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Thread: Spotting a Winner (Split)

  1. #1

    Default Spotting a Winner (Split)

    Tony's earned the right to have a few underachieving, non-productive, or rebuilding years. Which BTW, this doeswn't appear to be one of those anyway. He has been a great example of what a coach should be in this community. He has given just as much as he's taken & he's helped build & increase the reputation of the university. Marlin hasn't achieved anything as a coach yet & has like one shot to do so next season. If he doesn't get it done then, then you've just wasted another four years for nothing. The problem with many posters on this board is the same problem with this administration. They couldn't find their asses with both hands, a flashlight, and a mirror much less define a winner. The people who do understand what a winner is & who has that quality, & who doesn't are ridiculed beyond degree by those who are complete morons for not joining the line of sheep being led to the slaughter.

    Notice I didn't use anyone's name in particular. I just made an observation.

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by Bandwagon King View Post
    Tony's earned the right to have a few underachieving, non-productive, or rebuilding years. Which BTW, this doeswn't appear to be one of those anyway. He has been a great example of what a coach should be in this community. He has given just as much as he's taken & he's helped build & increase the reputation of the university. Marlin hasn't achieved anything as a coach yet & has like one shot to do so next season. If he doesn't get it done then, then you've just wasted another four years for nothing. The problem with many posters on this board is the same problem with this administration. They couldn't find their asses with both hands, a flashlight, and a mirror much less define a winner. The people who do understand what a winner is & who has that quality, & who doesn't are ridiculed beyond degree by those who are complete morons for not joining the line of sheep being led to the slaughter.

    Notice I didn't use anyone's name in particular. I just made an observation.
    Serious question. How does an AD find a winner? What is the number one characteristic?

  3. #3

    Default Re: How long should we keep a coach?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bandwagon King View Post
    Tony's earned the right to have a few underachieving, non-productive, or rebuilding years. Which BTW, this doeswn't appear to be one of those anyway. He has been a great example of what a coach should be in this community. He has given just as much as he's taken & he's helped build & increase the reputation of the university. Marlin hasn't achieved anything as a coach yet & has like one shot to do so next season. If he doesn't get it done then, then you've just wasted another four years for nothing. The problem with many posters on this board is the same problem with this administration. They couldn't find their asses with both hands, a flashlight, and a mirror much less define a winner. The people who do understand what a winner is & who has that quality, & who doesn't are ridiculed beyond degree by those who are complete morons for not joining the line of sheep being led to the slaughter.

    Notice I didn't use anyone's name in particular. I just made an observation.
    Kyle...I have to 100%...agree with you on this point. This administration needs to find it's ___...if they can't do it with their own two hands...they can use one of mine and I'm sure others will lend a hand if need be. Farmer's head has to be on the chopping block by now...and if it isn't...the people with the ax need a thorough review. We were all duped into thinking Farmer and Savoie would be the saving grace for the athletic department. Turns out all they did was keep the long line of apathy going. Hell even I was robbed blind by them.

    I gave them all the credit in the world, and even when times got tough I still stuck to supporting them. Once the Lotief situation happened, it unearthed the nasty underbelly where the sickness was. Time to get some antibiotics and cure this thing up once and for all. Savoie still can save face by letting Farmer take an extended Holiday. Then turn around and find the AD version of Hud...or take a page from La Tech and tell Hud it's his show and give him the Dooley treatment, might make him more apt to stay once the big boys take notice. It's time to stop poorboying it and get off our duff. The iron is red ____ing hot...if they don't strike and it cools down...this program may never recover again.

    Kyle...why do you always do this to me. You leave abruptly, causing a void in my life with no one to have message board slap fights with. I had to resort to kicking the crap out of crazycajun just to get my fix, thus the Swayze avatar. It's a long story. Then you come back and you make logical points...just drawing me in. Good to have you back my friend...regardless of our history...I missed ya.

  4. UL 1984, 1999 . . . . Re: How long should we keep a coach?

    The number one criteria IMO, is being a leader, someone who people want to be around, believe in and follow. Now I know that some of these coaches do not seem to fit that mold, but they in reality do. People like Bobby Knight might be total a holes to the press, and might even stuff a fan in a garbage can, but guys like Bobby Knight. Belichick for the Patriots is loved by most of his players and assistant coaches.

    Robe is that kind of person, Yvette was, the Lotiefs were, Jesse Evans was, Hud, Shipley, even higher. Marlin not so much, he has to do a lot more to garner respect.

    You really see it in all walks of life. The technocrat, the bureaucrat, might do all things by the book, but rarely are cutting edge trail blazers. The leader has to see things others do not. Marlin does that on occasion, knowing how to take time outs when the team is doing well so the other coach gets to chew out his players. So it is not that Marlin is totally lacking, he is just not oozing that leadership.

    Your AD should feel that leadership when he does the interview. He should love the hire. Of course nothing is 100%.

  5. #5

    Default Re: How long should we keep a coach?

    We have bigger fish to fry right now. The question should be directed toward the AD position. That is where a critical change needs to be made.

  6. #6

    Default Re: How long should we keep a coach?

    Quote Originally Posted by SlappyCajun View Post
    Serious question. How does an AD find a winner? What is the number one characteristic?
    The AD has to be a winner first. We've pretty much just been through an experience where the AD just had a perfect chance to reward accomplishment by working with one of the greatest coaches this university has ever had in any sport & he just p!$$ed it away. YOU DON'T DO THAT IF YOU ARE IN A LEADERSHIP POSITION! PERIOD! You don't do it. To identify winners you have to be a winner. In a case like picking HUD, any bozo should have been able to see his personna. In short a winner sees opportunity in any situation. A winner is organized. A winner can take the complicated & make it simple. A winner makes everyone feel like their role is the most important to the team whoever they are. A WINNER HAS A PLAN! A winner can break down that plan. A winner can get people excited about the plan. A winner can break the plan down into accomplishable tasks & scales so the plan is achievable. A winner can balance out the reality of his/ her present situation with the dream of accomplishing what everyone else sees as the impossible and provide a road map for achieving that dream. Most importantly a winner isn't going to be perfect & has to be able to admit to himself when he's made a mistake in judgement. He then has to make the necessary changes to rectify those errors. IE Sean Payton & Steve Spagnola.

    Is Scott Farmer a winner? Does he give the personna of a winner? Where is the plan? Does it include the road map for achieveing the goals set forth in the plan? Does it include the fundraising efforts to achieve set goals? Has anyone heard any rumors of contractors lining up to perform any of the groundwork of the plan? Are the necessary coaches being retained to make certain the plan comes to full fruition? If not, why not?

  7. #7

    Default Re: How long should we keep a coach?

    I was just curious because Express describe Hud, Mike Lotief, and Jesse Evans as the same type of person. I agree they all had success, but I think they are dramatically different people. I also think they approach coaching in dramatically different ways.

    As for their background, Hud was a successful head coach, as was Robe, Mike Lotief was an attorney and Jesse was a high level assistant. Was Marty Fletcher a winner? He has one of the weirdest personalities ever. But had just as much success as Jesse.

  8. #8

    Default Re: How long should we keep a coach?

    Quote Originally Posted by SlappyCajun View Post
    I was just curious because Express describe Hud, Mike Lotief, and Jesse Evans as the same type of person. I agree they all had success, but I think they are dramatically different people. I also think they approach coaching in dramatically different ways.

    As for their background, Hud was a successful head coach, as was Robe, Mike Lotief was an attorney and Jesse was a high level assistant. Was Marty Fletcher a winner? He has one of the weirdest personalities ever. But had just as much success as Jesse.
    Mike wasn't just an attorney, he had been enolved in travel ball for many years before he coached at UL. Fletcher's record at UL was not better then Evans.

  9. #9

    Default Re: How long should we keep a coach?

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunT View Post
    Mike wasn't just an attorney, he had been enolved in travel ball for many years before he coached at UL. Fletcher's record at UL was not better then Evans.
    No, but he put more people in the Dome and won a game in the NCAA tourney.

  10. #10

    Default Re: How long should we keep a coach?

    This discussion should be about getting rid of the AD and the morons that work with him!

  11. #11
    Cajunjeb is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Fan for Sure

    Default Re: How long should we keep a coach?

    I love this forum, Ragin Pagin! Gives all of us fanatical fans the ability to voice our passionate excitement and frustrations. I post every once in a while and keep up with most of the topics. Thanks guys for actively engaging in passionate discussions about our home team.

    Now to the topic at hand:
    This loss sucks. I went to both schools but Louisiana will always have my heart... But, it's just one game. I learned that for one night, we did not match a good number 4 team, who also happens to be LSU...which makes the blood boil more!

    Baseball and Softball has carried Cajun athletics for many years! Love Hud. The energy he has brought to this team, school, city and region is unexplainable. But, let's not forget those programs who have carried Cajun athletics.

    Robe should stay as long as he wants based on the following reasons:
    1. He is a winner.
    2. His kids graduate.
    3. He gets his kids to buy in.
    4. He runs a clean program.
    5. Because he wants to be here.

    One loss and my fellow Cajun brothers are saying 'it's time for a long is too long?' Give me a break. He deserves to be there as long as he wants to be there! He should be put on a pedestal next to the Lotiefs for what he, and they, have done for Cajun Athletics!

  12. #12

    Default Re: How long should we keep a coach?

    Speaking of coaching...

    You might want to click on the amazing cheerleader section too!= - )

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