slacker surfer and believing that all people from USC are airheaded slackers. that sir is ignorance. maybe you should call my videos stupid. that would probably fit your description of how you feel my videos are. certainly not ignorant. again, not mad at you. you're entitled. but so am i. if you would like to talk to me about it or anyone else feel free to do so. i can give you my phone number in a private message. would love to sit down with you if you feel inclined. if there is a possible recruit that watches an obvious satirical video on you tube and bases his/her decision on that, than i personally would not want such an ignorant person coming to this school. THAT would be an ignorant person and would best describe what ignorance is. people who watch those videos and conclude we're really like that are the ignorant people. moronic would probably be an even better description. my advise would be to smile every now and then. i heard its therapeutic! (wow, i'm on a roll with these words.) so, in conclusion, we all now know what ignorance really is. problem solved. all by an ignorant cajun! oh, and ignorance also is believing that you're only entitled to an opinion if you graduated from UL. you see, doing that narrows your scope of whose opinion matters. thats ignorance! and judging a book by its cover; another fine shining example of ignorance. man, i could probably go on forever, but i'm better at making people laugh. its amazing i was able to put two sentences together! after all, according to my videos we're all ignorant down here. well, all this typing is making my fingers chap chap! i'm gonna go put some chapstick, some carmex, some blistex or sampin on dat!
    You are making fun of your grandparents and heritage. Funny as someone with a Cuban background that I'm very proud of I've never felt compiled to do such a thing. Bringing out the fact that the person that posted this crap isn't a college graduate does have relevance and might explain why he finds your comedy so funny. The idiotic find farts funny like in junior high. Do yourself and your heritage a favor a delete that crap or at the very least spare us of it and not put it on a college message board. You don’t think that having a college degree means anything? You are proving how important it is.

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