It's only the second year since Electronic Arts made the leap to college baseball (a not-so-unfortunate consequence in the dated game of "who can get the exclusive on a sports license first"), but it doesn't look to be stopping EA Vancouver's determination in bringing ongoing innovation to the plate. We recently had the opportunity to see the game in a near-finished form, with some folks from EA on-hand to show off the game's most prominent innovation, Rock and Fire Pitching.
In company talk, it's intended to "forever change the way you deliver that blistering pitch across the plate." And granted, the technique certainly felt smooth. Partly, it's comprised by the simple pitching format we've come to know and love. For every face button, a pitch (with R1 tucked away for change-ups). A grid hovering over home plate decodes the batter's hot and cold spots. Even a tap of the L3 button gets you pitching advice from two-time All-American Kyle Peterson (who shares the commentary booth with top ESPN announcer Mike Patrick), much in the vain of Madden. All pretty familiar business, really.
So where does this proposed innovation come into play? It's all in delivery, friends. Rock and Fire Pitching graduates the task into full analog precision, having you position your pitch with, as well as go through the motions of winding up and delivering the ball using Sony's trademark sticks. With Load and Fire Batting and Precision Throwing receiving the same kind of treatment last year, pitching becomes kind of the final all-analog style of play to join the bunch
It all boils down to a test in multi-tasking and execution, every time you throw a pitch. Positioning, first off, is solely dedicated to the left analog stick, requiring you to steer and hold it towards the tile of your choice. Meanwhile, the right analog stick dedicates itself to delivery. It involves no swelling meters to time, nor oscillating gauges. Rather, a diagram appears in the bottom right, depicting a ball at the top (your destination, of sorts), as well as the ball you're controlling, set somewhere in the middle. By tiling back the analog stick, you can cock back the ball in motion and prepare for delivery. The execution therein lies in your ability to match up with the 'destination ball' by thrusting the analog stick forward in a fluid motion. A fastball requires a reasonably vertical follow-through, while curveballs, understandably, call for more of a hook persuasion of the nub, rendering your final pitch either left or right of vertical. Veer your thumb too far off target and, naturally, your pitch won't land perfectly where you intended it to in the catcher's mitt. Or if you somehow manage to curve your analog stick in the exact opposite direction of where intended, and well, you can expect a wild throw and a scrambling catcher to deal with your mistakes.
The rest of the story
Kyle Sutton