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_ You are absolutely dead on. But, if you don't mind, I'd like to keep "talking" about the "reality" of it. "Winning" is a result, not a plan. Those who keep saying "winning will cure everything" are just pounding sand. It is ridiculous to talk about winning without establishing a plan to win. Winning requires a never-ending large flow of financial support, for all the reasons you mentioned. Competition is relentless in the fundraising arena in all college sports. Our efforts to-date have resulted at best in keeping up with but not exceeding our competition.
The idea that "fans" are the problem is a ridiculous notion. There are tiers of college sports fans. It is a fan pyramid. Every school has one. The diehard, never gonna give up, love you no matter what fan is at the very top of that pyramid. At the bottom (and a whole lot larger number) is the casual fan. They are a potential source of attendence and/or revenue for your school... but they do not enter the picture without a) automatic high-end entertainment (and winning) and/or b) getting caught up in the buzz and excitement of an anticipated high-end entertainment (and winning).
UL, IMHO, has penetrated about 10% over the years into its availability pyramid. I personally believe that we are in the bottom 10% of schools who are adequately taking advantage of their potential. That 10% penetration constitutes the diehards, and a smattering of others. Even though I get very irritated living here in Baton Rouge, owning UL season tickets, traveling to Lafayette to watch games, and thinking... all those UL grads/friends/family/community folks living in the Acadiana area... "do they really think that UL is beneath them for sports entertainment"? "Are they so stupid that they don't know that with their help, UL would give them back everything they are looking for... that UL is the single best investment for the future of the area... how exciting it is to have something huge happening in your own back yard... and so on?"
The truth is that they are the casual fan. They require something to draw them in and will never be prodded into joining the UL sports family. They do not show up from a guilt trip... "it is the man in the mirror" nonsense. They require a huge campaign... approaching them from 20 different angles... all positive... all with perceived benefits.
I have been an advocate of a TAF-like organization. I've witnessed what it did for LSU. Sure, different situation... but only a difference in proportinality... if we had the most financial stroke in the Sunbelt, we would be writing our ticket to many other places. I hear people talk about the RCC, and I am dang glad they exist. However, all other schools have foundations similar to RCC. I could care less what we call it, and whether it is new or a re-build of a prior foundation. The fundamental argument is "why haven't we penetrated that fan pyramid even greater?"
That fan pyramid exists. This board and radio shows in the Acadiana area only reach the existing participating fan. They do not reach what is in dire need... the wider portions of that pyramid. They are not reached thru guilt trips... "where are you guys... it is up to you?" BS. It is up to those either in the university administration who are paid to make it happen, or a group of diehards to force the experiment up a notch or 200x.
There is a fine line in saying that what is going on is inadequate. Those who work tirelessly get insulted quickly when people act like what is being done isn't enough. I would keep quiet if I were not a contributor. Currently, the only means I have of helping is contributing money, and showing up, when I can, to games. One thing that excites a diehard fan into even giving more, is the idea that the money is being well spent. I trust that my money does get spent wisely on things that need immediate need... that is not the problem. The masses (deeper in that pyramid) need to feel like a plan is in place that will result in a huge return on their investment. No one gets excited about "run and maintain". I want money going toward a bigger plan.
If the RCC and other fundraising efforts are truly considered adequate, so be it. But, I would ask that people not keep hammering the idea that "the fans" are the problem, and that they just need to give more and show up. That is like a business needing customers, getting on the intercom and berating the shoppers in the store for not being better shoppers. You are belittling those that are shopping, and you are not reaching the other customers that you need. The fans we need are deeper in that pyramid, and will not come forth without that plan. Listing "run and maintain" accomplishments is not getting to them.
Back to "winning"... yes, of course, winning is one huge element in digging deeper into the fan pyramid. But again, "winning" is a result. Any coach will tell you that (if he has a brain). The coach can recruit up to his/her best, coach up to the best of his/her abililties, and the player can play as hard as he/she can... but... that happens everywhere. The master funding plan is the key to open up the next gate.
Solution: Get a college sports marketing guru with a proven track record to come in and explain how it gets done. You have to set aside your personal agendas and do what you are told, or it will not work. I have personally blamed the admin for our "run and maintain" mentality, lack of vision, and running a closed boys-club. I think they are a little scared of something they do not have both hands on the wheel of, at all times.
If you do not have the funds to hire this guru, then run a campaign to get those funds. It will be the best money this university has ever spent. Oh, provided they take his/her advice, without exception. Why do I think it will work... the Acadiana area is prime ground for college sports enthusiasts. Money isn't in everyone's pockets, but there is plenty enough for being attendees, and there aren't enough seats currently to hold them... trust me. Then, there is deep pocket money in individuals and businesses. They can be reached, and the money would come. It takes a master plan that cannot be derived internally, with the same people, thinking the same way. Get a marketing guru and let them tell us what to do. _