Thanks to Dr. A for all his many years of service to the University. We've all had our complaints about how he handled athletics, but it was always crystal clear that he wanted to make our academics second to none and we've benefited in ways because of that (case and point, our Nursing, Computer Science, and Business schools are some of the finest in the country), and even though they weren't his first priority, he did love athletics, basketball in particular, and it was great as a member of the Ragin Brass to see him in the crowd or around the hotel for basketball tournaments.
Of course, we now move forward with the hope that his successor place more of an impetus on athletics - or at least the formation of an official, well-known athletic foundation - as a means to generate money to better the university as a whole. I'm not particularly familiar with his policies or affiliations or anything of that nature, but I've heard Steve Landry speak multiple times and he is legitimately excited about the University and where it could go, and I think we'd be in good hands with him. That said, I still wouldn't mind a national search.