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Thread: Marlin Extension? After 2 years?

  1. #73

    Default Re: Marlin's new contract

    Quote Originally Posted by jllanclos View Post
    No offense, because I believe Marlin could really bring something special here. But what has he done to earn a 5 year extension? Seriously?
    well the win total has increased every year he's been here

  2. UL Football Re: Marlin's new contract

    Seems to me this is a second announcement for a contract extension for Marlin this year. I guess the one we heard about earlier this year was a to do list from Farmer. Good to see he got his homework assignment in on time. Now if only the Master Plan could be deployed on time, oh wait that time already is past.

  3. #75

    Default Re: Marlin's new contract

    Quote Originally Posted by jllanclos View Post
    No offense, because I believe Marlin could really bring something special here. But what has he done to earn a 5 year extension? Seriously?
    Its been mentioned that this was in the works for a while now, but they re-did Hud's deal first I believe.

    Even still, he's won the 2nd most games in conference over the last 2 seasons. Not saying it should happen one way or another, just pointing that out

  4. Default Re: Marlin's new contract

    This sounds like a great move, from a "paper" test. UL is willing to shell out bigger money for quality coaches - then give them the best facilities quickly there-after (ie. master plan). I think this is a show by the athletic department to get ready for a jump to a higher group of athletics. I'm pumped about this!

  5. #77

    Default Re: Marlin's new contract

    Quote Originally Posted by moorecajun View Post
    or 3. They had previous discussions about the extension but mutually agreed to wait because of Hud's extension. A sign of good faith on each part. And if I heard correctly, the additonal monies are tied into meeting certain goals; nothing wrong with that. (and I agree with your #1)
    No. 3 is more accurate in this case.

  6. #78

    Default Re: Marlin's new contract

    If Bobby Big Fish can find 2 more sharp shooters an 2 more big men that are close to Shawn Long we will be scary good.

  7. #79

    Default Re: Marlin's new contract

    Happy to have Coach Marlin around for while.

  8. Default UL men's hoops coach Marlin gets five-year extension

    UL has finalized a new five-year contract with basketball coach Bob Marlin that includes both a $125,000 annual pay raise to $400,000 per year and increased buyout terms for both sides.

    Homes SO Clean

  9. #81

    Default Re: Marlin's new contract

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajun_in_NM View Post
    This sounds like a great move, from a "paper" test. UL is willing to shell out bigger money for quality coaches - then give them the best facilities quickly there-after (ie. master plan). I think this is a show by the athletic department to get ready for a jump to a higher group of athletics. I'm pumped about this!
    I am very excited myself. I'm more concerned where the 6 mill in the budget will come from than coaching salaries... however we are showing a commitment where we can immediately. Hopefully this with the master plan and a football stadium upgrade upcoming will be enough.

  10. #82

    Default Re: Marlin's new contract

    I am all for Marlin because if he is successful that means the Cajuns are successful but most people are right i.e. he has done nothing to deserve an extension. This is more of a sign of faith than anything else. Its like we just forgot about the first two years. I am so glad Hudspeth hit the ground running and is fully deserving of his increases. That said; I hope there are some really meaningful goals and if we do not obtain them than we can both move on without a significant loss of time. I am concerned because of the way they treated Lee. He got treated way better than he deserved based on the results of his work and I would hate to be tied into a scenario where we must put off the progress we all expect for what has always been our premier program at UL just because someone is trying hard. Forgive me but I am a results oriented guy - no points for trying hard!

  11. #83
    douglas's Avatar douglas is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Fan for Sure

    Default Re: Marlin's new contract

    I'd say from dumpster fire to .500 while eradicating (hopefully) a locker room mutiny, grabbing Payton and long and finally welcoming back the coaches, players, tradition, fans and boosters that have been shunned for 40 years is progress in my book.

  12. #84
    douglas's Avatar douglas is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Fan for Sure

    Default Re: Marlin's new contract

    Everyone talks about new money, marlin not only truly respected Shipley but injected a good bit of revenue as well by just saying "thanks" in public.

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