This is starting to seem like he wanted his girl Grange to have the job. Scott Farmer you got played....big time. Lotief will hold her hand this year and if she is a success, we have to pay her, if not her and Lotief walk away freely and he takes the fall. This is some straight BS! We should go out and find Marty Fletcher and Jessie Evans to come back and be volunteers also. Either you are a full time paid coach or you are not! No pay means no accountability to the administration. I can't believe this. If he's done, tell his arse don't let the doorknob hit him on the way out and sell him a pair of season tickets if he wants to be close to the program. Go take care of your family and let this be. But again, I blame the administration for letting this happen this way. I would rather cut bait now and deal with it as compared to this bull______! I would take my chance on calling Yvette and her saying no as compared to this.