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Thread: Athlete (2001-2003) Michael Southall

  1. #313

    Default Re: Southall Returns

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine
    Cheerleaders have historically gone through the same hassle in breaking through stereotypes.

    I think the crowds have been kind to both the new twist on an old tradition and the return of Michael Southall

    Here is a link to a couple of UL cheerleaders from 1922
    And I still think the game lacked beer and the Cajun Chicken.

    Here's an idea, we ought to have some enterprising students dress as beer vendors and seek donations for the program. Think about it, if we can't have beer, then shouldn't we give the money we would have spent on beer to the program? Isn't that the next best use of the dollar?

  2. Default Re: Southall Returns

    Quote Originally Posted by AstroCajun
    And I still think the game lacked beer and the Cajun Chicken.

    Here's an idea, we ought to have some enterprising students dress as beer vendors and seek donations for the program.
    IF we use the money for recruiting to mens sports we could call it a donation of "BEER BUCKS for YOUNG BUCKS" :confused:

    Geaux Cajuns

  3. #315

    Ragin' Cajuns Re: The New Michael Southall

    Well, I for one am excited about the b-ball season. I really think that we can do something special this in get an automatic NCAA bid without even winning the Sun Belt. I don't think this will be an issue because we should win the conference anyway, but I think that we should be in the position, by the time the tourney comes around, to be pretty much a solid bet on a big dance bid.

    Regarding the beer, I think that my podna CrazyCajun said it best: something is missing. I wasn't there, but the thought of the crew watching a ball game without a cold dome foam just sorta makes me scared and sad at the same time. Only 4 games till the dome return, though!

    As for the dancer...since I live on the other side of the globe, I was unaware of this until I saw the pics posted from the homecoming game. This is definately a different direction! I guess as long as he's happy and he can dance, there shouldn't be a problem. But he, along with everyone else on that dance team, is going to have to have THICK skin because there will be some tough tough crowds that will not be able to pass up the obvious shots. I'm sure they already know this. The good news is that it's a lot easier to tell people to F-off when your team is dominating. As long as we play solid basketball, who cares if there's a little fella out there shakin it...I've seen some of the girls in the past 10 years, and he can't be much worse of a dancer or looker than them! (ok that was mean, I apologize...)

    Bottom line is this: BIG football game tomorrow night, Beer will be back, and if we can get over 25 wins in basketball this season (which means we're playing great ball and go the the big dance) ... I just want to WIN!

    I miss that Cajun Chicken, too. His Micheal Jackson bit always killed me.

  4. #316

    Default Re: The New Michael Southall

    [As for the dancer...since I live on the other side of the globe, I was unaware of this until I saw the pics posted from the homecoming game. This is definately a different direction! I guess as long as he's happy and he can dance, there shouldn't be a problem.

    I will say this..........he's the best damn dancer in the bunch.

  5. #317

    UL Basketball What did Southall do

    I'm sick of hearing about disiplinary actions and not knowing what they are for. Can someone clear it up?

  6. Default Re: What did Southall do

    Quote Originally Posted by Doug
    I'm sick of hearing about disiplinary actions and not knowing what they are for. Can someone clear it up?
    He and OTHERS were late to practice or a team meeting I'm not sure which.

    Coach Lee is simply putting policy in stone and imo we shouldn't read to much into this.

    I will say this; if Southall, Turner and Fields are feeling sorry for themseles, they better be glad they don't play for Tom Coughlin. link

    Geaux Cajuns

  7. #319

    Default Re: What did Southall do

    Who's surprised? You surprised? I am not surprised!

  8. Default Re: What did Southall do

    Southall made a mistake, big deal.

  9. #321

    Default Re: What did Southall do

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine
    He and OTHERS were late to practice or a team meeting I'm not sure which.

    Coach Lee is simply putting policy in stone and imo we shouldn't read to much into this.

    I will say this; if Southall, Turner and Fields are feeling sorry for themseles, they better be glad they don't play for Tom Coughlin. link

    Why is this thread still up? Merge it with the other one it has all the info in that thread. This is the same topic we been talking about but yet you let this thread stay up. WHY???

  10. #322

    Default Re: What did Southall do

    Quote Originally Posted by NCAA or BUST
    Southall made a mistake, big deal.
    If it was his first, maybe I could write it off like that.

  11. Default Re: What did Southall do

    All I know is this.

    If this were ANY other coach in the contry we never would have heard about this. Southall would have played last night UL would have won and we would all be hunky-dory.

    As is, I find coach Lee to be a man if integrity who is trying to instll the same quality in his players. I still think he will succeed.

    Geaux Cajuns

  12. #324

    Default Re: What did Southall do

    Hey microshaft,

    Where you been buddy? Haven't heard from ya in like months. It must have coincide with the new found success in football. I wonder what hole you crawled into and then out of. Naw not really because I could really give a rats |||||. But I did miss your numerous whimsical posts. They really show the rest of us on this board the depth of your intelligence.

    I know you are really not a Cajun fan. Prolly not really a fan of anything. I know your type. You're like those people that slow down and crane your neck for every accident around. Usually when I'm trying to get to work. Opps, late for work. Now I'm suspended. Thanks shafty for you positive contribution to this world.

    P.S. I will take 0-4 as long as we run the table beginning Dec 17th.

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