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Thread: Tech=no bowl

  1. #265

    Default Re: Moon Griffon's Ripping of LA Tech Administration

    Quote Originally Posted by Boomer View Post
    Why am I thinking that we did not ask the NO BOWL to send a letter to CUSA even with a little comparison of what we did for them in comparison of the TECH INDY relationship----They do so much more than we ever think of and that is what upsets me with the conference situation!!!
    Boomer, is this a serious question?

    The New Orleans Bowl was setup for the Sun Belt and added CUSA affilliation ... ethically they cannot do this!

    HOWEVER, since the Indy Bowl had reps down here that REALLY liked the CAJUNS, I could see them (Indy Bowl) writing a letter to CUSA stating they misspoke, they meant to recommend the CAJUNS!

  2. #266

    Default Re: Moon Griffon Ripping Tech Today

    Quote Originally Posted by BeauCajun View Post
    I haven't read through all the Latex bashing threads, but I just wanted to put something out there.

    Why would a 3rd place team from a weaker conference be more deserving of a bowl bid than the runner-up team from a stronger conference?

    Please slow down on the bashing. I haven't been able to catch up on my Ragin' Pagin reading. Damn work gets in the way.
    And to further your point. Why would a 3rd place team from a weaker, dying/lameduck conference be more deserving of a Liberty Bowl spot than the champion from a stronger conference that is one hour away from the bowl, fresh off of a 7 game win streak, and fresh off of their de-facto conference championship win where they blew their foe out 45-0?
    I don't buy their AD's talk one bit. I think these guys had a slim shot at Liberty.
    In addition, why would the Liberty Bowl want to match up one current CUSA team against a soon-to-be CUSA team? These guys will probably match up next season. Where's the appeal in that?

  3. #267

    Default Re: Moon Griffon's Ripping of LA Tech Administration

    any chance moon's show/ this interview is archived somewhere? I'd love to hear it.

  4. Default Re: Moon Griffon's Ripping of LA Tech Administration

    Quote Originally Posted by bigearl View Post
    any chance moon's show/ this interview is archived somewhere? I'd love to hear it.
    You can find his archives under Podcasts here ... but only the prior week is available and today's podcast (Tuesday 12/4) is not yet up. You can hear yesterday's (Monday 12/3) show.


  5. #269

    Default Re: Tech=no bowl

    Tech's response. I am not sure if this was posted somewhere else on the site.

  6. #270

    Default Re: Tech=no bowl

    Liar...liar...pants on fire.

  7. #271


    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRed View Post
    Liar...liar...pants on fire.
    What part gave it away? Was it "As you are aware, the Louisiana Tech football team with a 9-3 record was not selected to participate in a bowl game this season...."? LOL

  8. #272

    Default Re: Tech=no bowl

    "On Thursday, November 29th we signed a written agreement with the Liberty Bowl that we would play in their game if no Big Conference school was available."

    Karl Benson could clear this up pretty quick. He sounded like he thought stAte would be in that game, for sure.

  9. #273

    Default Re: Tech=no bowl

    Throwing the Liberty bowl under the bus might not have been the best tactic for the future.

  10. #274

    Default Re: Tech=no bowl

    "I spoke with the Liberty Bowl later Saturday morning and told them we were being asked to make a decision by the Independence
    Bowl and I needed to know their decision. They told me and WAC Commissioner Jeff Hurd that the Liberty Bowl would invite LA
    Tech to the Liberty Bowl regardless if a Big 12 school was available."

    Right. Yes, we could get an excited fan base that averages 55k+ to their games, that's a lot closer than you, and establish a relationship with the Big 12 (who might decide they like it here when Bowl negotiations happen)... for..... wait for it... wait for tarp nation. Um....right.

  11. #275

    Default Re: Tech=no bowl

    Quote Originally Posted by MelRock View Post
    Tech's response. I am not sure if this was posted somewhere else on the site.
    I feel like I'm beating a dead horse here. But why, according to Benson, was Liberty still in play for ASU as of late Saturday/early Sunday if they had all but agreed to give it to Tech? Do they like to string along teams for sh_ts and giggles? I just can't buy what this guy is trying to sell.

  12. #276

    Default Re: Tech=no bowl

    bump...go back and reread this situation

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