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They're going to be huge.
Look at University House, the big yellow apartment complex across from Cajun Field. That's where I live. You have to put in an application to live there practically a year in advance. For around $400 a month, you get everything that you'd get at Legacy Park. Furthermore, the apartments are twice as big, carpeted, fully furnished (with brand new furniture coming next leasing period). Everything is included, water, high speed internet, cable, lights, sewage, theres a full size washer/dryer in each apartment, full size fridge you name it. Plus, they have things that Legacy Park wished it had. Carpet in every room including the halls and living room, rooms that are twice as big, full size beds.
Here's where UL messed up. Legacy Park is about what, $200 dollars a month more and you get less! The only thing Legacy has on UH is the proximity to campus, and private balconies (ours are more like porches going from the breezeway to our front door.
eCampusEdge is going to be even nicer, bigger rooms, more amenities, a shuttle from the complex to the campus, not Cajun Field (which is something I wish we had!) and their rent is going to only be slightly higher than ours, I think $439 a month, still cheaper than Legacy.
I agree with the fellow up there. Redo the neighborhoods around campus. While there at it, maybe they can add another parking tower. Like Tim Landry said, "UL was built with the assumption that the automobile would never catch on. There are approximately 12 parking spots for 15,000 (now more like 20,000) students and faculty." Parking and housing are two of UL's downfalls.