The idea of a collegiate housing scholarship always kind of amused me. Traditionally, colleges give scholarships to people who are excellent at sports, such as football or tennis. In other words, colleges love people who are not Tim Landry. Imagine my surprise when I learned, not long after my high school graduation, that UL selected me for one such scholarship.

"Wow," I said, holding the letter. "I guess they heard about how great I am at ... living in a house."

Naturally, I'm kidding. It was my spectacularly mediocre grades that earned me one free pass to dormville. I got to thinking about my dorm experiences fairly recently, when a friend of mine (who, by the way, is frustratingly also named Tim) started sharing his dorm memories.

"My roommate always kept the place freezing!" said Sam's Choice Tim. "Man, it was rough!"

The rest of the story

Tim Landry
Times of Acadiana