the problem with UL is we have a bunch of good guys and that is about it. Lets start with former players. Jake, Brian, Peanut and so on are all a bunch of good guys but what do they do for this university? None of them are 10000 donors to the RCAF and that is pathetic. Scott Farmer is a great guy. You could not ask for a nicer person but nice gets you no where. Scott is in way over his head in this matter and he does not have the forward seeking vision to take this athletic department to where we all want it to go. Sure he has goals but he does not have a plan and a goal without a plan is simply a wish and a dream and the University of Louisiana is great at selling dreams and that is about it. Scott has been caught with his pants down more than once with not having an action plan in case something came along and this is just another instance in that long line. Eric Maron is another really nice guy but he might be the most clueless of the bunch. the guy has no clue what it is to market an athletic program and he is notorious for under valuing his product. We do absolutely no promotions, our commercials have to be some of this worst pieces of crap that anyone can put on TV. We have no season ticket drives or no major pushes to flood the Lafayette tv radio and local business Market with UL products. Our website is terrible and many high schools have better and more informative websites than we have. Let me not get started with our online store because that is an absolute joke. West Monroe and many Texas high schools offer much more in their online stores than the University of Louisiana does. We talk about all this money in Lafayette but we have no visionaries who are willing to money to us like T Boone did to OKLA State. Instead we just sit on our hands and hope and wait for the next guy to come along and do it for us. We have no marketing department for athletics much less have a department that just goes out and sells to the bazillions of businesses and corporations we have in the Acadiana area who have an unlimited amount of resources just waiting to be tapped by the right guy who comes along and presents a feasible plan to them and not just a wish. Once again the only person in our marketing dept is Eric Maron and yes a nice guy but another guy in over is head with no clue. Take a look at Mcneese and their new facilities and all the promising projects going on over there but yet we can't figure what the heck to do but Mcneese of all places has a plan in action and are building and promoting a great product. We need alot of help guys and that means we have to stop being cheap asses and instead spend money to get what we all want or we willl continue to live in goodwills and salvation army conferences that we are currently stuck in.