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Thread: Marlin Extension? After 2 years?

  1. #37

    Default Re: UL, Marlin still talking extension

    Quote Originally Posted by Geaux View Post
    We don't have no where near the talent we had two years ago. Its going to be a long season buddy. I hope I am wrong. We are a long ways from the days of Brad, Orien, Dwayne and Chris. Those guys were fun to watch.
    I never said we did have the talent. He just asked to give one quality win during the Marlin tenure. So I did.

  2. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Bandwagon King View Post
    Biggest crock of crap I ever heard. . .

    EDIT: As far as the school proving it made a decision to hire the right guy. If that decision wasn't the right decision to begin with (IE a mistake) then why compound that bad choice with another by giving a guy who turned out to be the wrong guy more rope to hang the administration along with himself?
    This was the administrations stance with Robert Lee, Rickey Bustle, and Errol Rogers.

    The difference being -when the extensions were offered- none of them had close to a .500 career record at UL.

  3. #39

    Default Re: UL, Marlin still talking extension

    Quote Originally Posted by I_Bleed_RED View Post
    Well, many of them graduated the following year. Only two of those guys were "alienated"
    Check the record. I believe your numbers are skewed a little. Furthermore, how many alleged felons will be given scholarship offers only to have them rescended by the AD in the future? My position is strictly this. PROVE YOU ARE WORTHY before I/WE commit any mor money to you. Nobody has reasoned yet as to why this is necessary without that reasoning being totally flawed.

  4. #40

    Default Re: UL, Marlin still talking extension

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    This was the administrations stance with Robert Lee, Rickey Bustle, and Errol Rogers.

    The difference being -when the extensions were offered- none of them had close to a .500 career record at UL.
    And how did that work out for the school? Are any of those coaches there still? With the exception of hiring HUD, which had absolutely nothing & I MEAN ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with continuing to extend Bustle, did it do ANYTHING to make the school more productive or competitive? If so, would someone please provide a list?

  5. #41

    Default Re: UL, Marlin still talking extension

    Thank you BK, Thank you very much.

  6. #42

    Default Re: UL, Marlin still talking extension

    BWK- I'm not super happy with where the program stands at this point but there have been lots of hurdles for all to overcome. He is right at .500, had a bunch of bad apples to get rid of and Robert Lee didn't leave him a whole lot to work with. By letting the guys go (that needed to) he did set himself back but apparently the University supported him and think he made the right decision. Whats the alternative? Keep the bad apples, have them not play worth a darn and let him go after the year? Then we start over once again and try to rebuild.

  7. #43

    Default Re: UL, Marlin still talking extension

    Quote Originally Posted by Bandwagon King View Post
    Check the record. I believe your numbers are skewed a little. Furthermore, how many alleged felons will be given scholarship offers only to have them rescended by the AD in the future? My position is strictly this. PROVE YOU ARE WORTHY before I/WE commit any mor money to you. Nobody has reasoned yet as to why this is necessary without that reasoning being totally flawed.
    I feel like you are expecting the immediate success that Hud had on the field. There is a huge difference between the two. Hud was left with some talent to work with. Marlin was left with limited talent and a lot of seniors his first year. So he had to do a complete overhaul last year. He's made some mistakes but he's acknowledged those mistakes and taken the appropriate actions to correct them. I think that warrants a second chance. We're not talking about a raise here. We're just talking about giving him a few extra years to see if he can overcome this. Because chances are he wont be able to do it this year considering the players we've lost.

  8. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Bandwagon King View Post
    And how did that work out for the school? Are any of those coaches there still? With the exception of hiring HUD, which had absolutely nothing & I MEAN ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with continuing to extend Bustle, did it do ANYTHING to make the school more productive or competitive? If so, would someone please provide a list?
    Irrelevant, I posted those facts because you told Jay "Biggest crock of crap I ever heard" you just weren't listening for the other 3 examples.

    Besides, I posted how I felt for the aforementioned extensions.

  9. #45

    Default Re: UL, Marlin still talking extension

    Quote Originally Posted by I_Bleed_RED View Post
    I feel like you are expecting the immediate success that Hud had on the field. There is a huge difference between the two. Hud was left with some talent to work with. Marlin was left with limited talent and a lot of seniors his first year. So he had to do a complete overhaul last year. He's made some mistakes but he's acknowledged those mistakes and taken the appropriate actions to correct them. I think that warrants a second chance. We're not talking about a raise here. We're just talking about giving him a few extra years to see if he can overcome this. Because chances are he wont be able to do it this year considering the players we've lost.
    I wish more than you do that I wouldn't be making the previous posts I have made. As for immediate success, I was stunned with coach HUD's immediate success. It was a testament to the character of the previous staff's recruits that stuck it out through all the pain of change that HUD demanded. That change did not come with 100% commitment though. There were players who did not make the transition, but were able to see that they could not make the transition & bowed out gracefully. There were still others who realized that the HUD way of doing things wasn't for them at later dates & transferred at the end of the first season. Those are no longer there. Still, those dropoffs did not keep the HUD machine form accomplishing many of it's tasks. The HUD machine is now in it's second season & it is becoming apparent that the commitment level by these young men is once again paying BIG dividends to the school as well as to them personally.

    I am not nearly as convinced about the Marlin machine. Here is an opportunity for you or others to educate me. I thought Marlin's initial deal was for five years. If this is not right please correct me. I will ask this question & post my rebuttal to any who may answer, then I will get off this topic unless I need to answer any posts who may challenge my thoughts. It is very simple for me. Why reward mediocrity? The only reasonable conclusion to rewarding mediocrity is the production of more mediocrity. Anyone feel free to rebut. Again, for the record, I hope you guys who are firmly entrenched in Coach Marlin's corner are able to tell me how wrong I was while I'm putting dome foam in your cup at a future date.

  10. #46

    Default Re: UL, Marlin still talking extension

    Quote Originally Posted by Bandwagon King View Post
    I wish more than you do that I wouldn't be making the previous posts I have made. As for immediate success, I was stunned with coach HUD's immediate success. It was a testament to the character of the previous staff's recruits that stuck it out through all the pain of change that HUD demanded. That change did not come with 100% commitment though. There were players who did not make the transition, but were able to see that they could not make the transition & bowed out gracefully. There were still others who realized that the HUD way of doing things wasn't for them at later dates & transferred at the end of the first season. Those are no longer there. Still, those dropoffs did not keep the HUD machine form accomplishing many of it's tasks. The HUD machine is now in it's second season & it is becoming apparent that the commitment level by these young men is once again paying BIG dividends to the school as well as to them personally.

    I am not nearly as convinced about the Marlin machine. Here is an opportunity for you or others to educate me. I thought Marlin's initial deal was for five years. If this is not right please correct me. I will ask this question & post my rebuttal to any who may answer, then I will get off this topic unless I need to answer any posts who may challenge my thoughts. It is very simple for me. Why reward mediocrity? The only reasonable conclusion to rewarding mediocrity is the production of more mediocrity. Anyone feel free to rebut. Again, for the record, I hope you guys who are firmly entrenched in Coach Marlin's corner are able to tell me how wrong I was while I'm putting dome foam in your cup at a future date.
    It's a much bigger blow when a basketball team loses a few players compared to a football team losing a few players. And if I had to guess, the number of scholarship football players that have left the team over the past 2 years is probably around the same number of basketball players we have lost over the past 2 years. The only difference is a basketball team dresses out 12 guys and a football team dresses out around 75.

    I was under the impression that this was his last year. That could be dead wrong but the way this thread sounded it seemed like he was in his last year. If he still has 3 more years then I too see no point in extending him right now. It will take more than 3 years for him to build the program and he will need an extension in the future but I would like to see if he can get this program on the right track over the next year or two before extending him. He still has enough years in his current contract to prove he's taking the program in the right direction. So there's no point in extending him right now assuming he has 3 years left.

  11. #47

    Default Re: UL, Marlin still talking extension

    Quote Originally Posted by BananaHammock View Post
    BWK- I'm not super happy with where the program stands at this point but there have been lots of hurdles for all to overcome. He is right at .500, had a bunch of bad apples to get rid of and Robert Lee didn't leave him a whole lot to work with. By letting the guys go (that needed to) he did set himself back but apparently the University supported him and think he made the right decision. Whats the alternative? Keep the bad apples, have them not play worth a darn and let him go after the year? Then we start over once again and try to rebuild.
    Besides JJ and Ramone who were the bad apples? There is no way Marlin was trying to run off all of those players. He then compounded his problem by recruiting no one who would be considered a top flight talent. I do not see anyone here calling for Marlin's head(yet), but it is ludicrous to be talking extension when he has not won and has alientated almost everyone of his own recruits.

  12. #48

    Default Re: UL, Marlin still talking extension

    Quote Originally Posted by MetryCajun View Post
    Besides JJ and Ramone who were the bad apples? There is no way Marlin was trying to run off all of those players. He then compounded his problem by recruiting no one who would be considered a top flight talent. I do not see anyone here calling for Marlin's head(yet), but it is ludicrous to be talking extension when he has not won and has alientated almost everyone of his own recruits.
    Sorry, I said I wouldn't comment on the subject again, but I can't help it. Did Marlin recieve the dreaded vote of confidence yet? If not, does e really need an extension?

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