Independent 12 game schedule
Make $ Make $ Cash Neutral Cash Neutral Pay money Pay money Pure $ Road 2-for-1 $ Road H&H Road H&H Home 2-for-1 $ Home Pure $ Home 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
The order is of course mixed but the outcome is below.
4 road games a year where you get payed
4 home games a year where you pay.
2 road games where no money chages hands
2 home games where no money changes hands.
On the chart what you have is a flipped schedule 6 games against equal or greater teams and 6 games against equal or lesser teams.
Just like you do a 2-for-1 against BCS teams, you do a 1-for-2 against lesser teams who think they have a chance of beating you.