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Thread: Marlin Extension? After 2 years?

  1. UL Basketball Marlin Extension? After 2 years?

    With two seasons behind him, and practice for a third officially scheduled to begin tonight, Bob Marlin's run as head coach of the UL Ragin' Cajuns basketball team perhaps is about to get longer.

    According to a university spokesman, talks are under way to lengthen Marlin's current contract

    The rest of the story

  2. #2

    Default Re: UL, Marlin still talking extension

    Are we serious here!!!!! No, No and No!
    Marlin has a 30-31 record at UL. No one gets an extension for that! On top of that I have other issues with his tenure at UL.
    1. He applied for just about every open position this past summer.
    2. He has severely damaged UL's relationships with multiple local AAU and high school coaches in the local areas due to the way he handled those kids and his staff last season, even though some of it was warranted.
    3. HE HAS A LOSING RECORD, if he loses
    this year we are stuck with a lame duck coach!

    Scott Farmer, could this please wait until the season plays out?

  3. #3

    Default Re: UL, Marlin still talking extension

    I agree. I'm not ready to run him out of town, but what warrants an extension???

  4. #4

    Default Re: UL, Marlin still talking extension

    Farmer must not go to basketball games. No way Marlin should get an extention at this point.

  5. #5

    Default Re: UL, Marlin still talking extension

    I like Marlin and all, but here's a novel idea. How about a little FRIKIN WINNING first!!!!!!!!

  6. #6

    Default Re: UL, Marlin still talking extension

    Quote Originally Posted by Geaux View Post
    Are we serious here!!!!! No, No and No!
    Marlin has a 30-31 record at UL. No one gets an extension for that! On top of that I have other issues with his tenure at UL.
    1. He applied for just about every open position this past summer.
    2. He has severely damaged UL's relationships with multiple local AAU and high school coaches in the local areas due to the way he handled those kids and his staff last season, even though some of it was warranted.
    3. HE HAS A LOSING RECORD, if he loses
    this year we are stuck with a lame duck coach!

    Scott Farmer, could this please wait until the season plays out?
    Someone, please expound on this!

    The losing record, a perceived poor relationship with coaches,players, etc and just a general bad feeling about things have a lot of the Cajun faithful questioning the program.

    Positive remarks please...

  7. Default Re: UL, Marlin still talking extension

    Any current negatives the program has, are a direct result of 7 straight losing seasons prior to Marlin.

    If UL had great relationships with multiple local AAU coaches in the 7 years prior, it sure didn't help.

    He is totally on the right track and needs more than 3 years to do it following the hostage situation.


  8. #8

    Default Re: UL, Marlin still talking extension

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    Any current negatives the program has, are a direct result of 7 straight losing seasons prior to Marlin.

    If UL had great relationships with multiple local AAU coaches in the 7 years prior, it sure didn't help.

    He is totally on the right track and needs more than 3 years to do it following the hostage situation.

    Well said sir!

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    Any current negatives the program has, are a direct result of 7 straight losing seasons prior to Marlin.

    If UL had great relationships with multiple local AAU coaches in the 7 years prior, it sure didn't help.

    He is totally on the right track and needs more than 3 years to do it following the hostage situation.

    No, Robert Lee had a hostage situation from the Evans era and the implementation of APR. Marlin had some "head cases" but what coach doesent. It's your job to balance those egos and win. To be successful you have to do both. Marlin had the 5A player of the year and a crowd favorite along with his brother. Lee left Marlin a pipeline into any high school or AAU program in the area. Marlin's recent dismissals have damaged that. Trust me there are ways of handling situations other than the way he did. No one is in this guys corner and he is just looking for a security blanket for UL or anyone willing to sign him toa contract. Someone should have told Marlin about good ole Louisiana politics. Word gets around quick in athletic circles and it ain't good when talking about Marlin.

  10. #10

    Default Re: UL, Marlin still talking extension

    So.... Since he's trying to do it the right way.... And not play by the good ole boys rules.... You want to write him off? Sounds like a disgruntled AAU coach to me.

  11. #11

    Default Re: UL, Marlin still talking extension

    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Cajun View Post
    So.... Since he's trying to do it the right way.... And not play by the good ole boys rules.... You want to write him off? Sounds like a disgruntled AAU coach to me.
    Okay, I'll cut to the chase. So what's with all the rumors, dismissals, etc? Is it just BS, growing pains, and a few bad apples?

    And before you guys rip me a new one, I have renewed my season tickets and will be at the 'Dome!

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Cajun View Post
    So.... Since he's trying to do it the right way.... And not play by the good ole boys rules.... You want to write him off? Sounds like a disgruntled AAU coach to me.
    No you are misunderstanding me. If three or four coaches in a 80 mile radius start talking about how bad you handled their former players, the word gets around the district and then around the region. Then everyone closes their door on you in the area. Also can't forget how Marlin dismissed an assistant last season that had deep ties in the area for a long time. That also did not sit well with area coaches. That's politics my friend. Not fair, but sorry to tell you this is how the game is played

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