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Thread: Any information on cajun field renovation

  1. #85

    Default Re: any information on cajun field renovation

    We are lead by a small minded, scared man.

  2. #86

    Default Re: any information on cajun field renovation

    Quote Originally Posted by 82Cajun View Post
    I thought the RCAF was an independent entity?????????
    It's under the UL foundation and the admin appoints the board. We just give money and are not allowed a voice in choosing the leadership or direction of the foundation. When the RCAF was first announced we were so hungry for an athletic support organization that we didn't question it's structure.

  3. #87

    Default Re: any information on cajun field renovation

    Quote Originally Posted by Hammer58 View Post
    It's under the UL foundation and the admin appoints the board. We just give money and are not allowed a voice in choosing the leadership or direction of the foundation. When the RCAF was first announced we were so hungry for an athletic support organization that we didn't question it's structure.
    And they have many from the old guard still hanging around.

  4. UL Football Re: any information on cajun field renovation

    Quote Originally Posted by Hammer58 View Post
    It's under the UL foundation and the admin appoints the board. We just give money and are not allowed a voice in choosing the leadership or direction of the foundation. When the RCAF was first announced we were so hungry for an athletic support organization that we didn't question it's structure.
    RCAF is just an updated Ragin'Cajun Club.

  5. #89

    Default Re: any information on cajun field renovation

    Listening to Pat McDonald, Louie Lowry, Ken Meyers and Blaine Barrilleaux I cannot hear anything different in their presentation that I have not read on this board. "We have to donate". We all know that. The problem is how do we get the so call 90,000 allumni around this area to hear the message. The fan's sitting in the stands. Our next door neighbors, etc. I do not see any promotions at all other than this board. And the only one to hear it is the one's on this board. Case in point. My son works for a oil service company. I asked him last week end if anyone at the company office knew about the RCAF. One said, "something about the republican convention". Now this company is in the heart of Lafayette. The person he asked was one of the senior officers. My son said, "this is no joke Pop". The above mention members of the RCAF had better say more than we have to donate. Hell we know that......get the damn message out to the public. We just finish a football season, and a good one I may add. So let's start now, not in August.......

  6. #90

    Default Re: any information on cajun field renovation

    Quote Originally Posted by andrepourciau View Post
    And they have many from the old guard still hanging around.
    John Bordelon is a good guy to have. Former USL player and appears to be pro-active with Cloutier and others in trying to move things along for us.

    But yeah...Savoie, Domingues, Hebert, Daigle...definitely old Authement/Blanco guard hanging around.

  7. #91

    Default Re: any information on cajun field renovation

    It would be best if any from that era resigned. Not saying they are bad......that era for athletics support in general was terrible. It is best for UL to cut ties to this period and bring in a new round of vested local business leaders into the brain trust. No ties to past, only mission of the new board is to see UL athletics be worthy of Big 12 status. Any Authemant era thinking with RCAF leadership will never (literally never) give us a chance. Need guys that have no fear in being bold/visionary nor overly PC in a state where "know your place" actions has historically been rewarded.

    Hud/Rob should get a seat/vote on the board for any/all events that include facilities. Football being the largest fiscal commitment but with a potential HUGE ROI if done right with baseball to a lesser degree. Both have untapped potential where facilities can make an immediate impact on attendance and future athletic performance.......and it will benefit non athletics in that enrollment in general would benefit with greatly improved athletics performance. Obviously coaching salary related topics would be off limits for voting.

    PP #2

  8. #92

    Default Re: any information on cajun field renovation

    Quote Originally Posted by Policarp View Post
    It would be best if any from that era resigned. Not saying they are bad......that era for athletics support in general was terrible. It is best for UL to cut ties to this period and bring in a new round of vested local business leaders into the brain trust. No ties to past, only mission of the new board is to see UL athletics be worthy of Big 12 status. Any Authemant era thinking with RCAF leadership will never (literally never) give us a chance. Need guys that have no fear in being bold/visionary nor overly PC in a state where "know your place" actions has historically been rewarded.

    Hud/Rob should get a seat/vote on the board for any/all events that include facilities. Football being the largest fiscal commitment but with a potential HUGE ROI if done right with baseball to a lesser degree. Both have untapped potential where facilities can make an immediate impact on attendance and future athletic performance.......and it will benefit non athletics in that enrollment in general would benefit with greatly improved athletics performance. Obviously coaching salary related topics would be off limits for voting.

    PP #2
    The problem with all those old pals of Ray is that they think, despite results / evidence to the contrary, his way was the way to do things. In meeting with several new people from outside who have joined this administration over the past few years (including Scott Farmer himself when he first got here) its been sadly amusing to hear all of them say shortly after getting here that they have never heard the phrase "Thats not how we do things here" so often. Somehow those old entrenched bureaucrats cant get it through their heads that "the way we do things around here" is the reason we have ben mired in mediocrity for so long. The old-timers need to step aside and let these guys do the job they were hired to do. Lead, follow or get the hell out of the way !!!

  9. #93

    Default Re: any information on cajun field renovation

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunrunner View Post
    John Bordelon is a good guy to have. Former USL player and appears to be pro-active with Cloutier and others in trying to move things along for us.

    But yeah...Savoie, Domingues, Hebert, Daigle...definitely old Authement/Blanco guard hanging around.
    John Bordelon is part of the problem.

  10. #94


    Quote Originally Posted by cajun4life View Post
    John Bordelon is part of the problem.
    Better watch it... Somebody might pull your ragin pagin privileges

  11. #95

    Default Re: any information on cajun field renovation

    Quote Originally Posted by crazycajun View Post
    Better watch it... Somebody might pull your ragin pagin privileges
    I could care less he is an anchor to the progress of this university's athletic program and the RCAF along with Marc Judice. I have no problem calling out people who are not looking to advance athletics here at UL. They do not want to grow the RCAF because they are the big dogs. They believe that what we have achieved in the past two years is the best that we can expect to be.

    I am sorry, but people like them are part of the problem. I do not care how much money they donate to RCAF or the UL Foundation, they can easily be replaced if the RCAF was marketed properly.

    We live in a very progressive region of the country and yet we have the most passive, know your place, don't rock the boat attitudes in place running this university and athletic department. Let me tell you something, we do not scare LSU, hell only about 10 programs in the country scare LSU, so why does our leadership fear them so much? Because they are scared of success and what type of accountability success brings with it.

    La Tech figured this out about 15 years ago and they flapped their gums over and over again about how great they are and look where it got them, CUSA and Tier 1 academically. ____ they tried a hostile take over of another 4 year institution in order to strengthen themselves.

    I leave you with this, what the hell have we done to promote UL in the past 5 years? Because I see nothing. What has RCAF board members done to promote the RCAF? Again I see nothing. The good ole boys trying to fool the masses is all I see.

  12. #96


    Quote Originally Posted by cajun4life View Post
    I could care less he is an anchor to the progress of this university's athletic program and the RCAF along with Marc Judice. I have no problem calling out people who are not looking to advance athletics here at UL. They do not want to grow the RCAF because they are the big dogs. They believe that what we have achieved in the past two years is the best that we can expect to be.

    I am sorry, but people like them are part of the problem. I do not care how much money they donate to RCAF or the UL Foundation, they can easily be replaced if the RCAF was marketed properly.

    We live in a very progressive region of the country and yet we have the most passive, know your place, don't rock the boat attitudes in place running this university and athletic department. Let me tell you something, we do not scare LSU, hell only about 10 programs in the country scare LSU, so why does our leadership fear them so much? Because they are scared of success and what type of accountability success brings with it.

    La Tech figured this out about 15 years ago and they flapped their gums over and over again about how great they are and look where it got them, CUSA and Tier 1 academically. ____ they tried a hostile take over of another 4 year institution in order to strengthen themselves.

    I leave you with this, what the hell have we done to promote UL in the past 5 years? Because I see nothing. What has RCAF board members done to promote the RCAF? Again I see nothing. The good ole boys trying to fool the masses is all I see.
    You are preaching to the choir, I was making a joke but I guess it's somewhat of an inside joke.

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