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Thread: 2007 Football preview and offseason fan talk

  1. #193
    rhineaux's Avatar rhineaux is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Fan for Sure

    Default Re: Why shouldn't we be concerned???

    Quote Originally Posted by crazycajun
    _ i heard troy's coach yesterday say they wre giving 2 for 1 for ok state. and they would receive money on the back end of the deal to insure a profit _
    That sure doesn't seem like a bad deal. However, I am curious how much profit they are guarunteed. I am curious if OSU is gonna write them a check so that they come out 100k-200k in the black, or if its just something to make sure they don't lose money.

    Troy probably has a little more firepower to work something like this out, compared to us, bu tthat could change in the near future if we live up to (at least our) expectations. I think it would be a nice thing to do with an ole miss, miss state, or even branching out a little farther to other SEC schools, just so there would be that added interest by other residents near lafayette. doing it with Big Ten/PAC10/ACC schools, or even in some cases with Big 12 schools would be less ideal because of lack of fan interest. I guess what i am saying is that the more regional the opponent, the farther down the food chain we could look.

  2. #194
    Just1More's Avatar Just1More is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: Why shouldn't we be concerned???

    The better deals that other SBC teams make, the better for us as well. I would like to see us make some 3 for 1 or 2 for 1 deals with some BCS schools. I believe we will need some 20k to 25k attendance figures in advance of making some significant deals. That is why McNeese, regardless, is a good victim... I mean opponent.

    As for MD... I am hopeful that another year of maturity and training may make a big difference in his throwing game. He may also respond better to being designated the starter. I think it is much better to start with a bad azz running game to open up a passing game than vice versa.

    I hope to see us use smart play calling that includes some short sure pass plays. They have relatively little to do with a QB's arm, and much more to do with his athleticism. If you cannot get the dink pass game down... have him toss eggs to the tight ends, running backs, or short route receivers. The drill is to break no eggs. That makes the QB pay attention to the toss and receiver watch the egg all the way into his hands. As a QB gets that down, the drop back or playaction to an open streaking receiver will open up (without the eggs).

    We saw little of the short toss passes last year, and I could not understand it. Maybe it was because every time we did a little dink pass it was handled like a greased pig (that is a totally different drill for another day).

    Some gang-buster tackling would go a long way to helping our cause as well. For those who arm and tap tackle, something creative with the rest of the eggs and that greasy pig should come into the next practice. Oh, and I would like to see that Bustle ultra special teams be a difference maker this year too. Blocked punts and field goals are real game-changers.

    No. I am not concerned. I am anxious to get this party started.

  3. #195

    Default Re: Why shouldn't we be concerned???

    Quote Originally Posted by rhineaux

    Just remember that earlier this decade, NT dominated the conference and went to the NO Bowl 3 or 4 years in a row, and lost them all. _
    i thought north texas won one of those games.

  4. #196

    Default Re: Why shouldn't we be concerned???

    Quote Originally Posted by Sonsissymia
    _ i thought north texas won one of those games. _
    THey did.......over Cincinnati.

  5. Ragin' Cajuns Re: SunBelt TV Coverage

    Quote Originally Posted by EVCajun12
    _ ah, you are correct Daddy, I missed the USC game. I will be attending that game along with 4 other Cajun fans. Can't wait for it to get here. _
    At least 2 more Cajun fans will be there as well!!

  6. #198

    UL Football Why not let McNeese tailgate at Blackham

    There is no mud at Blackham it is nice and hospitable. I don't understand how Mr. Dugas can just kick Cajun fans out of their spots? If not Blackahm what about across the street between the Lite House and the Hospital?

    According to a Mr. Dugas, with ULL, they plan to designate an area for RV parking on the western-most section of their parking lot, bordering on Bertrand Drive. It will be a no-charge, first-come-first served area, with access only at noon on Friday (not before - because of security).

    For some of you who tailgated with us for baseball games before - when we parked on the western edge of the paved parking lot, about half-way toward Bertrand (remember Danny's "Tarp 'Em Cowboys" tarp?) - this parking area will be on the grass, out by the large lone tree along Bertrand Drive (I think Andy parked out there before).

    My sister-in-law, who lives in Lafayette, has been calling every day, bugging the begiggers out of them, and has talked to several different individuals; she was finally called back this morning and told of this arrangement. Just passing it along. Nothing official, but a verbal conversation.

  7. #199

    UL Football Re: Why not let McNeese tailgate at Blackham

    Sorry I forgot to post my source it was a Mcneese website

  8. #200

    Default Re: Why not let McNeese tailgate at Blackham

    Quote Originally Posted by gridiron
    _ There is no mud at Blackham it is nice and hospitable. I don't understand how Mr. Dugas can just kick Cajun fans out of their spots? If not Blackahm what about across the street between the Lite House and the Hospital?

    According to a Mr. Dugas, with ULL, they plan to designate an area for RV parking on the western-most section of their parking lot, bordering on Bertrand Drive. It will be a no-charge, first-come-first served area, with access only at noon on Friday (not before - because of security).

    For some of you who tailgated with us for baseball games before - when we parked on the western edge of the paved parking lot, about half-way toward Bertrand (remember Danny's "Tarp 'Em Cowboys" tarp?) - this parking area will be on the grass, out by the large lone tree along Bertrand Drive (I think Andy parked out there before).

    My sister-in-law, who lives in Lafayette, has been calling every day, bugging the begiggers out of them, and has talked to several different individuals; she was finally called back this morning and told of this arrangement. Just passing it along. Nothing official, but a verbal conversation.
    That area has not been "designated" for the mcnutts. If someone kept calling over there asking about tailgating spots they were probably refered to that area because as of now other than the Oak Tee at Bertrand (OTB) none of those spots along Bertrand are paid, reserved spots and they are about the only ones available to fans on a first come first serve, game by game basis. However that may change in the (near) future. In the meantime to the Cajun fans who have grown accustomed to using those spots and want to ensure you have them for each home game I would suggest you do as we did and call David Walker at the athletic department and ask to pay for your spot for the season. This will give UL extra revenue and you get a guaranteed spot for the season. Otherwise you might find mcnutt squatters in your usual spot.

  9. #201

    Default Re: Why shouldn't we be concerned???

    Quote Originally Posted by IHateLaState
    Ok first off I have 4 Season tickets to Football, 2 to basketball and 4 to Baseball... Will probably add at least 2 for Softball... I am a card carrying member, as my name illustrates , in the LSUA&M@BR is evil club... I just mention that so the naysayers don't respond with the "If you don't like it the way it is go to Baton Rouge" type stuff..

    Anyway I was listening to Jay yesterday and it sure seems to me that at least in Football the SBC is passing us bye... We are into year 6 (am I right on that one?) under Coach Bustle and we are simply middle of the pack again... We do have tremendous facilities but I heard the commissioner talk of new stadiums going up, new turf and 3 schools averaging over 20,000 in attendance... Further I hear Oklahoma State going into Troy and I don't remember who but others getting some prime teams coming into their places... we get McNeese. And then they bemoan the lack of support...

    The local beat writer tells us all that we are wrong about Dr. A.... that he is a big supporter of athletics but has just been limited by funding... ok... if you say so... Then we hire an AD that is beloved in the offices but does not seem to be very dynamic... the last paragraph of the story last week said something to the effect of "He prefers to stay out of the limelight in the background".. Thats all well and good but wouldn't we have preferred someone that wanted to come in and be out in the forefront of a new era... Yea Yea....I know..... $$$$... Still I thought I heard some time back that the North Texas AD or assitant AD (Dickey?) was very interested in the job and was the sort of dynamic person I speak of... We choose instead someone who emphatically said for two years he did not want the job preferring to work behind the scenes...

    For over 30 years now i have bought tickets and supported Ragin Cajun athletics.. I keep asking.. Why can't we do what Southern Miss has done... Even Tech seems to have taken a few steps forward.. spare me the diatribes... Listening to WWL, Mike D. was talking about South Louisiana recruiting and mentioned of course that LSUA&M@BR was dominating but said that Louisiana Tech was making great inroads... nary a word about us in our own back yard...

    Well I am anxiously awaiting the start of football season with high hopes again.. But shouldnt we be concerned?? just a little bit??
    We should be concerned that the other schools in the league are growing their progrrams. We need many more financial resources than we have now just to keep up with the others in our leage. Good news is we are working on growing those resources. Regarding David Walker, it was not because we could not offer more money that he was hired, it is because David Walker is helping provide the coaches what they need to improve. For example, he was the prime person in putting forth the new state funding plan for athletics. He crafted a plan that helps all the state schools but has the potential to help us more than the others due to our larger enrollment/overall budget. He and Dr. Authement then got others to buy in on it. He also was able to guide us through the NCAA investigation with limited impact as a result. Therefore, hiring Mr. Walker was about money, the money he is making for us. A big misconception exist in that an Athletic Director's main job involves public relations. In reality, the job is really like being an office manager. Gerald Hebert is our public relations person now. Having said all that, yes we should be concerned. That concern is not because of the people we have on the field/sidelines. The concern is we don't have enough people providing more resources. Those that are providing support are giving till it hurts. We just need more of them. This is not the NFL where resources are equal and people come after you win. We won't win no matter who is coaching until more people get involved.

  10. #202
    Just1More's Avatar Just1More is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: Why shouldn't we be concerned???

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunsmike
    _ We won't win no matter who is coaching until more people get involved. _
    I don't disagree with most of what you said. But that last statement is a little off key. We are not going to whine people into attending, supporting, and loving Cajun football. Winning would do it. But, winning is a result of a lot of things. It is a result of a formula. There are components to that formula and they are all interactive and dynamic. It will take all of those components to make it work and stay working. Money, in today's world, is the biggest component to the winning formula, on the whole, in all college football programs. All of the other components lead to money and money makes more money and all of that makes winning.

    I hate to say it, but if someone came in and donated $50million/year to Cajun athletics, but stipulated no fans could attend the games... we would dominate the SBC and the pastures would just keep getting greener. That isn't going to happen, but it's a fact.

    "Until more people get involved" is like saying "until the cows come home". Someone/something has to go get them (in greater numbers than come on their own). They don't just show up. They come for a reason, and if they haven't already shown up, you cannot whine or guilt them into showing up.

    Again, each increase to one part of the formula interacts and increases the affect in another part. They are interactive and feed of off each other.

    I totally agree that we need more interest in the program. Unfortunately, something has to make that happen besides talking about it with a group of loyal participants.

    The formula components:
    Marketing and Advertisement
    Sports Writers, Media
    Family and Friends
    Great Food, Beverage, Music, Entertainment and Fun
    Great Atmosphere
    Great Facilities
    Great Coaches
    Great Athletes
    City Government
    State Government
    Local Business
    Schools and Churches
    Civic Organizations

    I may have missed a few, but these components make up what it takes to win. What came first "the chicken or the egg"? The chicken. God made man, not an embryo first.

    Now, here is what I would do:

    1. Get the 10 largest contributors to our program together. Perhaps those that currently make up our illustrious private funding group.
    2. Tell them that they now are the leaders of 10 seperate funding groups that are in a contest. These people usually love competition.
    3. They are to each derive a different name and nominate 5 other people to become their group board members. These people also get significant press.
    4. Each group is in a fund-raising contest that will result in a lots of press coverage (they love this stuff too).
    5. Each group is to raise money from various organizations, businesses, and individuals, any method they know how to do it.
    6. The top 6 contributors to each group, other than the board members will be given free advertising space on a new fence around Cajun Field (we need it).
    7. Those individuals/businesses that donate x amount to the fence building (x dollars or x manhours) will be on a section of the fence.

    It's called a funding campaign. Let's try it and see what happens.

  11. #203
    rhineaux's Avatar rhineaux is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Fan for Sure

    Default Re: Why shouldn't we be concerned???

    Quote Originally Posted by Just1More
    Now, here is what I would do:

    1. Get the 10 largest contributors to our program together. Perhaps those that currently make up our illustrious private funding group.
    2. Tell them that they now are the leaders of 10 seperate funding groups that are in a contest. These people usually love competition.
    3. They are to each derive a different name and nominate 5 other people to become their group board members. These people also get significant press.
    4. Each group is in a fund-raising contest that will result in a lots of press coverage (they love this stuff too).
    5. Each group is to raise money from various organizations, businesses, and individuals, any method they know how to do it.
    6. The top 6 contributors to each group, other than the board members will be given free advertising space on a new fence around Cajun Field (we need it).
    7. Those individuals/businesses that donate x amount to the fence building (x dollars or x manhours) will be on a section of the fence.

    It's called a funding campaign. Let's try it and see what happens. _
    This is exactly how the United Way does it. I don't know if you could start something like this for something like college athletics, and get the same kind of response as you would for a charity. but, i do like your idea of going to the top 10 or so donors, and bringing them together. Tell them that they are the charter members of the Cajun Sports Endowment, and that their names will be posted on large plaques around the Athletic Dept. commemorating the day. and then, like you said, since they likely love competition, tell them that the first mission of the CAE is to build a state of the art Student Center that will cost $10 million or whatever, and the one who raises the most money on the way to that $10 million, will get to name it, or something along those lines.

  12. #204

    Default Re: Why not let McNeese tailgate at Blackham

    Quote Originally Posted by gridiron
    _ There is no mud at Blackham it is nice and hospitable. I don't understand how Mr. Dugas can just kick Cajun fans out of their spots? If not Blackahm what about across the street between the Lite House and the Hospital?

    According to a Mr. Dugas, with ULL, they plan to designate an area for RV parking on the western-most section of their parking lot, bordering on Bertrand Drive. It will be a no-charge, first-come-first served area, with access only at noon on Friday (not before - because of security).

    For some of you who tailgated with us for baseball games before - when we parked on the western edge of the paved parking lot, about half-way toward Bertrand (remember Danny's "Tarp 'Em Cowboys" tarp?) - this parking area will be on the grass, out by the large lone tree along Bertrand Drive (I think Andy parked out there before).

    My sister-in-law, who lives in Lafayette, has been calling every day, bugging the begiggers out of them, and has talked to several different individuals; she was finally called back this morning and told of this arrangement. Just passing it along. Nothing official, but a verbal conversation.

    Does anyone really care where the McNeese fans tailgate? If so, I have some spots available just south of Cypremort Point I can let go for $500 a piece.

    Oh yeah, cash only.

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