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Thread: Any information on cajun field renovation

  1. #151

    Default Re: any information on cajun field renovation

    Quote Originally Posted by crazycajun View Post
    So instead they hold us and our money hostage with lies and empty promises?
    Our money has done great things the past two years chief. Our money brought Hud back from Tulane.

  2. #152

    Default Re: any information on cajun field renovation


    Your idea is good. But, the strategies don't have to be mutually exclusive. Also, why do you paint big donors as "power hungry?" I think it's reasonable that they can decide whether to donate to a certain venture based on its prospects.

    If we were serious about bringing young alumni into the fold, there would be a young person on the RCAF board.

  3. #153


    Quote Originally Posted by cajunhawk View Post
    How am I against people who give money? I give money. In fact, there aren't many people I hang around with who give as much as me. So that blows a massive hole in your argument on that one. I am pessimistic about the big boys just unloading the cash once the Master Plan is ready to go. Give me one instance that would show me and the world that the money people of Lafayette are just frothing at the mouth to unload huge donations into the RCAF?

    What else am I doing? The same most people are doing around here..._____ing and moaning and making idle promises because they are all too chicken ____ to do anything of substance about the problem. Is that what you want to hear? I have given several ideas that are off the beaten path. What's so hard about trying to tap our stagnant alumni pool for donations? There are literally thousands that just graduated. A small percentage of that each year just fills up the coffers, and is way more stable than any large donation from a power hunger money backer who wants things done their way or no way at all. An increase in small donors would actually be a catalyst for big donors to jump on board. And with a large enough base of small donors, we could insure ourselves against any donor deciding we aren't meeting his level of excellence and withdrawing his donation. This is not rocket science. This university employs intelligent people at many levels. This should not be that hard to undertake. If I came to you with a petition that demanded the administration finish and carry out a Master Plan for the advancement of athletics...would you sign it?
    1) what has this administration done to attract big donors? Nothing
    2) you are looking at it like its your big money, wealthy people can donate large amounts of money quicker than we can donate ours. They don't look at the amount like you or I, most of them are looking to "donate" to somewhere for tax purposes, you just have to give them a reason. There 100k is like our 1k, it won't make or break them.
    3)your petition is valiant effort and I'd sign it, but I do t think it will have the effect you think it will, they know people are ____ed, they just don't care as long as the cronies of old that surround them keep giving them the atta boy. Why do you think anyone who has challenged their way of doing things has been gotten rid of?

  4. #154

    Default Re: any information on cajun field renovation

    Quote Originally Posted by SlappyCajun View Post

    Your idea is good. But, the strategies don't have to be mutually exclusive. Also, why do you paint big donors as "power hungry?" I think it's reasonable that they can decide whether to donate to a certain venture based on its prospects.

    If we were serious about bringing young alumni into the fold, there would be a young person on the RCAF board.
    You see it all over the place. Athletic Departments held hostage by the big donors. Why do that to yourself? Why eschew such a large portion of control to such a small portion of people? Quantity over quality. Power in numbers, not just power numbers.

  5. #155

    Default Re: any information on cajun field renovation

    Quote Originally Posted by crazycajun View Post
    So instead they hold us and our money hostage with lies and empty promises?
    When I give to the United Way, I don't tell them how to spend it.

    Now, you can come back and say "yeah, but they have shown me a plan and I buy into it'. And that's it exactly. I didn't tell them if I wouldn't give them any money until they showed me a plan.

    I get everybody's frustration AND I am very, very hopeful we are all soon to be overjoyed by a plan. But I have never felt threatening someone was the way to get their attention.

    I am only speaking for myself but maybe a petition is a better solution; we need to show a force of unity.

    Just my opinion; everybody's opinion is the right thing for them.

  6. UL Football Re: any information on cajun field renovation

    Well I am stunned. One guy says after thirty plus years of being fed bs he is near giving up, but will hang on as long as Hud is here, OR the administration actually do now what they say they will in the fuzzy future. So he is saying if you do none of the above I give up and will do other things with my money and time that I have left. That does not reek of lack or patience, or a threat.

    Others say they are true believers. Well like they say a fool and his money are quickly parted.

    Hawk, seems to say a lot of things, but mostly don't give up. I believe wants a mass petition signed.

    I will sign said petition but that approach is really a form of being gullible. The protestors of the sixties did not sign petitions, they participated in marches, flop ins, sit downs, civil disobedience. I would love to see 16k students start having sit ins in front of Martin Hall, then I could tell T Joe my money will come when the sit ins are satisfied with the results.

    Both my current options are non starters. Starve the program or fund lies and incompetence.

    All I ask of the true believes is to trust after verification. Right now you are going to end up with a lot of promises and then the eventual excuses. I know, I know you want to believe them just ask what exactly have they done to garner such trust?

  7. #157

    Default Re: any information on cajun field renovation

    Quote Originally Posted by crazycajun View Post
    1) what has this administration done to attract big donors? Nothing
    2) you are looking at it like its your big money, wealthy people can donate large amounts of money quicker than we can donate ours. They don't look at the amount like you or I, most of them are looking to "donate" to somewhere for tax purposes, you just have to give them a reason. There 100k is like our 1k, it won't make or break them.
    3)your petition is valiant effort and I'd sign it, but I do t think it will have the effect you think it will, they know people are ____ed, they just don't care as long as the cronies of old that surround them keep giving them the atta boy. Why do you think anyone who has challenged their way of doing things has been gotten rid of?
    1...I agree...where have I said they are doing enough?

    2...yes...but what's your point? You are saying people who have large amounts of money throw it at people willy-nilly for tax breaks? I work for a multi-millionaire personally. The guy is down to earth and knows where his money goes. But he doesn't just give out donations for tax breaks, he has his one favorite charity, and his church. That's it. So do the majority of big money people in Lafayette. Tax breaks...or the itemized deduction for donating cash, and non-cash items has a limit once your AGI goes over a certain limit. I am as sure as the day is long...those people have tax professionals who let them now when they are close or over their limit and any other donation is not deductible. And I am also 100% sure that these people already have their donations of choice long before the RCAF came about. So...again...what point are you trying to make? Are you saying it is easy to get large cash donations from unsuspecting Lafayette millionaires under the guise of tax breaks? If so...then why hasn't everyone figured this out, and started a 501-C organization and started bringing in the fat cheddar?

    3. Good, I like to hear that people will sign it. You not only sign are signing a declaration. The purpose of a petition is not just to group a whole bunch of people who have signed a paper, it is a group of people who have a message. If you wanted to threaten to remove RCAF donations from the majority of RCAF members, this would be the way to do it...not individually to the RCAF employees. I remember reading Slam Dunked that the university president did something that the fans did not agree with...they went to Martin Hall and forced to President to do what they wanted. Their is power in numbers. This is also the last straw...after an undertaking like this...if nothing came of it...then...we are ____ed six ways from Sunday. They cannot get rid of all of us...alone we are not powerful but united we are (I sound like Joan Baez) strong. The longer we wait the deeper the hole gets.

  8. #158


    Quote Originally Posted by moorecajun View Post
    When I give to the United Way, I don't tell them how to spend it.

    Now, you can come back and say "yeah, but they have shown me a plan and I buy into it'. And that's it exactly. I didn't tell them if I wouldn't give them any money until they showed me a plan.

    I get everybody's frustration AND I am very, very hopeful we are all soon to be overjoyed by a plan. But I have never felt threatening someone was the way to get their attention.

    I am only speaking for myself but maybe a petition is a better solution; we need to show a force of unity.

    Just my opinion; everybody's opinion is the right thing for them.
    So after donating all these years to united way, if you stopped seeing commercials, stopped seeing them sponsor fund raisers and charity events.if you asked your children, grandchildren, friends and family about united way and they had no idea what you were talking about.... Would you still donate blindly without wondering where your money might be going?

  9. #159


    Quote Originally Posted by cajunhawk View Post
    1...I agree...where have I said they are doing enough?

    2...yes...but what's your point? You are saying people who have large amounts of money throw it at people willy-nilly for tax breaks? I work for a multi-millionaire personally. The guy is down to earth and knows where his money goes. But he doesn't just give out donations for tax breaks, he has his one favorite charity, and his church. That's it. So do the majority of big money people in Lafayette. Tax breaks...or the itemized deduction for donating cash, and non-cash items has a limit once your AGI goes over a certain limit. I am as sure as the day is long...those people have tax professionals who let them now when they are close or over their limit and any other donation is not deductible. And I am also 100% sure that these people already have their donations of choice long before the RCAF came about. So...again...what point are you trying to make? Are you saying it is easy to get large cash donations from unsuspecting Lafayette millionaires under the guise of tax breaks? If so...then why hasn't everyone figured this out, and started a 501-C organization and started bringing in the fat cheddar?

    3. Good, I like to hear that people will sign it. You not only sign are signing a declaration. The purpose of a petition is not just to group a whole bunch of people who have signed a paper, it is a group of people who have a message. If you wanted to threaten to remove RCAF donations from the majority of RCAF members, this would be the way to do it...not individually to the RCAF employees. I remember reading Slam Dunked that the university president did something that the fans did not agree with...they went to Martin Hall and forced to President to do what they wanted. Their is power in numbers. This is also the last straw...after an undertaking like this...if nothing came of it...then...we are ____ed six ways from Sunday. They cannot get rid of all of us...alone we are not powerful but united we are (I sound like Joan Baez) strong. The longer we wait the deeper the hole gets.
    My point is not every large money donor is some evil sneaky a-hole that just wants control of the athletic department. There are people that will donate large sums of money and do just that...donate it. They aren't gonna try to take t-Jose's house on campus or Scott's office. You just have to give them a reason. You are and have always made it sound like rich people are evil. Just as you or I don't expect to be able to control athletics with our donation there are wealthy people that see their donations the same.

  10. #160

    Default Re: any information on cajun field renovation

    Quote Originally Posted by moorecajun View Post
    When I give to the United Way, I don't tell them how to spend it.

    Now, you can come back and say "yeah, but they have shown me a plan and I buy into it'. And that's it exactly. I didn't tell them if I wouldn't give them any money until they showed me a plan.

    I get everybody's frustration AND I am very, very hopeful we are all soon to be overjoyed by a plan. But I have never felt threatening someone was the way to get their attention.

    I am only speaking for myself but maybe a petition is a better solution; we need to show a force of unity.

    Just my opinion; everybody's opinion is the right thing for them.
    What if the United Way takes your money and uses it for the exact opposite reason that you donated it for? That's an even better argument for withdrawing funds. To a lot of people this is what the RCAF and the administration is doing. You can't ask for your money back but you can cease donations. The difference is...the United Way will be alright...they survived the scandal of the 80's. The RCAF...might not be alright. That effects more than just the affects coaches, players, and athletic department staff that to us are doing far better jobs than the administration is. Why punish those people who have done nothing wrong?

    I agree 100% with your idea that threatening someone is not the right way to get things done. Makes matters worse more often than not.

    I really think that with the people we have here on RP (we are a gaggle of intelligent, stubborn, and passionate cajun men and women), we can get this done and really give the administration something to thing about.

  11. #161

    Default Re: any information on cajun field renovation

    Quote Originally Posted by crazycajun View Post
    My point is not every large money donor is some evil sneaky a-hole that just wants control of the athletic department. There are people that will donate large sums of money and do just that...donate it. They aren't gonna try to take t-Jose's house on campus or Scott's office. You just have to give them a reason. You are and have always made it sound like rich people are evil. Just as you or I don't expect to be able to control athletics with our donation there are wealthy people that see their donations the same.
    I agree...but there are more stories about out of control donors and athletic foundations getting way too involved in the day to day dealings of athletic departments at the major college level. There is an exception to every rule. I don't make it sound like rich people are evil...hell I work for one that is as good a human being as I have ever met. I just know what is going on all around college football right now is not an isolated incident. Giving them a reason is a given, but what if the reason we give isn't good enough? It's not that easy. If it was...everyone would be doing it. It's not ridiculously hard by any stretch, and that's why 501-C's are popping up like mushrooms after a rain storm. But still...donations are not a given. Ask Southern Miss fans. They have done everything we couldn't...and they still lack big donors.

  12. #162

    Default Re: any information on cajun field renovation

    Quote Originally Posted by cajunhawk View Post
    What if the United Way takes your money and uses it for the exact opposite reason that you donated it for? That's an even better argument for withdrawing funds. To a lot of people this is what the RCAF and the administration is doing. You can't ask for your money back but you can cease donations. The difference is...the United Way will be alright...they survived the scandal of the 80's. The RCAF...might not be alright. That effects more than just the affects coaches, players, and athletic department staff that to us are doing far better jobs than the administration is. Why punish those people who have done nothing wrong?

    I agree 100% with your idea that threatening someone is not the right way to get things done. Makes matters worse more often than not.

    I really think that with the people we have here on RP (we are a gaggle of intelligent, stubborn, and passionate cajun men and women), we can get this done and really give the administration something to thing about.
    It is much easier for you to be part of a "gaggle" HAWK!

    I'm in this thing along with the rest of you AND I want to see a new and improved stadium, great facilities for everyone and a partrdige (back to the gaggle) in a pear tree!

    I just hope we do this in a manner that unites people, not divide them. But I guess we have been down so long that whatever GOOD happens it will create a new legion of CAJUN NATION.

    But, I can guarantee you, I am ready for something to happen!

  13. #163


    Quote Originally Posted by cajunhawk View Post
    I agree...but there are more stories about out of control donors and athletic foundations getting way too involved in the day to day dealings of athletic departments at the major college level. There is an exception to every rule. I don't make it sound like rich people are evil...hell I work for one that is as good a human being as I have ever met. I just know what is going on all around college football right now is not an isolated incident. Giving them a reason is a given, but what if the reason we give isn't good enough? It's not that easy. If it was...everyone would be doing it. It's not ridiculously hard by any stretch, and that's why 501-C's are popping up like mushrooms after a rain storm. But still...donations are not a given. Ask Southern Miss fans. They have done everything we couldn't...and they still lack big donors.
    You don't ever hear about big donors that stay quiet, that's why there are more stories about the control freaks. The others donate large sums and stay out of the way. If the reason isn't good enough then they probably weren't ever gonna donate but how about crossing that bridge when we get there, currently we still don't even know where we are gonna even build the bridge.

  14. #164

    Default Re: any information on cajun field renovation

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunEXPRESS View Post
    Well I am stunned. One guy says after thirty plus years of being fed bs he is near giving up, but will hang on as long as Hud is here, OR the administration actually do now what they say they will in the fuzzy future. So he is saying if you do none of the above I give up and will do other things with my money and time that I have left. That does not reek of lack or patience, or a threat.

    Others say they are true believers. Well like they say a fool and his money are quickly parted.

    Hawk, seems to say a lot of things, but mostly don't give up. I believe wants a mass petition signed.

    I will sign said petition but that approach is really a form of being gullible. The protestors of the sixties did not sign petitions, they participated in marches, flop ins, sit downs, civil disobedience. I would love to see 16k students start having sit ins in front of Martin Hall, then I could tell T Joe my money will come when the sit ins are satisfied with the results.

    Both my current options are non starters. Starve the program or fund lies and incompetence.

    All I ask of the true believes is to trust after verification. Right now you are going to end up with a lot of promises and then the eventual excuses. I know, I know you want to believe them just ask what exactly have they done to garner such trust?
    We are all working individuals, students, parents...we have lives. We can't just drop everything and stage a sit in on the Martin Hall steps. Students could but...I don't think the majority of the student body cares. We care. But what can we do. You are right petitions aren't worth the paper they are printed on. But what is worth the paper...the media attention and constant pressure it can put on the administration. Imagine the ammo Buckley would have to really push Savoie and Farmer for answers. KATC, KLFY, KPEL (maybe not KPEL...they have a contract to worry about), the new sports station in town, surrounding newspapers, hell even the Advocate would take this story and have a field day with it. It's not about what just we can do by's what our signatures can do for our message and how it can be conveyed to pressure the administration to give us results.

  15. #165

    Default Re: any information on cajun field renovation

    Quote Originally Posted by crazycajun View Post
    You don't ever hear about big donors that stay quiet, that's why there are more stories about the control freaks. The others donate large sums and stay out of the way. If the reason isn't good enough then they probably weren't ever gonna donate but how about crossing that bridge when we get there, currently we still don't even know where we are gonna even build the bridge.
    You are insinuating that there are rich people who give their money away and don't care one iota what happens with it. That is not the case, that's why they are millionaires to begin with for the most part. They give, but they give wisely. How does one give wisely? Well they have to see the fruits of their donation's labor. If someone gives money to a church, after giving so much money and not seeing any results, they would being to ask questions. Just like most of us are now. Most of the really large donations come from inheritances...people die and outlay a portion of their estate to the cause. Those are the best...the guy is dead...can't make trouble. Best of both worlds, money, and no problems.

    This is my point I have tried to make in the past...I don't think anything we put out is going to bring in the big donors. We are counting our chickens before they are hatched so to speak. If you think our cup will runneth over just because we made it super simple for big donors to see what they are donating to...I personally think you are fooling yourself. Lafayette has shown to be a hard egg to them a road map isn't going to make them want to visit the Grand Canyon. If you make enough noise about how awesome the Grand Canyon is...maybe they take that road map...and pay a visit. It's all about timing, and I think now is as good a time as any...but...who's to say it will be enough to sway the big donors to crack open their wallets? No one knows until it happens. I think we as fans need to push the issue, and get it out there ASAP.

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