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Thread: Master Plan Voting

  1. #157

    Default Re: Master Plan Voting

    Quote Originally Posted by BlueDawg View Post
    I'm sure Parents love this....when students vote for fee hikes, as if a good college education is getting cheaper these days?! I love it when people say, "oh, its just $250 more per year?!" Tech did it, sure but there's gotta be a better way.
    I happen to have two at school at UL & I encouraged them to also vote for the fees. I also pledged to pay for their student fees if they carry a GPA which warrants it. Why? Becuase I understand what it will do to improve the university's standing throughout the region. I also believe that if there are going to be improvements, then those most affected or helped by those improvements should at least help carry the burden of the load. I commend the students who got out & voted for these university improvements.

  2. #158


    Quote Originally Posted by Bandwagon King View Post
    I happen to have two at school at UL & I encouraged them to also vote for the fees. I also pledged to pay for their student fees if they carry a GPA which warrants it. Why? Becuase I understand what it will do to improve the university's standing throughout the region. I also believe that if there are going to be improvements, then those most affected or helped by those improvements should at least help carry the burden of the load. I commend the students who got out & voted for these university improvements.
    People like you are going to rocket UL past schools like Tech in the near future!

  3. #159

    Default Re: Master Plan Voting

    Well ______ techalum, why did you have to go all crazy and make sense like that, now we can't lump all you _____e$ into one stereotype

  4. #160

    Default Re: Master Plan Voting

    so, I calculated that we will get at minimum $1 million per fall and spring semester, saw one UL person on the SunBelt BBS board calculate as high as $1.8 million (assuming that's also for the normal fall and spring semesters). Taking into account that $1-1.8 million range per fall and spring semester, added to whatever we get from the summer and winter-intersession semesters, how long will it take to fund this master plan using these student fees? Keep in mind that one figure I saw by a UL fan said the Athletic master plan by itself will be around $80 million. My other question is whether or not this student fee will be the only source of funds for the Master plan, or does the university have other avenues to help contribute to this plan? If the student fee is the sole source of revenue for this master plan, I calculated that it would take at least 20-25 years to fund the Athletic Master plan alone.

    Peace out y'all. Be happy, cuz Tuesday's almost here! God Bless!

  5. #161

    Default Re: Master Plan Voting

    Quote Originally Posted by Sid View Post
    so, I calculated that we will get at minimum $1 million per fall and spring semester, saw one UL person on the SunBelt BBS board calculate as high as $1.8 million (assuming that's also for the normal fall and spring semesters). Taking into account that $1-1.8 million range per fall and spring semester, added to whatever we get from the summer and winter-intersession semesters, how long will it take to fund this master plan using these student fees? Keep in mind that one figure I saw by a UL fan said the Athletic master plan by itself will be around $80 million. My other question is whether or not this student fee will be the only source of funds for the Master plan, or does the university have other avenues to help contribute to this plan? If the student fee is the sole source of revenue for this master plan, I calculated that it would take at least 20-25 years to fund the Athletic Master plan alone.

    Peace out y'all. Be happy, cuz Tuesday's almost here! God Bless!
    Luckily, it won't have to all be paid up front. I'm not a fan of going into debt, but if we have a guaranteed cash flow that is truly dedicated to only that note, I don't see much of a problem with it. If we keep winning on the field and the classroom, it will speed the process up considerably.

  6. Default Re: Master Plan Voting

    Quote Originally Posted by njustice View Post
    Luckily, it won't have to all be paid up front. I'm not a fan of going into debt, but if we have a guaranteed cash flow that is truly dedicated to only that note, I don't see much of a problem with it. If we keep winning on the field and the classroom, it will speed the process up considerably.
    ----Savoie Doctrine-----Low rates ---low costs---guaranteed source of income------Build NOW!!! Hope I am not putting words in his mouth, but sure sounds good to me!!! Can our Banker coach maybe come on here and explain the whole bond and debt and financing part of the plan????

  7. Default Re: Master Plan Voting

    Quote Originally Posted by Boomer View Post
    ----Savoie Doctrine-----Low rates ---low costs---guaranteed source of income------Build NOW!!! Hope I am not putting words in his mouth, but sure sounds good to me!!! Can our Banker coach maybe come on here and explain the whole bond and debt and financing part of the plan????
    Well Boom Cajun Field was financed and that has worked out well.

    Dr. Savoie showed that the athletic department has at least $1 million in disposable income, and now thanks to the students he won't have to tap it again.

    Now if 12 thousand students averaged 15 hours per semester (x2) you would raise $2.7 million a year. I know there are 16 thousand students and they average less than 15 hrs . . . still.

    Now (just for lump numbers sake) if athletics could chip in $1.3 million a year, UL would have $4 miliion a year for improvements.

    Back to the original Cajun Field model . . . $4 million a year if used to pay a 20 year note, with an interest rate as high as 7.4% could build $500 million worth of projects . . . NOW.

    Geaux Cajuns

  8. Default Re: Master Plan Voting

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    Well Boom Cajun Field was financed and that has worked out well.

    Dr. Savoie showed that the athletic department has at least $1 million in disposable income, and now thanks to the students he won't have to tap it again.

    Now if 12 thousand students averaged 15 hours per semester (x2) you would raise $2.7 million a year. I know there are 16 thousand students and they average less than 15 hrs . . . still.

    Now (just for lump numbers sake) if athletics could chip in $1.3 million a year, UL would have $4 miliion a year for improvements.

    Back to the original Cajun Field model . . . $4 million a year if used to pay a 20 year note, with an interest rate as high as 7.4% could build $500 million worth of projects . . . NOW.
    --Thanks T-Bine----One additional note that the stadium was paid off by the revenue from EVANGELINE DOWNS---when the debt was paid the funds stopped flowing----here lies the screw up--should have continued the money to pay for damage or improvements!!! Think I am correct about this---Who is our History Coach????

  9. #165

    Default Re: Master Plan Voting

    That is correct. The bill was pushed by Sr. Mouton either during McKeithen's last year or Edwards first. (Pretty sure it was Edwards first, but when you're as old as I am, dates have a way of slipping by.) The money was dedicated to paying off the bond for the stadium, so when it was paid of, the money stopped.

  10. Default Re: Master Plan Voting

    Quote Originally Posted by covcaj View Post
    That is correct. The bill was pushed by Sr. Mouton either during McKeithen's last year or Edwards first. (Pretty sure it was Edwards first, but when you're as old as I am, dates have a way of slipping by.) The money was dedicated to paying off the bond for the stadium, so when it was paid of, the money stopped.
    ----And we thank you sir for your input---I kind of remember that Edwards came to a game and it was raining big time and the area of our parking lot was all grass and cars getting stuck----he said that this would be paved and I guess a LOT of it was!!!

  11. #167

    Default Re: Master Plan Voting

    Funding for the new Student Union was passed in 2003 and it has taken 9 years to get started. Can't do that again. We are too far behind. Finalization of the Master Plan needs to happen before the end of the year. Efforts to secure financing need to start now. Pay as you go is not the way to go. A lot of this is revenue generating. The sooner it is completed, the sooner the revenue is available. Maybe next time we need to fund something, we won't need a student assessment.

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