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Thread: For a school that prides itself with its marketing program......................

  1. #13

    Default Re: For a school that prides itself with its marketing program..................

    Quote Originally Posted by Chop View Post
    There is no law that says the University is required to do that, but yet they do that to themselves and complain about others when they do the same thing.
    Actually, during the paranoia of the name change, either the board of supervisors or the legislature spelled out the exact proportion between Louisiana and Lafayette. For instance, if the word Louisiana appeared in a university logo, Lafayette had to appear at 40% of the size of the word Louisiana.

    Someone may be able to link that document.

    As for your RCAF story, the girl should be given another job immediately.

  2. #14

    Default Re: For a school that prides itself with its marketing program..................

    Quote Originally Posted by Chop View Post
    This University does a ____ poor job of marketing its athletic program.

    I think the only person that gets it is HUD.

    Everyone always seems to start a thread anytime XYZ newspaper or so and so broadcaster uses the name UL-Lafayette.

    But its own people do the same thing.

    I can walk on the campus of UL and I see Lafayette all over the place.
    There is no law that says the University is required to do that, but yet they do that to themselves and complain about others when they do the same thing.

    I go to the RCAF function the other night and you have one of your own head coaches get on the stage and refer to your own team as UL Lafayette.

    This is a head coach of the university that is doing this.

    So you walk on the University and see Lafayette everywhere which they are not required to do.
    You go to an RCAF function and your own head coach calls it UL Lafayette.
    You go to the University bookstore and see it in there.

    And then you wonder why the rest of the country does the same thing.

    UL is its own worst enemy.

    Its time for this school to take a stand and do its own marketing and change things from the inside out and not the outside in.

    Let me tell you a little story about when I signed up for the RCAF last October.

    I called up the number to sign up for the RCAF last October.

    I asked the girl who answered the phone what donation level would I need to get a parking pass for the 2012 football season.

    She told me that the membership runs from Jan to December of the calendar year so if I give money now(October) it would not be valid for the next football season.

    I have no problem with her being upfront to me at that moment.
    But the real problem I had is what happened next.

    So I tell the girl thats no big deal I will go ahead and give $250 for this year(2011) and then give another $250 at least for next year which will get me the parking pass.

    She then did something that blew my mind.

    She tried to talk me out of giving the $250 for 2011 because it would not go towards getting the parking pass for 2012.

    She basically told me (I kid you not) that if I sent $250 now(October 2011) that I would be WASTING my $250 for nothing! Because I would then have to start all over again 2 months later.

    She went on and on about since RCAF membership is a January to December deal that I would be wasting my money by giving money in October because it would only be good for 2 months.

    My jaw was almost on the floor at this point.

    I had to insist 4 or 5 times that that did not matter to me, that I was cool with that, that that was ok.
    I will go ahead and pay the $250 now and another at least $250 in January.

    She thought that was the craziest thing she ever heard.
    She said (are you sure you want to do this) 3 or 4 times before she finally relented and let me give my debit card info.

    The very true story I just told is a very sad story.
    This story tells me that the main problem is internal.

    The story I just told has absolutely 0 to do with athletic budget. NONE. It does not matter if UL has a 10mil budget or a 200mil budget. This problem has nothing to with budget, or outside forces.
    This is an internal problem.

    Everyone seems to be so excited about the football program right now, and rightfully so.
    But im afraid the way things are being run over here with absence of any vision or marketing whatsoever coach HUD has turned into some sort of band-aid.

    He is such a remarkable person, and so good at what he does that he is able to overcome his own University and succeed despite his employer.

    The problem is HUD is not going to be here forever.
    And once he leaves all these problems that persist in almost every other sport besides football and softball will rear its ugly head once again.

    I see very little if any improvement from the RA regime.
    I see beter results in the football program because of a remarkable head coach that is literally 1 in 1000 that is covering up for the rest of the programs problems.

    Lets not mistake results for progress.

    The paradigm was not shifted much if any since RA left.
    Have there been marginal improvements since he left? SURE
    But not nearly on the scale that many think.

    If someone like HUD would have been hired 10 years ago we would have got the same results until he left.
    A special coach can cover a lot of problems.

    The only thing this University has accomplished in the last 3 or 4 years was winning the coaching lottery.

    The baseball stadium situation was a complete joke, and I am mentally preparing myself for the same problem with the football stadium issue.

    Who am I to believe that if we could not get our act together for 7 mill project that all of a sudden things will go better with a 40 mil project.

    I can just hear Scott Farmer now saying "Well if someone wants to write a check for 40 million dollars we will remodel Cajun Field tomorrow."

    They make no attempt to try to get into a better conference. They just wait around for someone to beg them to move up to another conference.

    They sit around saying we are not ready yet for another conference.
    So we are not ready but FIU is?
    Tell me why FIU is ready.
    Tell me why LaTech is ready and your not.

    Are there obstructions in getting to a new conference?
    But at least let it be known to the football world that you want to move up.
    Make them tell you NO.Make them say your name. Make them pick up the phone and say sorry you are not invited.
    Dont assume they are going to say no. Dont tell the world your not ready. Dont let the world tell you what you can and cant do.

    The marketing is a joke.
    I have not seen any advertisement for season tickets other then a few signs on campus.

    We still have problems folks.
    And a lot of these (most) are internal.

    Most of the things that are correctable are cheap and requires little money. Just a tad of vision and organization.
    I think coach HUD has made the rest of the administration lazy.
    Just let HUD do his things and let the wins pile up.
    We will just sit around here acting like he is never going to leave and bask in his glory.

    UL has done a ____ poor job with the name issue.

    How can you expect ESPN to call us LOUISIANA when they walk on the campus and see Lafayette every time they turn there head.

    How can you expect ESPN to call us LOUISIANA when your own head coach of one of you own teams speaks at an RCAF function and calls his own team UL Lafayette?

    What do you expect them to call you.
    To have them call you something besides UL Lafayette would require them to call you something that you yourself dont call yourself.

    I have lots of other things I could say and might insert them into post, but this thread is already running way too long.

    Im out for now.

    Enjoy the HUD while he is here because once he leaves all these internal problems that have not been fixed will rear its ugly head once again.

    Enjoy every victory, every last game. This is lightning in a bottle like I have never seen.

    Because we will return to the old era once again if these problems are not corrected.
    DING! DING! We have a Winner!

  3. Default Re: For a school that prides itself with its marketing program..................

    Quote Originally Posted by SlappyCajun View Post
    Actually, during the paranoia of the name change, either the board of supervisors or the legislature spelled out the exact proportion between Louisiana and Lafayette. For instance, if the word Louisiana appeared in a university logo, Lafayette had to appear at 40% of the size of the word Louisiana.

    Someone may be able to link that document.
    It is the combo words "University of Louisiana" that trigger the edict. "Louisiana" by itself does not come under the scrutiny.

    D. All uses of the name "University of Louisiana" must be followed by the word "at" and the institution's geographic location. No typographic variations within the name are permitted. The word "at" must be no less than 50% and the geographic location must not exceed 100% nor be less than 80% of the University of Louisiana name. Any institutional use of "University of Louisiana" without the "at" and geographic location is prohibited.

  4. Default Re: For a school that prides itself with its marketing program..................


  5. #17

    Default Re: For a school that prides itself with its marketing program..................

    I can tell you that I canceled my subscription to the Advertiser (again) for going back to the tag on non-sports articles. They also call us ULL in the obituaries. How many of you Advertiser subscribers have cancelled your subscriptions?

    You have to support people who honor our wishes and not support people who don't. It's that simple.

    We're probably never going to have the kind of marketing at the university we'd like. I've seen this go on 40 years. Do what is within your control to further the cause.

    The masses (of which each of you are a member) determine what UL is called. You empower others. It's hard to stop a train.

  6. #18

    Default Re: For a school that prides itself with its marketing program..................

    You do realize, don't you, that obituaries are written by the families, and not by the Advertiser, right?

  7. Default Re: For a school that prides itself with its marketing program..................


  8. #20

    Default Re: For a school that prides itself with its marketing program..................

    Quote Originally Posted by BirdofParadise View Post
    You do realize, don't you, that obituaries are written by the families, and not by the Advertiser, right?
    Maybe that's just what "THEY" would have you believe...

  9. #21

    Default Re: For a school that prides itself with its marketing program..................

    Quote Originally Posted by BirdofParadise View Post
    You do realize, don't you, that obituaries are written by the families, and not by the Advertiser, right?
    They write the obituaries (I wrote my parents' obits), but when they wrote USL, or SLI, I was seeing "(now ULL)" every single time. I was also seeing "University of Louisiana at Lafayette." Right before I canceled my subscription I was never seeing UL or University of Louisiana. I think an editor is responsible for the tagging. At the same time, the flagship stiff got "LSU" and "Louisiana State University" on their obits, not "Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College."

    If I die and see ULL on my obituary, I'm going to briefly return and give the editor and/or publisher responsible a cryptic punch in the nose. Nobody had better tag my write-up.

  10. #22

    Default Re: For a school that prides itself with its marketing program..................

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    It is the combo words "University of Louisiana" that trigger the edict. "Louisiana" by itself does not come under the scrutiny.

    D. All uses of the name "University of Louisiana" must be followed by the word "at" and the institution's geographic location. No typographic variations within the name are permitted. The word "at" must be no less than 50% and the geographic location must not exceed 100% nor be less than 80% of the University of Louisiana name. Any institutional use of "University of Louisiana" without the "at" and geographic location is prohibited.

    Do not remove the tag from this mattress under penalty of law. Now just who in Sam Hill has nothing more to do than monitor this type of activity anyway? Maybe that person needs to be relieved of their duties if they are drawing a salary from a public service job. Anyone who pays attention to a stupid rule like that & gives it any merit should also be relieved of their duties if they allow such foolishness to rule their decision making.

  11. #23
    Just1More's Avatar Just1More is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: For a school that prides itself with its marketing program..................

    Quote Originally Posted by Earl View Post
    Laughing out Loud at the people...
    Not nearly as loud as they are laughing at you, Earl.

  12. #24

    Default Re: For a school that prides itself with its marketing program..................

    Quote Originally Posted by Earl View Post
    Laughing out Loud at the people who think its legal to do so. You don't think it would of been done if the sate would allow UL L to do it? Silly cajuns!

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