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Thread: The Search For #2

  1. Default The Search For #2

    They can throw, and run, in practices and controlled scrimmages all they want.

    But until they face the real deal, there's no telling just how ready they are -- or just how good they can be.

  2. Default Re: The Search For #2

    On another thread I was bragging about our recruiting---this could just be a case of too good recruiting bringing in all these guys if they are this good!!! I like the "can do both guys"----One of the most frustrating things that can happen on defense is when the receivers are covered, and the qb is getting pressure and you have him contained---and he tucks the ball and scrambles for the first and runs out of bounds without even getting tackled.

  3. #3

    Default Re: The Search For #2

    Something tells me Landor will see some reps this year.

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