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Thread: UL Presidential Selection Process

  1. #229

    Default Re: Authement to Retire, Presidential Search Process

    Quote Originally Posted by LsuULfan View Post
    _ Or O'Keefe w/o Blanco's approval for that matter.

    But when its down to 5 and one was on the Board of Regents or whatever, I really don't see Jindal throwing a curve ball in or really meddling. If it were earlier in the process, maybe. Which might be a reason why the stepdown and search has timed out the way it has ... _
    Let me get this straight.

    A Hypothetical

    The LSUAMCBR "powers that be" consider, evaluate and decide upon O'Keefe and then the govenor disappoves him and says no, it has to be someone else?

    Yeah sure.

  2. #230

    Default Re: Authement to Retire, Presidential Search Process

    Quote Originally Posted by DestinCajun View Post
    _ Let me get this straight.

    A Hypothetical

    The LSUAMCBR "powers that be" consider, evaluate and decide upon O'Keefe and then the govenor disappoves him and says no, it has to be someone else?

    Yeah sure. _
    Thats exactly how it works. The folks at LSUA&MC don't always get their way. Just as with the French House at LSUA&MC they considered it the number one priority but the governing committee that oversees such things disagreed and said no it should be #26 behind much more deserving projects. So that was that and the French House was put behind the other pro...uh, nevermind.

  3. #231

    Default Re: Authement to Retire, Presidential Search Process

    Quote Originally Posted by DestinCajun View Post
    _ Let me get this straight.

    A Hypothetical

    The LSUAMCBR "powers that be" consider, evaluate and decide upon O'Keefe and then the govenor disappoves him and says no, it has to be someone else?

    Yeah sure. _
    By that time Blanco had appointed several BOS members. They weren't going to select someone the Govenor did not approve of. I'm not saying she meddled-just saying as Govenor I'd bet she was consulted and approved. I imagine Jindal will sign off and approve whoever is selected for the UL posiiton (I don't expect him to meddle).

  4. #232

    Default Re: Authement to Retire, Presidential Search Process

    Quote Originally Posted by Hammer58 View Post
    _ Thats exactly how it works. The folks at LSUA&MC don't always get their way. Just as with the French House at LSUA&MC they considered it the number one priority but the governing committee that oversees such things disagreed and said no it should be #26 behind much more deserving projects. So that was that and the French House was put behind the other pro...uh, nevermind.

    Lombardi-who did a great job w/Florida-had just come in and he pushed it because he wanted to build up the Honors College. You guys always point out how lowly rated LSU is .... We will see if an outsider-Lombardi-can come in and shake things up and raise the quality of the institution.

  5. #233

    Default Re: Authement to Retire, Presidential Search Process

    Quote Originally Posted by Hammer58 View Post
    Thats exactly how it works. The folks at LSUA&MC don't always get their way. Just as with the French House at LSUA&MC they considered it the number one priority but the governing committee that oversees such things disagreed and said no it should be #26 behind much more deserving projects. So that was that and the French House was put behind the other pro...uh, nevermind.

    LMAO!!! Can you see the governor (whoever it might be) saying "Okay boys, get your house back in line!".

  6. #234
    rhineaux's Avatar rhineaux is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Fan for Sure

    Default Re: Authement to Retire, Presidential Search Process

    Quote Originally Posted by LsuULfan View Post
    _ By that time Blanco had appointed several BOS members. They weren't going to select someone the Govenor did not approve of. I'm not saying she meddled-just saying as Govenor I'd bet she was consulted and approved. I imagine Jindal will sign off and approve whoever is selected for the UL posiiton (I don't expect him to meddle). _
    Actually, won't the decision be made and announced before Jindal is officially sworn in? I think I remember the decision announcement date being somewhere around Dec 12. Not sure when the swearing in will be.

  7. People Five candidates for president’s post to tour campus Sunday

    UL Campus — The committee searching for the next president of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette will interview job candidates Monday and Tuesday.

    The interviews are open to the public, and community members may submit their own questions in writing.

    Thirty-eight people applied for the job by the Oct. 1 deadline, and the search committee last month trimmed the group to five.

    On the interview list are state Commissioner of Higher Education Joseph Savoie, ULL Vice President for Academic Affairs Steve Landry and three out-of-state applicants: Karen White, Raymond Flumerfelt and Clifford L. Stanley.

    The five candidates are scheduled to arrive in Lafayette on Sunday to tour the campus, meet faculty members, and “get a feel for the university and have some of their questions answered,” UL System spokesman Jackie Tisdell said.

    The interviews are scheduled from 2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday and 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Tuesday in the main auditorium of the Louisiana Immersive Technologies Enterprise at 537 Cajundome Blvd.

    The rest of the story

    Advocate Acadiana bureau

    Homes SO Clean

  8. Louisiana Savoie was UL's legislative voice

      About 20 years ago, the University of Southwestern Louisiana was embroiled in a fight to have its name changed to the University of Louisiana - no Lafayette tag.

    It took face time in the Legislature to make it happen.

    That face representing USL at the time was Joe Savoie, who was then director of Alumni Affairs.

    "The university didn't have any governmental relations person per se, so from being with the Alumni Association, I was designated as the person to come to Baton Rouge and fight for the university's cause," he said.

    While it took another effort to get the name change to stick, Savoie continued his role as the university's voice in Baton Rouge and for the past 12 years, he's continued to represent the interests of all of the state's postsecondary institutions as higher education commissioner.

    The rest of the story

    Marsha Sills

    Homes SO Clean

  9. Research 9am Today The Interviews Begin

      Interviews for UL's next president began Monday and continue today, but the question-and-answer sessions aren't the end-all, be-all in choosing a new president, advised UL System's search consultant.

    "The interview is the least valid predictor of performance," said James Fisher, the system's search consultant. "... The way to find a leader is to find a leader and that's only done through referencing."

    The rest of the story

    Marsha Sills

    Homes SO Clean

  10. #238

    I have a Question Re: 9am Today The Interviews Begin

    I saw the interview list in this morning's paper and could not help but wonder why an engineering professor from the University of Houston would be in the final cut. Does he have pictures on somebody? If all we wanted was to pick an engineering professor, couldn't we pick one of ours?

    I must be missing something...

    My thoughts are towards Steve Landry, but that's just me.

  11. #239

    UL 1984, 1999 . . . . Re: 9am Today The Interviews Begin

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRed View Post
    _ I saw the interview list in this morning's paper and could not help but wonder why an engineering professor from the University of Houston would be in the final cut. Does he have pictures on somebody? If all we wanted was to pick an engineering professor, couldn't we pick one of ours?

    I must be missing something...

    My thoughts are towards Steve Landry, but that's just me. _

    He is innovative, helped to develop the wind energy project in Texas. Recently found out that was a major push by the former governor and now president of the USA. Texas is now one of the leading wind energy produces of the world.

  12. #240

    Default Re: 9am Today The Interviews Begin

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRed View Post
    _ I saw the interview list in this morning's paper and could not help but wonder why an engineering professor from the University of Houston would be in the final cut. Does he have pictures on somebody? If all we wanted was to pick an engineering professor, couldn't we pick one of ours?

    I must be missing something...

    My thoughts are towards Steve Landry, but that's just me. _
    He also has some experience as a Dean at two major universitites.

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