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Thread: UL Presidential Selection Process

  1. Default Re: Authement Resigns from UL

    Happy Days! We need new direction!

  2. #62

    Default Re: Authement Resigns from UL

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunStuckInBR
    Happy Days! We need new direction!
    As long as that direction isn't down. Dr. A should be thanked for his contributions to UL but I agree new blood is needed as long as they know what they are doing and they are able to take us where we all want to be.

  3. Default Clausen says Blanco and Authement have no say in presidential search.

      UL System President Sally Clausen expects all sorts of rumors, innuendo and speculation to surface in the hunt for a new UL Lafayette president — just as it has in the four searches she ran in the past. “There is no fix,” says Clausen, who says a bona fide national search will be conducted.

    She maintains that neither Gov. Kathleen Blanco nor retiring UL President Ray Authement will have a say in who becomes the sixth president of the 107-year-old university. “I have not talked to the governor or anyone else in her administration,” Clausen says. “I’m not interested in talking to anyone.”

    The system president, who will serve as non-voting chair of the search committee, also maintains Authement will play a role only if asked by the committee. She says a more appropriate function for him is to help the new president make a smooth transition into the position. “I think that’s a better use of his time,” she says.

    The rest of the story

    By Leslie Turk
    The Ind

    Homes SO Clean

  4. Default Re: Clausen says Blanco and Authement have no say in presidential search.

    Quote Originally Posted by NewsCopy
    If true, this is one step in the right direction.

  5. Alumni Search committee named for UL President

      The University of Louisiana System has named a 13-member search committee for a new UL president.

    Voting members on the presidential search committee are system board members Paul Aucoin, Elsie Burkhalter, Robert Hale, Jeffrey Jenkins, Renee Lapeyrolerie, Jimmy Long Sr., Wayne Parker, Olinda Ricard (student member), Dr. Clyde Rougeou Jr. and Winfred Sibille, as well as UL Lafayette Faculty Senate representative John Meriwether.

    Serving in an advisory, nonvoting capacity is UL Lafayette Student Government Associa-tion President Candace Urbanowski.

    The rest of the story

    Homes SO Clean

  6. People Panel hopes to have new president by December

      Whoever becomes the next president of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette will step into a large shadow left by Ray Authement and his nearly 34-year tenure leading ULL.

    University of Louisiana System President Sally Clausen said those are big shoes to fill. But the hope is to conduct an open, national search and find the right person by year’s end, whether it is someone already in Louisiana or farther away, she said.

    The first search committee meeting and public hearing is scheduled for June 14 at ULL. The plan is to have a new president picked for the Dec. 7 UL System board meeting, Clausen said, although the person likely would not take office until May or June 2008.

    The search process should be done fairly quickly, she said, and in the public spotlight.

    “It is my opinion and that of the board that we want to share the candidates with the people,” Clausen said. “The public should have some ownership in the next president.”

    The rest of the story

    Advocate Capitol News Bureau
    Acadiana Edition

    Homes SO Clean

  7. #67

    Default Re: Authement Set to Retire, Search Begins

    fyi. Resolution passed in Legislature honoring Dr A

  8. Default Re: Athletics ‘WON'T be the same’ without Authement

    Quote Originally Posted by AstroCajun
    _ I'd say you nailed it.

    The problem is us. The sooner we stop looking for the bogey man in Martin Hall or Baton Rouge the better. _
    I am really surprised that UL does not have some sort of athletic foundation similar to the TAF. It would give the university the ability to raise money independently from the UL Foundation. It would also give you the ability to designate exactly where you wanted your money to go and give you more freedom in "policing" Title IX requirements.

    McNeese has an athletic foundation albeit in its infancy; however, we can see that it has opened up plenty of opportunities to generate and raise money for all athletics and still maintain NCAA required "institutional control."

    I also think when UL finds a permanent AD that can "sell" the benefits of UL's programs to your very active alumni and have the vehicle of a foundation just for UL athletics - the sky will be the limit. Pat yourselves on the back; your future and UL's future could indeed be bright if things fall into place.

  9. #69

    Default Re: Athletics ‘WON'T be the same’ without Authement

    Quote Originally Posted by Cowboy Up
    I am really surprised that UL does not have some sort of athletic foundation similar to the TAF. It would give the university the ability to raise money independently from the UL Foundation. It would also give you the ability to designate exactly where you wanted your money to go and give you more freedom in "policing" Title IX requirements.

    McNeese has an athletic foundation albeit in its infancy; however, we can see that it has opened up plenty of opportunities to generate and raise money for all athletics and still maintain NCAA required "institutional control."

    I also think when UL finds a permanent AD that can "sell" the benefits of UL's programs to your very active alumni and have the vehicle of a foundation just for UL athletics - the sky will be the limit. Pat yourselves on the back; your future and UL's future could indeed be bright if things fall into place.
    According to the Ksips that are suppose to know everything, Dr. Authement held us back from have an athletic foundation. If they are right then the new president shouldn't have a problem with this. The potential for something special to happen at UL has always been there. We just can never seem to get everything in place at the right time. I know of two big money alumni that gave up on the program right around the last few years of the Stokley era. They have told me they would love to see the program in CUSA and be willing to donate but as of now they don't think that UL is serious about sports. Sadly one heads to Baton Rouge on Saturdays.

  10. #70
    rhineaux's Avatar rhineaux is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Fan for Sure

    Default Re: Athletics ‘WON'T be the same’ without Authement

    Quote Originally Posted by Cowboy Up
    _ I am really surprised that UL does not have some sort of athletic foundation similar to the TAF. It would give the university the ability to raise money independently from the UL Foundation. It would also give you the ability to designate exactly where you wanted your money to go and give you more freedom in "policing" Title IX requirements.

    McNeese has an athletic foundation albeit in its infancy; however, we can see that it has opened up plenty of opportunities to generate and raise money for all athletics and still maintain NCAA required "institutional control."

    I also think when UL finds a permanent AD that can "sell" the benefits of UL's programs to your very active alumni and have the vehicle of a foundation just for UL athletics - the sky will be the limit. Pat yourselves on the back; your future and UL's future could indeed be bright if things fall into place. _
    Has there been anything mentioned, other than rumors, that DW will now stay on until after a new President takes over???

  11. #71

    Default Re: Athletics ‘WON'T be the same’ without Authement

    Quote Originally Posted by Cowboy Up
    I am really surprised that UL does not have some sort of athletic foundation similar to the TAF. It would give the university the ability to raise money independently from the UL Foundation. It would also give you the ability to designate exactly where you wanted your money to go and give you more freedom in "policing" Title IX requirements.

    McNeese has an athletic foundation albeit in its infancy; however, we can see that it has opened up plenty of opportunities to generate and raise money for all athletics and still maintain NCAA required "institutional control."

    I also think when UL finds a permanent AD that can "sell" the benefits of UL's programs to your very active alumni and have the vehicle of a foundation just for UL athletics - the sky will be the limit. Pat yourselves on the back; your future and UL's future could indeed be bright if things fall into place.
    We do have one, it's the Ragin Cajuns Club, a subset of the UL Foundation.

    No one knows about it and it is far from aggressive in trying to make things happen.

  12. #72

    Default Re: Authement Set to Retire, Search Begins

    So who are the candidates for the UL presidents job?

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