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Thread: #6 Qyendarius Griffin

  1. #73

    Default Re: #6 Qyendarius Griffin

    There are a lot of people on here saying Griffin suffers from a lack of character. I don't think anyone on here knows Griffin well enough to speak about his character. Period.

  2. #74

    Default Re: #6 Qyendarius Griffin

    he has a pretty entertaining facebook wall so he gets an A+ from me

  3. #75

    Default Re: #6 Qyendarius Griffin

    Right or wrong, harmful or not, legal or illegal, implying that his inner city cultural background is an excuse does not fly with me. There are 60 or 70 other kids on that team with a similar cultural background that chose to abide by the rules.....or either heed the warnings after a single failed test. Team rules broken. Repeatedly. End of Story.

    Every single practice HUD goes over 7 or 8 points that are their lifestyle covenant, rules, code of conduct, or whatever he calls them. One of them is "Don't do drugs."

  4. #76

    Default Re: #6 Qyendarius Griffin

    Quote Originally Posted by jumboragncajun View Post
    Right or wrong, harmful or not, legal or illegal, implying that his inner city cultural background is an excuse does not fly with me. There are 60 or 70 other kids on that team with a similar cultural background that chose to abide by the rules.....or either heed the warnings after a single failed test. Team rules broken. Repeatedly. End of Story.

    Every single practice HUD goes over 7 or 8 points that are their lifestyle covenant, rules, code of conduct, or whatever he calls them. One of them is "Don't do drugs."
    You mean like Lance Kelley?

  5. #77

    Default Re: #6 Qyendarius Griffin

    Quote Originally Posted by Camz View Post
    he has a pretty entertaining facebook wall so he gets an A+ from me
    Just checked it out...agree with you 1000 percent

  6. #78


    Quote Originally Posted by Camz View Post
    yea no one said it's wrong for him to be dismissed from the team. I think everyone can agree that if you break agreed upon rules then you face the consequences. I was just asking that guy about him drinking beer but thinking pot should never be legal(lol). But as Z said let's keep this on topic.

    Thoughts on if he'll catch on with another school?
    Perhaps he should transfer to a school in Colorado.

  7. #79

    Default Re: #6 Qyendarius Griffin

    that brings up an interesting point. How will sports programs within those two states respond to this legislation?

  8. #80

    Default Re: #6 Qyendarius Griffin

    Quote Originally Posted by stpacronym View Post
    Just checked it out...agree with you 1000 percent
    before he played a game for us i checked it out and there was a picture of him cutting grass with no shirt on that for some reason cracked me up

  9. #81


    Quote Originally Posted by Camz View Post
    that brings up an interesting point. How will sports programs within those two states respond to this legislation?
    The NCAA isn't changing their rules so that should settle that.

  10. #82

    Default Re: #6 Qyendarius Griffin

    Quote Originally Posted by CrappDaddy View Post
    And based on this it appears you are not really in touch with what goes on these days. Pot is a cultural thing alright, American culture. Pot isn't confined to inner city black kids. The ones who do it, chose to do it. They know it is illegal but they choose to do it. These actions are a product of character, not culture.
    I do not disagree kids from all socioeconomic back grounds today use pot and it is their choice. But you have totally missed my point which is in some cultures kids witnesss their roll models smoking pot as in some cultures kids see their roll models drinking a beer or 2 Those in the middle to upper class I would guess did not see their parents doing so. This is a general statement and I am not suggesting it is so in Quinn's case.

  11. #83
    Just1More's Avatar Just1More is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: #6 Qyendarius Griffin

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRebel View Post
    There are a lot of people on here saying Griffin suffers from a lack of character. I don't think anyone on here knows Griffin well enough to speak about his character. Period.
    I agree with you on this basis... if playing football, being on scholarship, and being on the team he left Mississippi and worked very hard to be on... isn't important to him anymore... he may not suffer from a "lack of character". If Q is standing his ground - a rebel of sorts - and places his use of pot above football and his scholarship... I can't argue with you about holding off on indicting his character. If he cares about no longer being on the team, and on scholarship, he currently has character flaws that he needs to address.

  12. #84

    Default Re: #6 Qyendarius Griffin

    Quote Originally Posted by Zeebart21 View Post
    This thread is about a kid breaking rules. Apparently more than once. Whether you think the rules are too harsh or too leniant it doesnt matter. We have had this useless discussion before. No one won the argument.
    That's really what it's all about. Whether you agree or not with a law ( or rule), you have to be ready for the consequences of breaking it.

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