Last edited by AstroCajun; February 8th, 2013 at 03:10 pm. Reason: typos - and rambling
Wait. There's such thing as positive reps?
If Foote's blog is remotley close to being true, I have lost all respect for Lotief! Any money issues, coaching issues, administrative issues that may have changed after he and his wife decided to make changes in their lives (which I don't blame them for) should have been discussed in detail and known long before one day before the season starts!!!!! I guess all the talk about how much he cares for his players, and his claim that they are all one big family must be a bunch of BS. I know that I would never abandon my family because of a possible dispute with my employer!!!! If there are issues this serious, why did Lotief not bring them to a head long before now? Seems to me like he is attempting to hold UL hostage.
I know many on here are not Farmer fans, but if Foote's blog turns out to be true, I will side with UL and Farmer in this instance. I know many of you will not see it that way, but as successful as Softball has been (even with the small budget they have had for years), FOOTBALL (1st) & Mens BASKETBALL (2nd) are driving the bus in this day and age and UL needs to do everything possible to get those two programs where they need to be to get us to the next level!
aaaaand thread merge pushes this thread to 11.
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