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Thread: Softball rebuilding? Maybe so...

  1. #265

    Default Re: Softball rebuilding... Maybe so? (Parrot Tweet merged)

    Quote Originally Posted by ULtimateCajun View Post
    if it is in fact a beef between Mike and the ath. dept. and this is how he finishes it.....I have NO respect for that guy. You have a top 15 team of girls who bust their @sses for him all off season and the day before the season starts he quits.......Na man....thats weak. Interested to hear what the back story is on this fiasco.
    Agree agree agree.... I really could care less what his issues are, as long as they aren't health issues, if it's just something that he has beef with the administration, he is being absurd and going way overboard. If I were his players I would be f@cking ______ed at him.

  2. #266

    Default Re: What the????? Michael L. is stepping down?

    Quote Originally Posted by Duggie35 View Post
    He is a quitter, if that happens!!!!!
    I know Mike Lotief and he is no quitter. For this to happen, it was bad. Scott Farmer should have not let this happen if in fact Mike is out.

  3. #267

    Default Re: Softball rebuilding... Maybe so? (Parrot Tweet merged)

    Quote Originally Posted by crazycajun View Post
    How can you question the man's honor when you have no idea what happened. Maybe his honor is exactly what he is standing up for. After what the man has battled health wise...doesn't seem like the type to quit very easily. Most people that are quitters who have the disease that he did, dont stick around this earth very long.
    IF (I'm saying IF) he quits today, or any time before the end of this season, he will have established how he will be viewed on his own, not by anyone else. He has complete control of his own legacy!!!!!! Believe you me, I am well aware of his health issues and that is an entirely different matter that has nothing to do with Softball or any trivial matter such as that. I have first hand knowledge about such an issue!!

  4. #268

    Default Re: Softball rebuilding... Maybe so? (Parrot Tweet merged)

    Without knowing the situation, it's premature to make judgements from either side.

  5. #269

    Default Re: What the????? Michael L. is stepping down?

    Quote Originally Posted by GATOR GRUNT View Post
    I know Mike Lotief and he is no quitter. For this to happen, it was bad. Scott Farmer should have not let this happen if in fact Mike is out.
    I understand things can get tense and from what i'm hearing he was a little overwhelmed having lost Joy to family health reasons BUT...IF he does in fact step down, resign, quit...whatever you want to call's a weak move. Resigning is quitting.

  6. #270

    Default Re: Softball rebuilding... Maybe so? (Parrot Tweet merged)

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunAmos View Post
    Without knowing the situation, it's premature to make judgements from either side.

  7. #271
    Zeebart21's Avatar Zeebart21 is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: Softball rebuilding... Maybe so? (Parrot Tweet merged)

    Quote Originally Posted by moorecajun View Post
    How was it watered, or should I ask, wetted?

    18 yr old Scotch, fermented for another 15 hours in my own personal dilatation of the alimentary canal of a vertebrate communicating anteriorly with the esophagus and posteriorly with the duodenum. From there into the small intestine at which time.........

    Oh hell, who am I kidding?? I peed on it.


  8. #272

    Default Re: Softball rebuilding... Maybe so? (Parrot Tweet merged)

    If it's a health issue, then best of luck to Mike. But if it's not, and anything less than Farmer telling him that his salary has been cut for this year, then I'm not sure I could accept him walking out on his team. Hopefully, everyone involved ends up satisfied, and Mike is the coach.

  9. #273

    Default Re: What the????? Michael L. is stepping down?

    Quote Originally Posted by ULtimateCajun View Post
    I understand things can get tense and from what i'm hearing he was a little overwhelmed having lost Joy to family health reasons BUT...IF he does in fact step down, resign, quit...whatever you want to call's a weak move. Resigning is quitting.
    Who knows, this might have been a mutual thing. I just think the athletic director probably could have made this happen at the end of the season. This will not look good anyway it gets spun. Mike, Scottt, and the University will look bad.

  10. #274

    Default Re: Parrot Tweet

    Quote Originally Posted by Bankruptcyman View Post
    it is hard enough to run a successful athletic department when everyone gets along and cooperates. If there are riffs developing among the coaches and AD it will impossible to move forward.
    I'm wondering if the intense pressure by the public not to renege on a master plan and get out of the SBC after 40 years of stagnation sparked this incident. This is a critical time to get these things done, but we're probably understaffed and tempers are short. I'm guessing Farmer told Lotief something (or vice-versa) under stress and Lotief flipped. We make our biggest mistakes when we are tired and frustrated.

  11. #275
    Just1More's Avatar Just1More is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: Softball rebuilding... Maybe so? (Parrot Tweet merged)

    Quote Originally Posted by Zeebart21 View Post
    18 yr old Scotch, fermented for another 15 hours in my own personal dilatation of the alimentary canal of a vertebrate communicating anteriorly with the esophagus and posteriorly with the duodenum. From there into the small intestine at which time.........

    Oh hell, who am I kidding?? I peed on it.

    BS... that green patch of grass didn't get that green from pee alone.

  12. #276

    Default Re: Parrot Tweet

    Quote Originally Posted by California Cajun View Post
    I'm wondering if the intense pressure by the public not to renege on a master plan and get out of the SBC after 40 years of stagnation sparked this incident. This is a critical time to get these things done, but we're probably understaffed and tempers are short. I'm guessing Farmer told Lotief something (or vice-versa) under stress and Lotief flipped. We make our biggest mistakes when we are tired and frustrated.
    I guessing you are right. A huge part of an athletic directors job is to communicate. What ever happened should have never gotten to the point of a passionate, hardworking coach such as Mile Lotief having or wanting to resign during the season. I just can't beleive this.

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