Poll: Number One Difference Maker in UL Football Program Turn around?

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Thread: What will be the single biggest (turnaround) difference maker in UL FB history?

  1. #13

    Ragin' Cajuns Re: What will be the single biggest difference maker in UL Football History turnaroun

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajun Express
    I completely understand, and the university would still be spending all the money they do now from the general athletic fund. I do not see how the general fund could not be made to spend money on these minor sports especially any with women. Endowed money has to be viewed as in addition to what the university already does.
    Of course the general fund would still spend money on those sports; but it would be money derived from income on the endowments, not money taken from the State or from revenue producing programs, as is currently the case.

  2. #14

    Default Re: What will be the single biggest difference maker in UL Football History turnaroun

    Quote Originally Posted by cajunlove
    None of the above. 10 years of winning football to offset the 10 years of losing/mediocre football.

    I agree. None of the above. RECRUITING-RECRUITING-RECRUITING.

  3. #15

    Default Re: What will be the single biggest difference maker in UL Football History turnaroun

    Quote Originally Posted by showdog
    I agree. None of the above. RECRUITING-RECRUITING-RECRUITING.
    Everything starts and ends with winning. You are not going to sell 20,000 season tickets for a terrible product. That would help with recruiting, marketing, season ticket sales etc... Just win baby. Look at the Saints, there is a 25,000 long waiting list to buy season tickets with just one terrific season.

  4. #16

    Default Re: What will be the single biggest (turnaround) difference maker in UL FB history?

    Gee guys. 2 pages of responses and nobody has said the #1 answer.

    A new university president.

  5. #17

    Default Re: What will be the single biggest (turnaround) difference maker in UL FB history?

    Quote Originally Posted by HOTBOUDIN
    Gee guys. 2 pages of responses and nobody has said the #1 answer.

    A new university president.
    That's not on the list. How old is Authement? He was an old man when I was there. He is like the Dick Clark of Acadiana.

  6. #18

    UL Football Re: What will be the single biggest (turnaround) difference maker in UL FB history?

    Quote Originally Posted by DaddyCajun
    Just wondering what the single biggest difference maker will have been in UL's Football Program turn around?

    Most every item on the list, is being persued by GH so I voted for him as without his efforts most of what we have as of recent and will have in the future is because of Gerald Hebert!!


  7. #19

    Default Re: What will be the single biggest (turnaround) difference maker in UL FB history?

    I say Season tickets.

    As a matter of fact this is the first year I am buying two season tickets to sit on the ADULT side now, as referred to when I was in college. I guess I am officially an adult.

    My friend is also buying two.

    So thats 4 more season tickets bought.

  8. #20

    Default Re: What will be the single biggest (turnaround) difference maker in UL FB history?

    Marketing and recruiting are the same thing the coaches just hav to market in person.

  9. #21

    Default Re: What will be the single biggest (turnaround) difference maker in UL FB history?

    Quote Originally Posted by OldBullDog
    Marketing and recruiting are the same thing the coaches just hav to market in person.
    Winning does wonders for marketing and recruiting. I know the IceGators were despised be most cajun fan they proved good marketing and winning can do wonders.

  10. #22

    Default Re: What will be the single biggest (turnaround) difference maker in UL FB history?

    Quote Originally Posted by DaddyCajun
    Just wondering what the single biggest difference maker will have been in UL's Football Program turn around?

    Authement resigning?

  11. #23

    Default Re: What will be the single biggest (turnaround) difference maker in UL FB history?

    Quote Originally Posted by Pirogue
    Authement resigning?
    You know he is old and he has to leave soon. Let's give the old man his due and he did make UL a great school and finally gave us the UL although we have to officially add the city tag. It is time for new blood I agree.

  12. #24

    This is so COOL Re: What will be the single biggest (turnaround) difference maker in UL FB history?

    Quote Originally Posted by RCAJUN90
    _ You know he is old and he has to leave soon. Let's give the old man his due and he did make UL a great school and finally gave us the UL although we have to officially add the city tag. It is time for new blood I agree. _
    We are winning city tag battle ever so slowly. I wonder when the levee will break.

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