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Thread: Any information on cajun field renovation

  1. #166

    Default Re: any information on cajun field renovation

    Quote Originally Posted by moorecajun View Post
    It is much easier for you to be part of a "gaggle" HAWK!

    I'm in this thing along with the rest of you AND I want to see a new and improved stadium, great facilities for everyone and a partrdige (back to the gaggle) in a pear tree!

    I just hope we do this in a manner that unites people, not divide them. But I guess we have been down so long that whatever GOOD happens it will create a new legion of CAJUN NATION.

    But, I can guarantee you, I am ready for something to happen!
    Amen brother.amen.

  2. #167


    Quote Originally Posted by cajunhawk View Post
    You are insinuating that there are rich people who give their money away and don't care one iota what happens with it. That is not the case, that's why they are millionaires to begin with for the most part. They give, but they give wisely. How does one give wisely? Well they have to see the fruits of their donation's labor. If someone gives money to a church, after giving so much money and not seeing any results, they would being to ask questions. Just like most of us are now. Most of the really large donations come from inheritances.people die and outlay a portion of their estate to the cause. Those are the best.the guy is dead.can't make trouble. Best of both worlds, money, and no problems.

    This is my point I have tried to make in the past.I don't think anything we put out is going to bring in the big donors. We are counting our chickens before they are hatched so to speak. If you think our cup will runneth over just because we made it super simple for big donors to see what they are donating to.I personally think you are fooling yourself. Lafayette has shown to be a hard egg to them a road map isn't going to make them want to visit the Grand Canyon. If you make enough noise about how awesome the Grand Canyon is.maybe they take that road map.and pay a visit. It's all about timing, and I think now is as good a time as any.but.who's to say it will be enough to sway the big donors to crack open their wallets? No one knows until it happens. I think we as fans need to push the issue, and get it out there ASAP.
    You are trying to put words in my mouth for the sake of your argument as usual. Caring and asking questions and trying to be the athletic director are 2 different things. You are trying to make them one in the same. I care where my money goes but I don't wanna run the athletic department, I just wish the man who gets paid 6 figures to run the athletic dept had a F'n clue what that means.

  3. #168

    Default Re: any information on cajun field renovation

    Safe to say that we've reached a point of no return with patience with Savioe/Farmer on these undefined delays.

    Will these same two these guys delay indefinitely without explanation any known deadlines for any State reporting requirements? No chance. You flat out meet deadlines that are high priority to you. Setting priorities is a choice.

    There inactions tells me Master Plan on the priority scale no matter what they or their apologist say is not nearly as high as we believe it needs to be. Nothing at all to advise the broader stakeholders why months of delay/inactionliterally nothing. Not even a forward date they are committed to in future for release. Items of low priority get nothing and that's what we have seen.


  4. #169
    Just1More's Avatar Just1More is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: any information on cajun field renovation

    Quote Originally Posted by cajunhawk View Post
    How am I against people who give money? I give money. In fact, there aren't many people I hang around with who give as much as me. So that blows a massive hole in your argument on that one. I am pessimistic about the big boys just unloading the cash once the Master Plan is ready to go. Give me one instance that would show me and the world that the money people of Lafayette are just frothing at the mouth to unload huge donations into the RCAF?

    What else am I doing? The same most people are doing around here._____ing and moaning and making idle promises because they are all too chicken ____ to do anything of substance about the problem. Is that what you want to hear? I have given several ideas that are off the beaten path. What's so hard about trying to tap our stagnant alumni pool for donations? There are literally thousands that just graduated. A small percentage of that each year just fills up the coffers, and is way more stable than any large donation from a power hunger money backer who wants things done their way or no way at all. An increase in small donors would actually be a catalyst for big donors to jump on board. And with a large enough base of small donors, we could insure ourselves against any donor deciding we aren't meeting his level of excellence and withdrawing his donation. This is not rocket science. This university employs intelligent people at many levels. This should not be that hard to undertake. If I came to you with a petition that demanded the administration finish and carry out a Master Plan for the advancement of athletics.would you sign it?
    This is more of your bloviating nonsense. You have routinely dismissed big money. So, just can that BS. The actual Master Plan results will. give Hud and other coaches something to recruit with it. to give future success speeches to Lafayette/Acadian civic groups and other organizations. just as he did when he took over. and it will bring in small, medium and large donors. It will give UL people that are already in the fold something to convince others less convinced the evidence to get involved. Once we have the suites. we will have some big money people from Acadiana included in that. Once we have 40,000 plus fans, we will get their attention to be inclusive of our mission. It absolutely does work that way. What evidence do you have to the contrary?

    You don't just go and say, "tap into the alumni base". How so? You've spent so much time with an obsession with BandwagonKing, you didn't even read any other posts. We've explained, with clarity, how you bring in the small, medium and large money. You think they should have just started giving money on the announcement of Ray not being at UL anymore. Do you have a clue how many disinfranchised Acadiana UL people have been for decades with "UL athletics"?

    We are not going to get them into the process any other way but by proving that we take this stuff seriously. Gee. a young coach that they've never heard of comes in and finally takes us to a bowl. Do you really think that makes Acadiana business and private people with money. all of the sudden. backing of a UL management group that has proven 800 times prior that when the going gets tough. they abandon athletics?

    And this talk about "small donors". just coming out of school. The exact same things that get little, medium and big donors are exactly what this primary board of core people have been explaining. Of course we want them all. Why would you even make a distinction? Is $100 a year too large to start? And guess what. you can give RCAF $5 any time you want. You don't get a membership card. But, is that what it's all about? I think $100 is a fair entry point.

    If you thought a petition was so incredible. why haven't you already got one going? Petitions don't demand things unless they are associated with the threat of a vote or money. We don't vote for these guys. so guess what we have to threaten with? Money. Yes. if you circulate a petition that says that I will withdraw any and all financial support from UL if they do not begin providing timely information regarding the Master Plan and all other athletic system matters. and if the Master Plan does not explicitly state the timeline for construction of the Cajun Field renovations. I will withdraw my participation and future support of UL athletics."

  5. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by lcitsh View Post
    I will try to answer as many of these questions as I can. I have not seen any piece of paper that says ".Master Plan." The information I'm about to give came from conversations I had with Dr. Savoie. There is an athletics master plan that addresses all facilities, with the exception of the Cajundome, and the funding thereof.
    I enjoyed this post.

    Adjusted timeline aside, why would the CajunDome automatically be excluded and off the table?

    I know UL owns it, and I know there is a deal in place with the city to run it, but master plans take years and sometimes decades to execute.

    So in light of long term, if the CajunDome is automatically excluded and off the table, we will never know whether or not this national firm had a blueprint for making the CajunDome a cash cow.

    At the very least it would allow UL to explore leverage options next time the deal with the City is on the table.

  6. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by SMD7636 View Post
    The details of the story, including the date and person, are very telling.
    Yes they are.

    In hindsight (perhaps foresight by T-Joe) the academic and athletic master plans simply had to be staggered or the crucial student fee for the academic plan would have never passed.

  7. #172

    Default Re: any information on cajun field renovation

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    I enjoyed this post.

    Adjusted timeline aside, why would the CajunDome automatically be excluded and off the table?

    I know UL owns it, and I know there is a deal in place with the city to run it, but master plans take years and sometimes decades to execute.

    So in light of long term, if the CajunDome is automatically excluded and off the table, we will never know whether or not this national firm had a blueprint for making the CajunDome a cash cow.

    At the very least it would allow UL to explore leverage options next time the deal with the City is on the table.
    But Turbine, it is not a part of the university's facilities today. A good Master Plan would/should note its inclusion should it ever become a part of the university (I mean a facility maintenance part).

  8. #173

    Default Re: any information on cajun field renovation

    Turbdarn you finding a loophole in a document that no one has seen. This will be another 3-4 months of proofreading.

  9. #174

    Default Re: any information on cajun field renovation

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    I enjoyed this post.

    Adjusted timeline aside, why would the CajunDome automatically be excluded and off the table?

    I know UL owns it, and I know there is a deal in place with the city to run it, but master plans take years and sometimes decades to execute.

    So in light of long term, if the CajunDome is automatically excluded and off the table, we will never know whether or not this national firm had a blueprint for making the CajunDome a cash cow.

    At the very least it would allow UL to explore leverage options next time the deal with the City is on the table.
    It's possible I misunderstood the comment about the Cajundome. I thought I heard that the CD would not be part of the project, which would be understandable to me as I thought it is government owned. I'll have to check on that and get back to you.

  10. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by lcitsh View Post
    It's possible I misunderstood the comment about the Cajundome. I thought I heard that the CD would not be part of the project, which would be understandable to me as I thought it is government owned. I'll have to check on that and get back to you.
    At football practice a few years back, Dr. Authement told me UL owned the CajunDome.

    Through the years I found myself in a couple of arguments on ownership then I found verification on the "about" page "mission statement" says: "The CAJUNDOME was built by the State of Louisiana, funded by the City of Lafayette, and owned by the University of Louisiana"

  11. #176

    Default Re: any information on cajun field renovation

    Quote Originally Posted by Boomer View Post
    Thanks Lcitsh----The things that you have mentioned seem to be very good as far as the direction that we are taking---BUT really these are NO BRAINERS----Damn right I would have visited and had conference officials and even other possible future conference schools visit our place----Point out the Academic construction as a very important component of the plans----and certainly juxtaposition of all our favorable comparisons----Do we use all our resources---Duuuhhhh???? yea I heard that the finance situation meeting went very well and the interest rates are just begging to be taken advantage of NOW----I am looking at T-Joe's performance on facilities and he seems to be batting a very high average---the cleaning of all the buildings, the Bourgeois Hall pool etc, the DORMS, the Union, the ARCH building, and the master campus vote----all the funding gods were in place for these and now it is in having to sail in uncharted (non-funded) waters-----Cross the river and shout ALLIA JACTA EST!!!!! We will surely follow!!!!
    Right on Boomer!

  12. #177

    Default Re: any information on cajun field renovation

    Quote Originally Posted by Just1More View Post
    This is more of your bloviating nonsense. You have routinely dismissed big money. So, just can that BS. The actual Master Plan results will. give Hud and other coaches something to recruit with it. to give future success speeches to Lafayette/Acadian civic groups and other organizations. just as he did when he took over. and it will bring in small, medium and large donors. It will give UL people that are already in the fold something to convince others less convinced the evidence to get involved. Once we have the suites. we will have some big money people from Acadiana included in that. Once we have 40,000 plus fans, we will get their attention to be inclusive of our mission. It absolutely does work that way. What evidence do you have to the contrary?
    I realize Big Money is a necessary evil in the world of College Football. What you constantly fail to understand is what I have been saying is that a stronger alumni base can insure against any big money donors pulling their donations due to control or unsatisfactory results. You seem to keep drilling that dry hole hoping some oil will come out and the outcome is always the same.if only you guys wouldn't get so flustered to try and prove me wrong, maybe you would learn something.

    I agree the Master Plan should do all those things.but it's not a guarantee. have no evidence to prove that it is going to be a success. Why can't you prove it? Name a peer of ours in the same situation that has been able to do what we haven't done. You can't use Tech.because regardless of all the hullabaloo they have been saying.they are still having trouble getting stuff done, and they have the big donor. Most of the same things we are saying about our administration, they are saying about their's.and they have a Master Plan and a big donor.

    Look at Southern Miss. That's a program that everyone says has "passed us by". They have the winning tradition, the fan support, they have a Master Plan.they must be raking in the dough. As Lee Corso once said."Not so fast my friend." They had to sell their guarantee of a home game with Nebraska back to them to pay for the buyout on Ellis Johnson's contract. Doesn't that sound like something a Sun Belt team would do? In fact, the majority of donors to the USM athletic foundation, aren't alumni. Sound familiar? Seems like alienating your alumni base at the mid major level is an epic blunder.

    Quote Originally Posted by Just1More View Post
    You don't just go and say, "tap into the alumni base". How so? You've spent so much time with an obsession with BandwagonKing, you didn't even read any other posts. We've explained, with clarity, how you bring in the small, medium and large money. You think they should have just started giving money on the announcement of Ray not being at UL anymore. Do you have a clue how many disinfranchised Acadiana UL people have been for decades with "UL athletics"?
    Is it not customary for the Alumni Association to track and keep in contact with the Alumni base? We have names, addresses, etc. Sell the Master Plan to them. Doing it just like the have's, does not work for the have not's. Yet no one, and I mean no one, has deviated from that path for fear of.____ if I know what they are afraid of.

    You said it yourself, "Do you have a clue how many disinfranchised Acadiana UL people have been for decades with "UL athletics".you think it's only gonna take a Master Plan to get them in the fold? It's just going to be another item in the long list of "If ULL had this.I would totally give money". What's next.putting an Orange Julius stand at Cajun Field? Orange Whip, Orange Whip, Three Orange Whips!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Just1More View Post
    We are not going to get them into the process any other way but by proving that we take this stuff seriously. Gee. a young coach that they've never heard of comes in and finally takes us to a bowl. Do you really think that makes Acadiana business and private people with money. all of the sudden. backing of a UL management group that has proven 800 times prior that when the going gets tough. they abandon athletics?
    Once are making my point for me. This is too easy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Just1More View Post
    And this talk about "small donors". just coming out of school. The exact same things that get little, medium and big donors are exactly what this primary board of core people have been explaining. Of course we want them all. Why would you even make a distinction? Is $100 a year too large to start? And guess what. you can give RCAF $5 any time you want. You don't get a membership card. But, is that what it's all about? I think $100 is a fair entry point.
    It has been mentioned on this board before that a graduate level would be a great incentive to get recent grads into the fold. I can't remember whose idea it was. That's a great idea.but it was poorly received if I remember it correctly. I have no problem with accepting all donations.I just don't see the incentive to put all your eggs in the big donor basket, when it's available from other sources. We are trying to pick ourselves up off the mat right now.there is no way we are going to get the big donors we need to make a difference in the upcoming years. That's a hard fact of college football life we are going to have to swallow eventually. Better to do it now rather than later. If we are able to get off the mat, and get things going in the right direction.there is no question they will come.they always do.

    Quote Originally Posted by Just1More View Post
    If you thought a petition was so incredible. why haven't you already got one going? Petitions don't demand things unless they are associated with the threat of a vote or money. We don't vote for these guys. so guess what we have to threaten with? Money. Yes. if you circulate a petition that says that I will withdraw any and all financial support from UL if they do not begin providing timely information regarding the Master Plan and all other athletic system matters. and if the Master Plan does not explicitly state the timeline for construction of the Cajun Field renovations. I will withdraw my participation and future support of UL athletics."
    I'm not going to do this thing alone. It's a huge undertaking and I have responsibilities like everyone else. I have no problem dedicating a portion of my time to it, I have some to spare. I'm all for threatening to remove money, but it has to be done as a singular, unified voice. If people call and tell this to the RCAF's going to go in one ear, and out the other. It's unlikely any of the news would even reach the board, or the administration, because we all know how hard it is to give bad news to your boss. This makes damn sure.who needs to hear it, and what they need to hear, loud and clear.

    I like what you put there at the end. That is ideal to what we need, and will send a powerful, and profound message to our administration. If we do are in charge of the wording my friend. The work is pretty much done for you already in that last paragraph.

  13. #178

    Default Re: any information on cajun field renovation

    Quote Originally Posted by lcitsh View Post
    I will try to answer as many of these questions as I can. I have not seen any piece of paper that says ".Master Plan." The information I'm about to give came from conversations I had with Dr. Savoie. There is an athletics master plan that addresses all facilities, with the exception of the Cajundome, and the funding thereof. It includes conference affiliation and addressing every component that would attract every conference to us {budget, facility improvements (academic as well as athletic), TV market, team success, coaching salaries, academic standing-I think that's all there were}. There was a scheduled meeting today with financiers to discuss the money issues of the plan.That's why I believe that when it is announced, which should be in the next two months unless there are complications, that even the most strident naysayers on this board should be pleasantly shocked.
    Thanks for the info lcitsh !

  14. #179

    Default Re: any information on cajun field renovation

    Anyone run out of bi-polar medication lately?

  15. #180

    Default Re: any information on cajun field renovation

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    At football practice a few years back, Dr. Authement told me UL owned the CajunDome.

    Through the years I found myself in a couple of arguments on ownership then I found verification on the "about" page "mission statement" says: "The CAJUNDOME was built by the State of Louisiana, funded by the City of Lafayette, and owned by the University of Louisiana"
    You know who "owns" the Cajundome? The organization that takes care of the maintenance . that is the area of concern for us and if we (UL) takes care of it, then it should be part of the Master Plan. However, since I am reading about Greg Davis going in front of the City Parish Council with funding needs, I feel that is probably the organization (City) that "owns" it.

    I'm sure Greg would not mind a few greenbacks from the Master Plan!

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