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Thread: Softball rebuilding? Maybe so...

  1. Default Re: Softball rebuilding... Maybe so? (Parrot Tweet merged)

    Joe Pa was hired very young at Penn State. That turned out pretty good. Mike Archer had a great first year and then failed totally.

    God knows it will most likely turn out bad.

    He can spin it any way he wants, he gave up leadership to a virtual novice.

  2. #470

    Default Re: Softball rebuilding... Maybe so? (Parrot Tweet merged)

    Someone better get off their _____ and call the Habetz girl at Alabama. She should be ready for a HC position starting next year. There is no way in hell that I even consider Megan Granger, even for an assistant coach next year. She was a utility/situational player at best.

  3. #471

    Default Re: Softball rebuilding... Maybe so? (Parrot Tweet merged)

    Quote Originally Posted by reddot View Post were the head coach . WTF did you think your responsibilities would be.
    How about broken promises?

  4. #472

    Default Re: Softball rebuilding... Maybe so? (Parrot Tweet merged)

    Quote Originally Posted by Geaux View Post
    This is starting to seem like he wanted his girl Grange to have the job. Scott Farmer you got played....big time. Lotief will hold her hand this year and if she is a success, we have to pay her, if not her and Lotief walk away freely and he takes the fall. This is some straight BS! We should go out and find Marty Fletcher and Jessie Evans to come back and be volunteers also. Either you are a full time paid coach or you are not! No pay means no accountability to the administration. I can't believe this. If he's done, tell his arse don't let the doorknob hit him on the way out and sell him a pair of season tickets if he wants to be close to the program. Go take care of your family and let this be. But again, I blame the administration for letting this happen this way. I would rather cut bait now and deal with it as compared to this bull______! I would take my chance on calling Yvette and her saying no as compared to this.
    This would have never happen if your athletic director would have did his job!

  5. #473

    Default Re: Softball rebuilding... Maybe so? (Parrot Tweet merged)

    If you heard the interview, and you still don't get it, you either:
    a) don't have kids
    b) need to do some serious soul-searching this weekend, before you look back and wonder why you missed what was most important.

  6. #474


    Quote Originally Posted by GATOR GRUNT View Post
    How about broken promises?
    Deal with it . But not like this.
    Jeez he's not a 12 year old that had a pinky promise broken.

  7. #475

    Default Re: Softball rebuilding... Maybe so? (Parrot Tweet merged)

    "This is starting to seem like he wanted his girl Grange to have the job. Scott Farmer you got played....big time. Lotief will hold her hand this year and if she is a success, we have to pay her" Bull ____!!!! If that is the case Scott can kiss his ___ goodbye.
    Seriously, i wouldn't even consider her for the head coaching position even if we made a super regional. Not qualified.

  8. #476

    Default Re: Softball rebuilding... Maybe so? (Parrot Tweet merged)

    If we want to be big time. You move on. Someone wants this job. I promise you!!!!!!!!!!!!! How many years have we been in the top 25, top 20, top 10 in a row?

  9. #477

    Default Re: Parrot Tweet

    Quote Originally Posted by Duggie35 View Post
    If Foote's blog is remotley close to being true, I have lost all respect for Lotief! Any money issues, coaching issues, administrative issues that may have changed after he and his wife decided to make changes in their lives (which I don't blame them for) should have been discussed in detail and known long before one day before the season starts!!!!! I guess all the talk about how much he cares for his players, and his claim that they are all one big family must be a bunch of BS. I know that I would never abandon my family because of a possible dispute with my employer!!!! If there are issues this serious, why did Lotief not bring them to a head long before now? Seems to me like he is attempting to hold UL hostage.

    I know many on here are not Farmer fans, but if Foote's blog turns out to be true, I will side with UL and Farmer in this instance. I know many of you will not see it that way, but as successful as Softball has been (even with the small budget they have had for years), FOOTBALL (1st) & Mens BASKETBALL (2nd) are driving the bus in this day and age and UL needs to do everything possible to get those two programs where they need to be to get us to the next level!
    Foote's story is inside roux from the athletic department. He has nothing on the record from Mike Lotief and so an opinion blog written with one side is exactly that! ONE SIDED!

  10. #478

    Default Re: Softball rebuilding... Maybe so? (Parrot Tweet merged)


  11. #479

    Default Re: Softball rebuilding... Maybe so? (Parrot Tweet merged)

    Quote Originally Posted by jllanclos View Post
    If you heard the interview, and you still don't get it, you either:
    a) don't have kids
    b) need to do some serious soul-searching this weekend, before you look back and wonder why you missed what was most important.
    Yes I have kids and I know when to say no and no means no! My problen is you can't have them both and play the university in doing so. If you want time with your family go do that and leave us the hell alone. We are trying to run a serious business and anyone that has ran a big time athletics program knows that you sacrafice family to do so. No problem with him leaving, but do just that and leave for good! This is comical ....and we call ourselves big time, LOL!

  12. #480

    Default Re: Softball rebuilding... Maybe so? (Parrot Tweet merged)

    Maybe Mike was tired of his assistants not getting paid well and decided to step down from his position and name Megan "HC" while on the field coaching stays unchanged. Plus Mike can concentrate on coaching and Megan now has a salary to justify taking over travel, shceduling, meals, budget..... He sounds like he's worn down from the stress. Don't know why this couldn't have happened earlier but, know one knows when their gonna reach a breaking point. Looking forward to a 3-0 start and apparently Megan's first presser... Good luck to Coach Megan and vol coach Mike.

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