The problem is that there is only 103.7 since 1420 cannot be heard South of between the Mall and Maurice!!! And that is really a shame since it has always been the place to go and it has always been a handicap to further UL athletics---if you can't hear it you can't grow it!!!
I trust in HUDs judgment. He has been doing all the right things since he got here. It makes me excited to think that even after 2 successful seasons and bowl game wins that instead of being content, HUD still sees room for improvement. I look forward to the success of this upcoming year's team.
That's what I was thinking when I read Pasbon's comment yesterday. Just because you reached a certain plateau (even if it's the greatest one we've ever reached) does not mean that there are not personnel on staff that, following a coach's evaluation, are potentially holding back a particular part of the coaching assignments.
Hud is dramatically different than most breeds we've seen. That is precisely why he was able to immediately step change our program in a positive direction. He's not just a methodical winner. He's a rocket launch pad for anything that he can get his arms around. If he thinks you're even the slightest amount of dead weight on that launch, he's going to cut you loose.
Staff that know that, may have it in themselves to step up their game. Staff that don't have it are going to get cut. We know we have a winner in Hud. We now know he doesn't just want to win "something"... he wants to win "everything".
We can only hope that having a guy with Hud's passion for success, coupled with what appears to be good moral grounding, can become infectious at UL. As our administration looks for consultants for various objectives at UL, I hope they look no further than Mark Hudspeth for leadership skills.
UL needs to make use of Mark Hudspeth while he's in our employment. I sure hope our administration realizes what this window of opportunity could do for us. Hudspeth isn't slow-boating the advancement of his life. UL could learn something from that.
What do the "other people" have to do with this at all? HUD is committed, which is something everybody knew. This shows absolutely nothing about commitment from the "other people". Why are you constantly defending the "other people" and giving them credit they dont deserve?
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