Cajuns lead 8-0 bottom of 4th inning....
Cajuns lead 8-0 bottom of 4th inning....
9-0 bases loaded
11-0 Cajuns still batting...
3 run Home run Vincent...14-0 Cajuns still in the 4th inning
11 hits by the Cajuns...still in 4th inning
Haak Attack RBI
Sarah D RBI
16-0 Cajuns
Jordan Wallace up to bat...
Big inning 10 runs in the 4th inning
16-0 Cajuns
Top 5
Cajuns win 16-0
Thanks Nana Marie. GEAUX CAJUNS !!!!!
Yeah! Thanks Nana Marie.
Geaux Cajuns
Dang, either the Texas game made the girls mad, or C of C isn't that great a team.
Ill go with the latter
A little of both. Charlston beat Tennessee and lost to Texas by only two.
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