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Thread: Athlete (2001-2003) Michael Southall

  1. #133

    Default Re: Southall

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunsmike
    Cameron will return regardless if Southall is on the team or not. He decided to represent Australia in the World University Games this summer rather than staying in school and graduating. He will now graduate in December. He made this decision when the NCAA changed the rule for Prop 48's getting their extra year. It used to be you had to graduate in four years to get the year back. Now you have to have 80% of your hours completed in four years to get the year back.
    I remember him talking about his unhappiness with the discipline of the team, (Southall/Williams/Boyd). He can return to UL, but he didn't necessarily have to return to the team. Like everyone else, I'm looking forward to seeing him develop and Southall as well (if I have to). I hope this doesn't bite Coach Lee in the butt...

  2. Default Re: Southall

    Academia is one hurdle, the race has many. Any info on the last "smoking" arrest hurdle which surely would violate parol? Apart from unhappiness of current team members viewing "Michael at any cost" as unfair; let's see, 4 strikes and you aren't out - what happens if Ms. temptress maryjane shows up for a date in middle of big victory run? Heard around town that couple of potential team members are eyeing overseas 6 figure salaries, similar to t-wade who acquired one but can negate if he gets NBA slot.

  3. #135

    Default Re: Southall

    Quote Originally Posted by Frontrow Fan
    Academia is one hurdle, the race has many. Any info on the last "smoking" arrest hurdle which surely would violate parol? Apart from unhappiness of current team members viewing "Michael at any cost" as unfair; let's see, 4 strikes and you aren't out - what happens if Ms. temptress maryjane shows up for a date in middle of big victory run? Heard around town that couple of potential team members are eyeing overseas 6 figure salaries, similar to t-wade who acquired one but can negate if he gets NBA slot.
    The charges from that last incident were dropped.

  4. #136

    Default Re: Southall

    Quote Originally Posted by Tripple Threat
    I remember him talking about his unhappiness with the discipline of the team, (Southall/Williams/Boyd). He can return to UL, but he didn't necessarily have to return to the team. Like everyone else, I'm looking forward to seeing him develop and Southall as well (if I have to). I hope this doesn't bite Coach Lee in the butt...
    I doubt he would return to school without being on the team. To do so would mean he would not have his scholarship. I can't see him paying his own way to graduate when he will have all expenses paid by continuing to be a member of the team. I understand your concern here from Chris's previous comments. From a basketball perspective, he will get lots of open looks at his threes with Southall down low.

  5. #137

    Default Re: Southall

    Quote Originally Posted by Rebel02
    I'll NEVER welcome back Southall to this team. He has screwed multiple times in his college career. Him coming back to the basketball program would be just as much a black eye for the university as the 1970s Death Penalty for the program.
    I believe in giving people a 2nd chance but how many chances has Southall had? 3, 4, 5 .. way to many in my opinion. This is rediculous, period!

  6. #138

    Default Re: Southall

    Quote Originally Posted by weareLOUISIANA
    You guys need to understand who is under the gun here....if Mike does mess up again, who takes the blame and responsibility??--Mike and The General. If he does great and this team reaches the Sweet 16 or beyond, who get the glory and the compliments??--Mike, his teammates, AND THE GENERAL. Do you guys have anything to lose from this? You wont lose your job over this situation. Another me a team in the Belt, or the entire NCAA, that has TWO 7'0"ers,(Cameron 6'11" respectively). If you can do that, name TWO that are better than Mike and Chris?? Cant do it!! They dont come around very often. Keep on saying that you wont have season tickets, cause come January/Febuary you will be in line with the rest of the bandwagoners. By the time March rolls around it wont even be a discussion whether or not he should have been on the team. Lets leave the coaching and decision making to the professionals, and leave the supporting to the supporters. Just a taste for you...7'0", 6'11", 6'9", 6'7", 6'5".........thats not very easy to guard, especially the First 2. GET ON THE BUS!!!
    Where is the final four this year?? Hey, just curious.........

  7. Default Re: Southall

    IF MS comes back, I think he and Dwayne will make quite a high flyin dynamic duo.

  8. #140

    Ragin' Cajuns Re: Southall

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRebel
    My 2 cents:

    When Southall's name is announced in the Cajundome and he steps out onto the court I won't be applauding him. I know I won't be the only one and I am sure we will hear a few boos as well.

    I have no respect for him and what he did to himself, his family, his team, and his fans. He doesn't deserve to be applauded and praised.

    But he can always change.
    I also have had my heart torn in pieces by the now infamous M. Southall....I also will not get my hopes up on him until he actually wears the vermilion and white uniform....I'm just against damning him as a person....If he responds to the Universities demands in a positive light...I'm all for seeing him particpate in a sport which I love to see individuals with his talent excell! Hell...I screwed up so much while attending UL...If the administration didn't give me a second chance...I would have probably have given into the "dark side" and be the reason you can't sleep at night!

  9. Default Re: Southall

    "I am really disappointed that he is welcomed back. It is like our Men's basketball program is in a desperate situation. If we need players with Troubled past to play on our team,then count me out for season tickets. I don't support programs that use potential problem children. This is the harshest statement I have ever made about Michael, I don't think this is a sound decision by the men's b'ball coaches and it may just back fire on them."

    Well if u dont support a program who brings in troubled players why have u been supporting the team for the last 7 years since the Evans ERA. Then if not our program,which program will u support, a program that buys there players???????

  10. Default Re: Southall

    Dont let me catch u at the cajundome when the cajuns are cutting down the nets ans southhall is dunking on everything........

  11. Default Re: Southall

    Quote Originally Posted by Rebel02
    How many times will everyone say, "He's learned his lesson. He's done what he's needed to do." Just remember, we've been through this before. I hope everyone doesn't get their hopes up too high. Everyone was looking forward to him at the start of the 2003-2004 season and what happened? Ineligible. What happened the next season when he was supposed to be back? He was in frickin jail. I'm not sold on all this "If Coach Lee thinks he's ready, then I'll welcome him back." I thought we learned our lesson when Jessie left for USF. I thought Coach Lee laid down the law. Looks like Coach Lee is looking for some W's, instead of doing what's right.

    See you at the game

  12. Default Re: Southall

    Quote Originally Posted by Tripple Threat
    I remember him talking about his unhappiness with the discipline of the team, (Southall/Williams/Boyd). He can return to UL, but he didn't necessarily have to return to the team. Like everyone else, I'm looking forward to seeing him develop and Southall as well (if I have to). I hope this doesn't bite Coach Lee in the butt...

    Did you yourself talk to Cris C about the discipline of boyd williams an southhall. if so what would cris have to say about boyds discipline, if i recall i dont think boyd was ever ineligible or caught with drugs or ever ever ever ever failed a drug test........................

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