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Thread: Stewart accepts responsibility

  1. Default Stewart accepts responsibility

    Too short to reach without a boost, his knees too worn to make the jump on their own and safely absorb the landing, Greg Stewart steps up onto a chain-link fence and lifts himself that way to reach the Ragin' Cajuns football team's core value sign.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Stewart accepts responsibility

    This was a pretty good article that makes me feel a little better about our defense. Hopefully they can come out determined against ULM. God knows we need them to play their best game all season if we're gonna beat Monroe.

    “They way they took the field, the way they practiced (Saturday) — you could see the want-to in their eyes,” Stewart said. “I am so proud to have the group that I’ve got doing what we’re doing right now.
    Did this remind anyone else of Les Miles? haha

  3. Default Re: Stewart accepts responsibility

    I agree

  4. #4

    Default Re: Stewart accepts responsibility

    Without the turnovers I think the D would not be on the hot seat right now. They had no chance an were gassed by halftime.

  5. #5
    Just1More's Avatar Just1More is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: Stewart accepts responsibility

    The seat wouldn't be as hot... but it would be severely warm. I'm not the least bit upset that our prior uninjured offense having masked some gaps in our defense in the past may... just may get our defense in the HC's crosshairs for some needed critiquing. No doubt, however, that 5 TOs was a mountain few defenses could weather. If we don't find a way to keep our offense on the field against ULM, and not turn the ball over until we score... or at least punt for field position... then we are in for a rough day again defensively. We don't have a game changing (improving) defense right now.

    I'd sure love to see our running game find some success this Saturday. It'll probably decide our fate. I think we actually have a chance this weekend... the day won't be called "Tuesday"... and from what I saw... that is good for the Cajuns.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Stewart accepts responsibility

    you could see the want-to in their eyes,”

    Did this remind anyone else of Les Miles? haha

    Conway Twitty.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Stewart accepts responsibility

    Did he resign? Anything else is just "coach talk". The defense has been an embarrasment 2 weeks in a row on national TV.


  8. #8

    Default Re: Stewart accepts responsibility

    The defense was the question mark this year....but the offense was supposed to be better. Offense isn't near as explosive as last year and we ran the ball better too. What's up with the offense? Nobody seems to be asking that question. Too many 3 and outs this year...taking a toll on the defense.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Stewart accepts responsibility

    I did in another thread. Our inept running my at the heart of much of our problems, both on offense, as well as defense.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by SlickRick View Post
    The defense was the question mark this year....but the offense was supposed to be better. Offense isn't near as explosive as last year and we ran the ball better too. What's up with the offense? Nobody seems to be asking that question. Too many 3 and outs this year...taking a toll on the defense.
    We lost our starting qb

  11. #11

    Ragin' Cajuns Re: Stewart accepts responsibility

    Quote Originally Posted by bustleup View Post
    We lost our starting qb
    The offense was not very good with Blaine, either.

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by VObserver View Post
    The offense was not very good with Blaine, either.
    Last year was pretty good--yea this year was down

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