In the spirit of some pretty sick undrcrwn t-shirts (, i thought it would be bad ass to make some shirts to commemorate some of the best years in UL/USL basketball. I've been attending/watching games since i was 8 or so (1990), so I can't quite capture the real golden ages of this team, but I think an Orien&Dwayne&Brad&Brian&Chris shirt would be pretty bad ass. Or one from the 2000 team that almost took out Tennessee, or shirts including Chris Manuel, Regi Poole, Michael Adams, Bryan Collins (anyone remember board busters????) my memory begins to get hazy here but something from back in the day (my dad has a sports illustrated with toney on the cover i think). All in all, I think this could be an excellent way to possibly generate a small chunk of change for the team. Anyone know legalities of this kind of stuff? Anyway, sorry for the ramble, I just think it would be cool to celebrate the high points of cajun basketball while we wait for them to get back on their feet. p.s. 'Prophet' Elijah is gonna lead this team into the future.