The group of young, French-speaking professionals known as FrancoJeunes is invading Johnson's Boucanière for its third Piastres en Masse, an event aimed at promoting both the French language and businesses that offer services in French. These events both bring attention to different area businesses as well as provide a financial boost on a set date.
Johnson’s Boucanière is distinguished by its specialty meats, sandwiches and finger-lickin’ good plate lunches. Saturday’s attendees are encouraged to visit Johnson’s between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. and spend at least $10 and speak French, even if it is basic words like “merci” and “bonjour.”
The previous two Piastres en Masse were held over the summer at Bibi’s Patisserie and Breaux’s Mart. “Piastres en Masse is an excellent initiative that shows the public that the French language is still here and used every day,” said Breaux’s Mart owner Karl Breaux in a press release. “It’s a continuation of our heritage, and it’s great for business.”
“The business owners are valorized as being Franco-responsible, and we come one step closer to creating the bilingual ecosystem for which Lafayette has so much potential,” said FrancoJeunes President Mandy Migues said in the press release.
Johnson’s Boucanière is located at 1111 St. John St. downtown.
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