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Thread: La. Tech AD on Tim Brando: Quotes

  1. #37
    Just1More's Avatar Just1More is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: La. Tech AD on Tim Brando: Quotes

    The actions of the Tech admin are not only laughable in this instance... but they validate our claims of the 2008 Indy Bowl. How would the Indy be interested in a 2012 ULM versus Tech game, but not be interested in a 2008 UL versus Tech game?

    The UL versus Tech game would have had many more UL hotel and meal takers in the Shreveport area, than they are going to get out of the Monroe people. ESPN couldn't possibly be saying "an all north Louisiana matchup is better than a north versus south Louisiana matchup". The entire 2008 story was BS. And there is solid proof, despite the Tech people's claims, that the Indy bends over backwards for Tech. They did it again in 2012. They just didn't pull their pants all the way down this time.

    To me, Tech fans need to just chalk this one up to "arrogance doesn't work every time"... and just plan for their next big arrogant effort and see if that pays off. I think they've done pretty well being arrogant so far. I wouldn't change course just because of this latest failure. They certainly shouldn't be giving Van de Velde a real hard time. He did what the Tech athletic department does... act arrogant and see where the chips fall.

  2. #38

    Default Re: La. Tech AD on Tim Brando: Quotes

    A war of words between LTU and the I Bowl via the media will not end well for either party. But it seems inevitable, and the tech AD has no one to blame but himself by starting it. Unlike the decision to hold out for a better bowl, which he likely shares with the prez, davidson, dikes and possibly his fortune teller.

  3. #39

    Default Re: Tech=no bowl

    Quote Originally Posted by GoneGolfin View Post
    Well, surprisingly this was confirmed this morning by the Independence Bowl Chairman. Van de Velde communicated to the Independence Bowl that Tech would be interested in the Independence Bowl on the condition that they are not matched again a Sun Belt opponent.

    It is now confirmed via the interview this morning that the Independence Bowl, did in fact, call Van de Velde one more time before finalizing the deal with the MAC (Saturday afternoon/evening). He made it clear to Van de Velde that the spot is still open to play ULM, but that an immediate decision was required. Van de Velde opted to wait on other perceived options. The Independence Bowl then made their deal with the MAC.

    Thus, we now have confirmed that ...

    The Independence Bowl bent over backwards with respect to giving Louisiana Tech multiple opportunities to accept an invitation from the Independence Bowl ... both before ULM accepted their invitation and after ULM accepted their invitation. This also means that the Independence Bowl did want a Louisiana Tech vs. ULM match-up, despite the claims from some Tech fans and northern Louisiana media (Watson) to the contrary.

    The above thinking was also confirmed by the Independence Bowl Chairman, despite the spin from Van de Velde in the media.

    Then came the BIG shocker...The Indy Bowl chairmanlet it be known that they (at Tech's request) wrote a letter to CUSA on Tech's behalf to help them gain admission! Arrogant AND UNGRATEFUL!! Karma IS a bee-otch, ain't it??

  4. Default Re: Tech=no bowl

    Quote Originally Posted by barisaxman View Post
    Then came the BIG shocker...The Indy Bowl chairmanlet it be known that they (at Tech's request) wrote a letter to CUSA on Tech's behalf to help them gain admission! Arrogant AND UNGRATEFUL!! Karma IS a bee-otch, ain't it??
    This was reported in an article yesterday by Lang of the Shreveport Times.


  5. #41

    Default Re: La. Tech AD on Tim Brando: Quotes

    We need to have the New Orleans Bowl write a letter for us to CUSA.

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