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Thread: Tech=no bowl

  1. #25

    Default Re: Tech=no bowl

    They were selected. They turned it down. The headline should read "La Tech not selected for a bowl other than the Independence bowl."

  2. UL Football Re: Tech=no bowl

    and to think, ltu helped niu to become a bcs bowl team so many years back by making sure we did not get a logical bid.

  3. #27

    Default Re: Tech=no bowl

  4. #28

    Default Re: Tech=no bowl

    Major props to the Independence Bowl for growing a pair this time around. Wish they had the set when it was our turn a few years back

  5. #29

    Default Re: LA Tech Staying Home???

    cool .. Happy for WKU not fun to get snubbed...

  6. UL Football Re: Tech=no bowl

    So on the recruiting trail after ULM beats ISU, Berry pulls into a home in North Louisiana, hell any ana, and says 'yep we want you big boy, you can play for us NOW'. the kid says yea but ltu is offering too i need to see what they say. berry, looking at the kid with deep concern, says ' you want to play for a team afraid to compete with the hoax, even to the point of punishing their players to placate a wanna be billionaire , really is that where you want to go to school'?

  7. #31

    Default Re: Tech=no bowl

    Quote Originally Posted by Crawfish View Post
    Warning, there is a meltdown occuring on BB & B. This is fitting after they screwed us over a few years back. (what comes around, goes around)

    As much as I hate to, I guess I have to thank the Monrovians for this one.
    I love Josh.

  8. #32

    Default Re: Tech=no bowl

    So none of the new CUSA teams made it to a bowl game. Perhaps things are going to be okay. I can't wait for the NOLA Bowl!

  9. #33

    Default Re: Tech=no bowl

    Karma is a bioatch!!!!

  10. #34

    Default Re: LA Tech Staying Home???

    I am happy for WKU also..especially ahead of La. Tech...Tech guys should be ashamed of themselves..and these guys just think their arrogance has just started..didn't want to play UL, don't want to play ULM, so now just sit home...Reality check dudes, reality check!....can you imagine recruits probably have been invited to watch La.Tech in their bowl game and now they will watch ULM...boy is that a hit for the blue boys....those dominos are gonna keep falling for a long time!

  11. #35

    Default Re: Tech=no bowl

    I feel bad for all of the players and fans with the exception of that LookingForResults clown on their board. That guy is their AD office's arrogance wrapped up into a blanket of douche.

  12. #36

    Default Re: Tech=no bowl

    Quote Originally Posted by ULBouzi View Post
    I feel bad for all of the players and fans with the exception of that LookingForResults clown on their board. That guy is their AD office's arrogance wrapped up into a blanket of douche.
    I feel bad for most of their fans. I have to remind myself that most of the arrogant ones on their board are in the minority. They were given an offer and the administration turned it down. Talk about a buzz kill.

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