Allow me to chime in..... I have Season tickets to everything UL... Baseball, basketball and football.... Next year i think I will need to add women's softball cause those ladies deserve support as well....
That's the extent of my contributions.... Why? Cause I don't know anywhere else to contribute... I am not wealthy but I'm not hurting either... i can't afford a "IHateLaState" endowment (although doesn't that sound like a great name)..... I would happily contribute to something that would benefit the university... especially to baseball which has been my college sport of choice since the days when i could pull an ice chest into the left field bleacher area (point being I am not a 2000 College World Series convert to UL baseball)....
I work for a living which means I am not leadership material for such an endeavor.... But lead and I shall follow... I think there are many more out here BoP that will gladly write a check if they simply knew where to write it...