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Thread: LOUISIANA Endzone

  1. Default Re: LOUISIANA Endzone

    way too small!!!

  2. #14

    Default Re: LOUISIANA Endzone

    Maybe they could just borrow one of our endzone sections from Cajun Field.

  3. #15
    Zeebart21's Avatar Zeebart21 is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: LOUISIANA Endzone

    Quote Originally Posted by Crowley Cajun View Post
    Maybe they could just borrow one of our endzone sections from Cajun Field.
    Naaah.. I dont think our own people even want to get into the name thing.... {yawn}


  4. #16

    Default Re: LOUISIANA Endzone

    I know "Louisiana" is important to us. And I'd love to see big ole' Louisiana across the entire end zone.

    We will win the name battle, but it won't be Dec. 22. Since that's the case, the most impact (from a marketing standpoint) comes from emphasizing the "Ragin' Cajuns."

    Don't believe me? Listen to Carter say "GO CRAZY RAGIN' CAJUNS!" after that kick went through last year. Compare that with the national view that "one of the Louisiana schools, UL- something" beat Arkansas this year. Many clueless people across the country still think it was us. ULM got very little "bump" nationally from that win.

    But who won the New Orleans Bowl?

    Go crazy, Ragin' Cajuns.

  5. #17

    Default Re: LOUISIANA Endzone

    just heard a New Orleans bowl commercial on WWL radio and we are referred to as Louisiana's Ragin Cajuns. much better than the alternative especially since WWL usually ULL's us to death

  6. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by billbeck451 View Post
    just heard a New Orleans bowl commercial on WWL radio and we are referred to as Louisiana's Ragin Cajuns. much better than the alternative especially since WWL usually ULL's us to death
    See? We're winning. SDSU called us "Louisiana" after we ripped their hearts out, too.

    Go crazy, Ragin' Cajuns!

    That should be our new tagline.

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