I consider a bandwagon fan someone that just jumps on the ride when times are good, but jumps back off if the ride isn't so good. Budgets don't really come into that person's ideals. The people that I was talking about aren't ever on the bandwagon. They are snobs. They are not UL fans and probably won't ever be.
I didn't "intend" to insult anyone but the snobs. I consider fanship to be a large number of concentric circles. Some are up close and in the mix no matter what. Some are way out in the last circle and are very difficult to predict when they may or may not become engaged. A bandwagon fan traverses those circles as good and bad times dictate.
"Loosely connected" is not an insult. And people can have good reasons for being loosely connected. I consider not being an RCAF member as a loose arrangement with UL. They call RCAF members "stakeholders". It's just about like anything else in life. Those that have some skin in the game are taken seriously. People that have no skin in the game, are not taken seriously.
I am not antagonistic about RCAF. But, I'm not one of the members of RCAF that feels like begging certain people to join. I wanted RCAF before RCAF was created. I joined immediately. I see the value in it. Not because of something I have that others don't. I see it because I'm an alumni. I see it like this... I have teeth... they are my teeth... I don't have to have someone keep telling me to brush my own teeth. I brush "my teeth" because I saw value in it a long time ago. I shouldn't have to explain to a UL alumni why they should be a member of RCAF. But, those that aren't... yet give their opinion on how UL runs their business... their opinions don't count... yet. If they truly can't afford $100 a year... I'd say they are also not in a position to be posting on here. They need to go make some money.