My agreement or disagreement plus 50 cents might buy a cup of coffee. Oops, I mean $5 at Starbucks.
I still do not know, exactly, what the admin knew of the NCAA rules on the use of transfer credits, whether UL sufficiently requested an explanation, whether they were given a sufficient explanation, whether they ignored advice for the obvious advantage, whether it was interpreted that they acted for personal gain and ignored "good judgement" and so on, and so forth. The NCAA does not have a set policy (and shouldn't) for infractions. They judge whether the institution used proper judgement, or ignored proper judgement, the limit to which they gained from the infraction, and then they apply penalties.
There is no doubt that rulings are not fair on the surface. And perhaps are not fair below the surface. Even this notion that we proposed upon ourselves too severe a penalty is ridiculous. How can this forum, or the Advertiser readership provide an educated response to the poll?
The result of the poll should have been 97% "don't know", with 3% thrown out for dangling chads. Oh... and I hate polls. They are stupid, meaningless, and only serve to create more confusion on the proposed subject. You can just about get any result you want, based on the question and limits of the answer selections. Whew... that felt good.