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Thread: Marlin Extension? After 2 years?

  1. #25


    If he is committed to UL, meet the university in good faith and finish out your contract. As a coach you went .500, not .750 or even .600! You win or even win the West I am all for an extension. Lets take our emotions out and look at the big picture. Because of your decisions last season, can you win? We will see.

  2. #26


    Quote Originally Posted by BirdofParadise View Post
    How about the fact he had the balls to do the right thing? I would have given him the extension the day he stepped up. To answer your question further...

    When he made the decisions he did, we knew he was setting back his timetable. By giving him the extension you show you support those decisions as well and will not count a bad year because of these decisions against him. That will help the recruiting backlash and make a statement that the school believes it hired the right guy.
    This is a great stance if Marlin had run off just JJ and Ramone. No way he wanted to lose all of those players. Who's fault is it? I think the coach at least gets some of the blame. Marlin has several years on his contract. That should be sufficient to right the ship. No one should get an extention for running off players you were responsible for recruiting.

  3. #27

    Default Re: UL, Marlin still talking extension

    I'm good with extending Marlin's contract. He's made mistakes, but I think he's a good solid coach. I want to see more of what he can do, with the right type of players that can handle his style of coaching, I think we can have a great team. I still see huge potential. The man can coach, I have no doubt, he's proven that part. If he has learned what it takes to get players that can feel comfortable in his system and he learned from his mistakes of the past on how to handle the situations that come up, then the results on the court will be what we all want, a winning team. Mr. Farmer should know if Coach Marlin wants to be there or not. I have no reason not to trust his judgement at this point, and if he and Dr. Savoie think Coach Marlin deserves a new contract then I'm in support of it.

  4. #28

    Default Re: UL, Marlin still talking extension

    As long as he isn't getting some huge raise or something, I'm fine with an extension. He made the right choice cutting ties with certain people. But it will set us back a bit. Why not give him some extra years? If we didn't, then we'd be punishing him for doing the right (and tough) thing. He does not deserve a big raise but he does deserve a few extra years. I do feel he will leave the second a better school comes calling but I dont see a better school calling unless we have some sustained success for a few years.

  5. #29

    Default Re: UL, Marlin still talking extension

    Can anyone list the quality losses as well as ONE quality win so far in his tenure?

    We don't even have a quality schedule to get excited about. If you are on the let's keep it at under 2K crowd so you can drive in five minutes before the start of a horrically boring contest against another nobody team & be beck home within five minutes of most likely losing said contest ( check 30-31), then this is your man for sure. At elast give him another season to prove whether he is even worth keeping much less extending another season, much less more than that.

  6. #30

    Default Re: UL, Marlin still talking extension

    Quote Originally Posted by BirdofParadise View Post
    In thirteen years as a Division I head coach prior to this past season, Bob Marlin NEVER had issues with players like the problems he had last year.

    Track record tells me the coach was not the problem.

    Not suggesting he handled every single thing properly.....but if you're blaming him for all this, your way up a wrong tree on this one.
    So his previous track record indicates he will make a 180 degree turnaround with the program this season? Or just how long is this magical turnaround supposed to take?

  7. #31

    Default Re: UL, Marlin still talking extension

    Quote Originally Posted by Bandwagon King View Post
    Can anyone list the quality losses as well as ONE quality win so far in his tenure?

    We don't even have a quality schedule to get excited about. If you are on the let's keep it at under 2K crowd so you can drive in five minutes before the start of a horrically boring contest against another nobody team & be beck home within five minutes of most likely losing said contest ( check 30-31), then this is your man for sure. At elast give him another season to prove whether he is even worth keeping much less extending another season, much less more than that.
    We upset Central Florida last year. I'd call that a pretty quality win. And we went on an 11 game winning streak 2 years ago wich included some impressive wins over some of the top teams in the Sun Belt that year.

  8. #32

    Default Re: UL, Marlin still talking extension

    Quote Originally Posted by BirdofParadise View Post
    How about the fact he had the balls to do the right thing? I would have given him the extension the day he stepped up. To answer your question further...

    When he made the decisions he did, we knew he was setting back his timetable. By giving him the extension you show you support those decisions as well and will not count a bad year because of these decisions against him. That will help the recruiting backlash and make a statement that the school believes it hired the right guy.
    Biggest crock of crap I ever heard. So the coach needs an extension as a recruiting tool because it tells the players he is recruiting that they can take all the time they need to develop so they can take their time & not have any pressure on themsleves which will in turn do what? Give them the sense of urgency to work as hard as they can to become the best team possible ASAP? Bull crap. How about this for an incentive? DO YOUR JOB OR GET FIRED! If this guy has to have a two, three, four year or longer extension to do the job he ought be doing now, then how self-motivated is he to begin with? You have been getting away with this kind of loser reasoning WAY FAR too long without your reasoning being checked. The socialist way of providing a failure proof net is a one way ticket to failure. This guy needs to prove he deserves an extension before giving him one. PEROID!

    EDIT: As far as the school proving it made a decision to hire the right guy. If that decision wasn't the right decision to begin with (IE a mistake) then why compound that bad choice with another by giving a guy who turned out to be the wrong guy more rope to hang the administration along with himself?

  9. #33


    Quote Originally Posted by I_Bleed_RED View Post
    We upset Central Florida last year. I'd call that a pretty quality win. And we went on an 11 game winning streak 2 years ago wich included some impressive wins over some of the top teams in the Sun Belt that year.
    We don't have no where near the talent we had two years ago. Its going to be a long season buddy. I hope I am wrong. We are a long ways from the days of Brad, Orien, Dwayne and Chris. Those guys were fun to watch.

  10. #34

    Default Re: UL, Marlin still talking extension

    Quote Originally Posted by I_Bleed_RED View Post
    We upset Central Florida last year. I'd call that a pretty quality win. And we went on an 11 game winning streak 2 years ago wich included some impressive wins over some of the top teams in the Sun Belt that year.
    And what was the end result of that work by those players? You did what? You allienated ALL those guys & then replaced them with who? Now you want an EXTENSION!? Oh yeh, one extension coming right up.

  11. #35

    Default Re: UL, Marlin still talking extension

    I've already figured out that the school has made it's decision to extend him, or else there wouldn't be a breaking story about him being extended. I will state for the record that I think it is compounding one mistake with another MISTAKE. One being made trying to improve the status of your school, being totally understandable. The other being you realize you may not have the right man for the job & still showing your arrogance by compounding that honest mistake by a fool hearty decision.

  12. #36

    Default Re: UL, Marlin still talking extension

    Quote Originally Posted by Bandwagon King View Post
    And what was the end result of that work by those players? You did what? You allienated ALL those guys & then replaced them with who? Now you want an EXTENSION!? Oh yeh, one extension coming right up.
    Well, many of them graduated the following year. Only two of those guys were "alienated"

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