Poll: Which year/shirt would you want?

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Thread: basketball t-shirt idea

  1. #1

    UL Basketball basketball t-shirt idea

    In the spirit of some pretty sick undrcrwn t-shirts (http://www.jungle-life.com/item/1160), i thought it would be bad ass to make some shirts to commemorate some of the best years in UL/USL basketball. I've been attending/watching games since i was 8 or so (1990), so I can't quite capture the real golden ages of this team, but I think an Orien&Dwayne&Brad&Brian&Chris shirt would be pretty bad ass. Or one from the 2000 team that almost took out Tennessee, or shirts including Chris Manuel, Regi Poole, Michael Adams, Bryan Collins (anyone remember board busters????) my memory begins to get hazy here but something from back in the day (my dad has a sports illustrated with toney on the cover i think). All in all, I think this could be an excellent way to possibly generate a small chunk of change for the team. Anyone know legalities of this kind of stuff? Anyway, sorry for the ramble, I just think it would be cool to celebrate the high points of cajun basketball while we wait for them to get back on their feet. p.s. 'Prophet' Elijah is gonna lead this team into the future.

  2. #2

    UL Basketball Re: basketball t-shirt idea

    great idea

  3. #3

    Default Re: basketball t-shirt idea

    So I thought about this off and on for the rest of the day, and I am willing to really get this off of the ground. I would like to find out if there is any interest for a product like this. Which team would you like to see on a shirt? Would you buy one if all profit went to the UL basketball program?

  4. #4

    Default Re: basketball t-shirt idea

    Quote Originally Posted by oddtbone
    So I thought about this off and on for the rest of the day, and I am willing to really get this off of the ground. I would like to find out if there is any interest for a product like this. Which team would you like to see on a shirt? Would you buy one if all profit went to the UL basketball program?
    How about selling some LSU t-shirts, there are thousands of LSU fans in Lafayette and the LSU program has a much richer and more exciting history.

    If UL could generate any fan interest, it would not be one of the lowest schools in D IA.

  5. #5

    Default Re: basketball t-shirt idea

    i have no desire to associate myself in any way with lsu sports. no offense, i'm just a ragin cajun

  6. #6

    Default Re: basketball t-shirt idea

    and i'm in miami. this would probly go down through the mail.

  7. #7

    Default Re: basketball t-shirt idea

    Quote Originally Posted by evangelinetiger
    How about selling some LSU t-shirts, there are thousands of LSU fans in Lafayette and the LSU program has a much richer and more exciting history.

    If UL could generate any fan interest, it would not be one of the lowest schools in D IA.
    Now little Eric, maybe you will feel better driving around Eunice with your LSU flag mounted on your vehicle. Then you will really feel big time!

  8. #8

    Default Re: basketball t-shirt idea

    ok, this is the last post i will make for a while. (obviously, i'm pretty geeked out about this ____). check out these examples



    you like?

  9. #9

    Default Re: basketball t-shirt idea

    So here's a few quick ideas. From left to right 1994, 2000, 2004. I'm gonna call em 'Evidence' tees. Evidence that we know how to ball at UL.

    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

  10. Default Re: basketball t-shirt idea

    Quote Originally Posted by evangelinetiger
    How about selling some LSU t-shirts, there are thousands of LSU fans in Lafayette and the LSU program has a much richer and more exciting history.

    If UL could generate any fan interest, it would not be one of the lowest schools in D IA.
    If I-10 East had a Pokey, but they don't. If they still had a big baby, but they don't. Well they are a bunch of big babies. Maybe they could get some basketball interest.

  11. #11

    Default Re: basketball t-shirt idea

    Quote Originally Posted by oddtbone
    In the spirit of some pretty sick undrcrwn t-shirts (http://www.jungle-life.com/item/1160), i thought it would be bad ass to make some shirts to commemorate some of the best years in UL/USL basketball.

  12. #12

    Default Re: basketball t-shirt idea

    who started in 72?

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