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Thread: Louisiana Bowl Eligible, Ticket Reservations Underway

  1. #193
    Just1More's Avatar Just1More is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: Ticket sales to date

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunEXPRESS View Post
    Of course a band wagon fan can be a true fan. Everyone needs something to motivate that first step. So you did insult at least some true fans.

    Some folks budget require them to be bandwagon fans. Entertainment dollars to see some of the last of the Stokely, any Baldloss team, is beyond being a fan or supporter, you have to be sick to support some of that. They need other outlets.
    I consider a bandwagon fan someone that just jumps on the ride when times are good, but jumps back off if the ride isn't so good. Budgets don't really come into that person's ideals. The people that I was talking about aren't ever on the bandwagon. They are snobs. They are not UL fans and probably won't ever be.

    I didn't "intend" to insult anyone but the snobs. I consider fanship to be a large number of concentric circles. Some are up close and in the mix no matter what. Some are way out in the last circle and are very difficult to predict when they may or may not become engaged. A bandwagon fan traverses those circles as good and bad times dictate.

    "Loosely connected" is not an insult. And people can have good reasons for being loosely connected. I consider not being an RCAF member as a loose arrangement with UL. They call RCAF members "stakeholders". It's just about like anything else in life. Those that have some skin in the game are taken seriously. People that have no skin in the game, are not taken seriously.

    I am not antagonistic about RCAF. But, I'm not one of the members of RCAF that feels like begging certain people to join. I wanted RCAF before RCAF was created. I joined immediately. I see the value in it. Not because of something I have that others don't. I see it because I'm an alumni. I see it like this... I have teeth... they are my teeth... I don't have to have someone keep telling me to brush my own teeth. I brush "my teeth" because I saw value in it a long time ago. I shouldn't have to explain to a UL alumni why they should be a member of RCAF. But, those that aren't... yet give their opinion on how UL runs their business... their opinions don't count... yet. If they truly can't afford $100 a year... I'd say they are also not in a position to be posting on here. They need to go make some money.

  2. #194
    Just1More's Avatar Just1More is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: Ticket sales to date

    Quote Originally Posted by BeauCajun View Post
    I hear you J1M. I'm one of those that think priority seating for a bowl game should start with an RCAF donation of $500. But that is another discussion to have after the bowl game. It's bowl week and I am zoned into getting out of slavery at noon on Thursday and enjoying my Ragin' Cajun Bowl Adventure.
    You're right! I'm shifting into the happy Ragin Cajun bowl-bound guy as we speak.

  3. #195

    Default Re: Ticket sales to date

    Quote Originally Posted by Just1More View Post
    I consider a bandwagon fan someone that just jumps on the ride when times are good, but jumps back off if the ride isn't so good. Budgets don't really come into that person's ideals. The people that I was talking about aren't ever on the bandwagon. They are snobs. They are not UL fans and probably won't ever be.

    I didn't "intend" to insult anyone but the snobs. I consider fanship to be a large number of concentric circles. Some are up close and in the mix no matter what. Some are way out in the last circle and are very difficult to predict when they may or may not become engaged. A bandwagon fan traverses those circles as good and bad times dictate.

    "Loosely connected" is not an insult. And people can have good reasons for being loosely connected. I consider not being an RCAF member as a loose arrangement with UL. They call RCAF members "stakeholders". It's just about like anything else in life. Those that have some skin in the game are taken seriously. People that have no skin in the game, are not taken seriously.

    I am not antagonistic about RCAF. But, I'm not one of the members of RCAF that feels like begging certain people to join. I wanted RCAF before RCAF was created. I joined immediately. I see the value in it. Not because of something I have that others don't. I see it because I'm an alumni. I see it like this... I have teeth... they are my teeth... I don't have to have someone keep telling me to brush my own teeth. I brush "my teeth" because I saw value in it a long time ago. I shouldn't have to explain to a UL alumni why they should be a member of RCAF. But, those that aren't... yet give their opinion on how UL runs their business... their opinions don't count... yet. If they truly can't afford $100 a year... I'd say they are also not in a position to be posting on here. They need to go make some money.
    I'm not an RCAF member yet, key word "yet". But to say I have no skin in the game is BS. I paid full tuition for 5 years at UL and graduated in 2010. I may not be an RCAF member yet, but my wife and I are both alumni of UL. I'm the youngest of 6 kids and every single one of us graduated from UL (one of which played Cajun baseball) as well as one of my parents being an alum.

    So I think it's BS to call anyone that isn't an RCAF member "loosely connected" because I'm connected to this University at the hip.

    Now to be quite honest, until the other day, I didn't realize you could join the RCAF with an easy monthly donation.... that changes things a bit and I have already decided that I will be joining in January. So don't be so quick to judge people that aren't RCAF members... you have to remember that this thing was only started a few years ago and really it's still in its infancy. One thing the RCAF should focus on is marketing their donation options better. For instance, when I graduated I recieved a big ole packet of information about how to join the Alumni Association (which I did by the way), but nothing, nada, zip, about donating to RCAF. This needs to be addressed, and for all I know, maybe it has been since 2010... hopefully.

    rant off.

    Somebody make it be Friday already. NOLA can't get here soon enough.

  4. #196

    Default Re: Ticket sales to date

    Quote Originally Posted by moorecajun View Post
    And that would have to be our best historical data!

    18 22
    - = - X = 51.333 or 51,333 peeps
    42 X

    Mathmatically Speaking

  5. #197
    Just1More's Avatar Just1More is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: Ticket sales to date

    Quote Originally Posted by ragincajun10 View Post
    I'm not an RCAF member yet, key word "yet". But to say I have no skin in the game is BS. I paid full tuition for 5 years at UL and graduated in 2010. I may not be an RCAF member yet, but my wife and I are both alumni of UL. I'm the youngest of 6 kids and every single one of us graduated from UL (one of which played Cajun baseball) as well as one of my parents being an alum.

    So I think it's BS to call anyone that isn't an RCAF member "loosely connected" because I'm connected to this University at the hip.

    Now to be quite honest, until the other day, I didn't realize you could join the RCAF with an easy monthly donation.... that changes things a bit and I have already decided that I will be joining in January. So don't be so quick to judge people that aren't RCAF members... you have to remember that this thing was only started a few years ago and really it's still in its infancy. One thing the RCAF should focus on is marketing their donation options better. For instance, when I graduated I recieved a big ole packet of information about how to join the Alumni Association (which I did by the way), but nothing, nada, zip, about donating to RCAF. This needs to be addressed, and for all I know, maybe it has been since 2010... hopefully.

    rant off.

    Somebody make it be Friday already. NOLA can't get here soon enough.
    Come on RC10... I think people who fall into "very recent graduate" and many other similar categories are not who we are talking about here. You have your sights on joining RCAF. You are making that connection. And, there are avenues that qualify for close association with UL athletics that do not involve joining RCAF. But, those associations do not include 96% of the alumni. If those people claim to be concerned about the welfare of UL athletics, but do not join RCAF, I believe their connection is loose at best.

  6. #198
    Just1More's Avatar Just1More is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: Ticket sales to date

    Quote Originally Posted by RedBug58 View Post
    18 22
    - = - X = 51.333 or 51,333 peeps
    42 X

    Mathmatically Speaking
    That factor isn't a bad guess. I think ECU probably at least fits that ratio over SDSU.

  7. #199

    Default Re: Ticket sales to date

    All true.

  8. #200

    Default Re: Ticket sales to date

    Quote Originally Posted by Just1More View Post
    I consider a bandwagon fan someone that just jumps on the ride when times are good, but jumps back off if the ride isn't so good. Budgets don't really come into that person's ideals. The people that I was talking about aren't ever on the bandwagon. They are snobs. They are not UL fans and probably won't ever be.

    I didn't "intend" to insult anyone but the snobs. I consider fanship to be a large number of concentric circles. Some are up close and in the mix no matter what. Some are way out in the last circle and are very difficult to predict when they may or may not become engaged. A bandwagon fan traverses those circles as good and bad times dictate.

    "Loosely connected" is not an insult. And people can have good reasons for being loosely connected. I consider not being an RCAF member as a loose arrangement with UL. They call RCAF members "stakeholders". It's just about like anything else in life. Those that have some skin in the game are taken seriously. People that have no skin in the game, are not taken seriously.

    I am not antagonistic about RCAF. But, I'm not one of the members of RCAF that feels like begging certain people to join. I wanted RCAF before RCAF was created. I joined immediately. I see the value in it. Not because of something I have that others don't. I see it because I'm an alumni. I see it like this... I have teeth... they are my teeth... I don't have to have someone keep telling me to brush my own teeth. I brush "my teeth" because I saw value in it a long time ago. I shouldn't have to explain to a UL alumni why they should be a member of RCAF. But, those that aren't... yet give their opinion on how UL runs their business... their opinions don't count... yet. If they truly can't afford $100 a year... I'd say they are also not in a position to be posting on here. They need to go make some money.
    Don't you think having a degree from UL makes you a stake holder? I would think so. They spent more money on UL than most RCAF members. I became a member this year because I could afford it and we finally have a good product on the field. I will probably never be a season ticket holder because I can't make many games and I don't have the disposable income to just throw away like that. If I can afford it I will renew my membership and maybe even bump it up.

    I don't like how some on here drive fans away and try to define what makes someone a Cajun fan. I welcome all new fans. Their money is just as green as those that suffered through the final years of Stokley, Baldwin and Busted.

  9. #201

    Default Re: Ticket sales to date

    I don't like how some on here drive fans away and try to define what makes someone a Cajun fan. I welcome all new fans. Their money is just as green as those that suffered through the final years of Stokley, Baldwin and Busted.


  10. UL Football Re: Ticket sales to date

    RC10 remember the goal, you, and one friend or relative every year. Him and a friend or relative every year or month. If everyone joins at the minimum level who knows how far this could go.

    For some who see no value in RCAF membership because of distance they do not but tickets. Join at the minimum level on a monthly basis, receive tax breaks and move your school's athletics forward. If you are one who does not care about football, or sports join the foundation with exactly the same process and move the academics of YOUR college forward enhancing YOUR degree.

    If every one of our 80K plus alumni gave only a minimum of $100.00 every year, that would be $8,000,000.00 going into the foundation or RCAF. Split them evenly and you enhance the foundation and the RCAF by four million a year.

    In the end the only people limiting the advancement of UL are itself, and alumni.

  11. Default Re: Ticket sales to date

    Quote Originally Posted by alum81 View Post
    I don't like how some on here drive fans away and try to define what makes someone a Cajun fan. I welcome all new fans. Their money is just as green as those that suffered through the final years of Stokley, Baldwin and Busted.


    Years ago I attended the spring games, fall practices, traveled to hell hole gyms across the Southland Conference and yes, gave USL/UL my hard earned money. Some people are blessed to continue this lifestyle for decades. Most do not. Many things come into a fan's, work, relocation, children and health to name a few things that change priorities. Nobody needs to get disjointed because someone is perceived as a non-RCAF member, or a band wagon jumper. There was a time Cajun field was an empty tomb and people waited for basketball season to come ASAP. Don't let winning go to anyone's head, it is all a cycle. It is just our turn...finally. Enjoy the moment. Just remember, pride preceeds the fall...
    Last edited by ZoomZoom; December 17th, 2012 at 09:17 pm. Reason: sp

  12. #204

    Default Re: Ticket sales to date

    As I recall the UL ticket office closed sales for the New Olreans bowl at 6pm tonight...anybody know the final final head count?

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