To answer your first question. No, getting your degree in return for what you paid does not make you a stakeholder of UL athletics. I know plenty of people with degrees from UL that could care less about athletics. The subject was about people complaining about getting bowl tickets. I'm saying that complaining about the system, without being a member of RCAF, is falling on deaf ears. "That" isn't chasing off prospective fans.
Deciding to be a fan, unless your nuts haven't dropped yet, should have nothing to do with this topic. I'm not driving fans away. I am not "UL". But, I do have to say that I'd like a lot less men being big _______ all of the time. If any of you think you're man enough to keep me from being a fan, bring it on. Good luck. I'll talk sweet to the ladies that want to join the system. If you've got a pair of balls, you'll just have to keep checking the mail. You'll get no invite from me. You like Cajun athletics, prove it.
Oh, but I welcome all "fans". And if you knew me, you'd know that to be a fact.